* OCTOBER 2019 - Testing Thread *

Hi ladies.

Can I be added to the list please? Af is due 9th so I will be testing either this weekend (am 10dpo today) or on Monday.

Babydust to all x
You are on. Good luck hope to see the start of more bfp next week. Xx
Hey ladies,

Don’t know if I want to put my name down for testing yet, it’s always a bfn here, I usually bleed before I can think about picking up a test.. plus we may not even get to dtd at the right times this cycle, I have my smear test booked for just after ovulation, unless I ovulate late.. but I’m feeling lonely and want to have somewhere to chat crazy ttc stuff with if that’s okay.

This cycle I’ve started to make an effort to keep my feet always warm and going to continue this all month I hope. They’re always deathly cold (yes even in the warmest socks.. they’re so hard to get warm) and I’ve read before that cold feet can mean cold uterus so just maybe trying to keep them warm could help us get our sticky rainbow? I did only get pregnant once over summer so it could make some sense that my cold feet aren’t helping? Or maybe I’m just crazy. 6 years plus of ttc is enough to send me crazy right?

Lots of good luck for everyone this month x
Millie always welcome and always here for to chat ttc stuff. Never feel lonely hun <3

I suffer from cold feet too and also read the same thing about keeping your feet warm to keep your uterus warm.
I always put fluffy socks on when i get in from work and wrap myself up in my cosy blanket on the sofa.
They say you should put a hot water bottle on your uterus too in the 2ww but surely i would be hot enough to cook some bacon and eggs on haha! xx
Hey ladies,

Don’t know if I want to put my name down for testing yet, it’s always a bfn here, I usually bleed before I can think about picking up a test.. plus we may not even get to dtd at the right times this cycle, I have my smear test booked for just after ovulation, unless I ovulate late.. but I’m feeling lonely and want to have somewhere to chat crazy ttc stuff with if that’s okay.

This cycle I’ve started to make an effort to keep my feet always warm and going to continue this all month I hope. They’re always deathly cold (yes even in the warmest socks.. they’re so hard to get warm) and I’ve read before that cold feet can mean cold uterus so just maybe trying to keep them warm could help us get our sticky rainbow? I did only get pregnant once over summer so it could make some sense that my cold feet aren’t helping? Or maybe I’m just crazy. 6 years plus of ttc is enough to send me crazy right?

Lots of good luck for everyone this month x
Awww please don't feel lonely. We are all here. I have felt down last few days but better today and back in hope for the future. I am so sorry you have been trying for 6years that must be very difficult. I am diff in sense I can fall pregnant but for every reason not been able to go full term. All this trying messes with your mind and health but I am now going to try stay positive and you are very strong for coming on here and talking about everything. Hope you can put a date down and I so hope you get your rainbow baby soon. <3 <3 xxx :hugs:
Hi um I posted over in the “Am I Pregnant” forum if you want the full story but basically one app says I’m 3 days late and the other says I’m due tomorrow and normally my cycle is 26-31 days long and today is day 31. I’ve had no symptoms for PMS which is really unusual for me but I’m not sure when I should test if I miss tomorrow. Advice?
I am out this month ladies, I didn’t put a date down as I wasn’t sure on date but AF has struck me down :afalert:

I will hang around this thread though with hopes of many more BFPs this month.

This month wasn’t my month...but it will be one day x :mail:
I am out this month ladies, I didn’t put a date down as I wasn’t sure on date but AF has struck me down :afalert:

I will hang around this thread though with hopes of many more BFPs this month.

This month wasn’t my month...but it will be one day x :mail:

I am sorry to hear :( as you also said, I know your time is going to come soon <3 hang in there and sending you tons of love<3<3
Sorry @Kickingk
It’s always massive kick in the teeth when AF arrives.
Get on that sofa, under the cosy blanket and watch something on the tv that makes you smile xx
I am out this month ladies, I didn’t put a date down as I wasn’t sure on date but AF has struck me down :afalert:

I will hang around this thread though with hopes of many more BFPs this month.

This month wasn’t my month...but it will be one day x :mail:
Aw sorry this isn't your month. I hope soon we all get our babies. <3 <3 xx
I absolutely HATE the two week wait. I’d rather just know it not happening this cycle. Feeling fed up and emotional today :cry:
Where is everyone at so far?

I just hit cd8, not sure where the last week went. Guess I should start opks tomorrow? If I remember, I meant to last cycle to try work out cycle length but I forgot.
I should be CD10 if going from last bleed but with body all over the place just not sure. Here's hoping we get a + ovulation test soon and the 2ww goes fast. Good luck :clover:

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