October 2018 Testing Thread

Good morning girls, I have not read yet the conversation I will try before I go for work. AF arrived this morning, so I am out for this month. I got a terrible headache and 12 hours shift to do :faint:

Crumble, I'm so sorry xxx and having a Li g shift with a headache on top is not a good day. Take is easy x

I'm doing OK. Seem unable to sleep at night and have some horrible nightmares lst night. Truly awful. My tummy still feels weird and I feel a bit sick with sore boobs. No sign of AF which was due today or tomorrow so all positive so far.
My manager rang me last night for a welfare check. I really don't trust her as far as I could throw her. The care and concern was quickly followed with 'well you've triggered a level 1 sickness now so should I post that to you or ask you dh to bring it home?'. Felt like telling her to f off.

But she made a massive information governance error yesterday which she should report to higher management. She sent me a occi health referral and when I opened it, it wasn't mine! It was for my friend who nearly died last week. I emailed to tell her and she simply asked me to delete the email. I'm certain she will brush it u dear the carpet - that's the person she is. Anyway, rant over. I may drop her in it if she's a git to me in the next couple of weeks.
It's not nice knowing your boss is a snake. I hope to move teams but I don't Thu j I will :(
Good morning girls, I have not read yet the conversation I will try before I go for work. AF arrived this morning, so I am out for this month. I got a terrible headache and 12 hours shift to do :faint:

So sorry hun... Sending you loads of hugs!

I haven't had a line anymore since 2 days.. am just waiting for the bleeding to start. Having loads of cramps so am thinking AF is on the way...

Kitana, I'm so sorry to to hear that lovely :hug:
I'm doing OK. Seem unable to sleep at night and have some horrible nightmares lst night. Truly awful. My tummy still feels weird and I feel a bit sick with sore boobs. No sign of AF which was due today or tomorrow so all positive so far.
My manager rang me last night for a welfare check. I really don't trust her as far as I could throw her. The care and concern was quickly followed with 'well you've triggered a level 1 sickness now so should I post that to you or ask you dh to bring it home?'. Felt like telling her to f off.

But she made a massive information governance error yesterday which she should report to higher management. She sent me a occi health referral and when I opened it, it wasn't mine! It was for my friend who nearly died last week. I emailed to tell her and she simply asked me to delete the email. I'm certain she will brush it u dear the carpet - that's the person she is. Anyway, rant over. I may drop her in it if she's a git to me in the next couple of weeks.
It's not nice knowing your boss is a snake. I hope to move teams but I don't Thu j I will :(

Radley - i know i haven't even got to my ovulation yet but i had a very horrible dream last night too and i remembered it this morning. I never normally remember my dreams/nightmares when i wake up.
So glad AF isn't in site this is a good thing :) How many weeks are you now?

Wow your boss sounds like an awful human being. I would definitely be doing all i can to change teams so i wouldn't have to work for her. x
I'm doing OK. Seem unable to sleep at night and have some horrible nightmares lst night. Truly awful. My tummy still feels weird and I feel a bit sick with sore boobs. No sign of AF which was due today or tomorrow so all positive so far.
My manager rang me last night for a welfare check. I really don't trust her as far as I could throw her. The care and concern was quickly followed with 'well you've triggered a level 1 sickness now so should I post that to you or ask you dh to bring it home?'. Felt like telling her to f off.

But she made a massive information governance error yesterday which she should report to higher management. She sent me a occi health referral and when I opened it, it wasn't mine! It was for my friend who nearly died last week. I emailed to tell her and she simply asked me to delete the email. I'm certain she will brush it u dear the carpet - that's the person she is. Anyway, rant over. I may drop her in it if she's a git to me in the next couple of weeks.
It's not nice knowing your boss is a snake. I hope to move teams but I don't Thu j I will :(

Radley - i know i haven't even got to my ovulation yet but i had a very horrible dream last night too and i remembered it this morning. I never normally remember my dreams/nightmares when i wake up.
So glad AF isn't in site this is a good thing :) How many weeks are you now?

Wow your boss sounds like an awful human being. I would definitely be doing all i can to change teams so i wouldn't have to work for her. x

I just seemed to keep having nightmares aftwr finally falling asleep. My brain is just a bit full atm. Hopefully in a few days I will feel a bit less stressed. Planning on popping to see a friend and her little boy this afternoon, he's been in hospital but he's OK now. Will do me goof to get out I think.

Yeah. Boss is a nightmare. When she got the job you literally saw everyone on our teams faces drop. She cannot be trusted but her face and tone give her away so it's easy to spot. When I qualify I may move teams but with being off now it has messed it all up a bit so I'm not really sure how it's going to work out. I need to speak to uni but am going to leave it a week or so.

Barely pregnant. 4 weeks apparently
I just seemed to keep having nightmares aftwr finally falling asleep. My brain is just a bit full atm. Hopefully in a few days I will feel a bit less stressed. Planning on popping to see a friend and her little boy this afternoon, he's been in hospital but he's OK now. Will do me goof to get out I think.

Yeah. Boss is a nightmare. When she got the job you literally saw everyone on our teams faces drop. She cannot be trusted but her face and tone give her away so it's easy to spot. When I qualify I may move teams but with being off now it has messed it all up a bit so I'm not really sure how it's going to work out. I need to speak to uni but am going to leave it a week or so.

Barely pregnant. 4 weeks apparently

Getting out of the house is probably what you need. Its lovely weather out there too today (depending where you live i suppose).
You are still 4 weeks though :) x
4 weeks is great! It means it's still there and fighting hard! It's probably really hard to appreciate with the boss situation at the moment. Enjoy your rest the remainder of this week and then you can always start dealing with uni after the weekend when you're starting to feel better. There is usually something you can do to sort it out as life has a habit of getting in the way sometimes!
4 weeks is great! It means it's still there and fighting hard! It's probably really hard to appreciate with the boss situation at the moment. Enjoy your rest the remainder of this week and then you can always start dealing with uni after the weekend when you're starting to feel better. There is usually something you can do to sort it out as life has a habit of getting in the way sometimes!

I'm going to go and buy a teddy for my friends little one as a get well. He may well end up with a tractor too, oh well. Weather is lovely here today. I think I can finally bend to shave my legs, been a bit like a wookie for a week!:oooo:
5DPO for me and although I had a very realistic nightmare last night, no other signs at all.
3 or 4 dpo and my bra doesn't fit. Seriously hoping it's a symptom but could also just be me. I do have bigger bras for the week of AF. As if being a 30DD isn't big enough I can go up to an F. There better be a good reason for this! I have been having vivid dreams too, mostly about being pregnant, I've been waiting so long to even start TTC I think I've gone a bit mad!
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I am more than ready for this cycle and for ovulation.

EPO & my folic with Vit D - check
Grapefruit juice :sick: - check
60 opks - check
my trusty thermometer - check
conceive plus in the post - check. :dust:

fertile window starts on Sunday and i am so excited hahaha! x
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AF is here... Feel a bit lost today. I will stop flying as soon as I know next time. I had just gotten on board when I felt a gush of blood. I had a panty liner but wasn't prepared for such a heavy flow. Was horrible, had to quickly clean up before the service. Had a good cry behind the curtain in the galley and continued working. :cry:
Char do you follow SMEP? Just wondering because a lot of people I have read of using it use similar supplements etc too but I hadn't heard about the grapefruit juice.
CD 2 for me as expected xx roll on next time, I have oh told we have to try everything this cycle I'm not getting any younger ;-) xx
Char do you follow SMEP? Just wondering because a lot of people I have read of using it use similar supplements etc too but I hadn't heard about the grapefruit juice.

Erm i suppose to a degree. Like i :bd: every other day up until around ov and then :bd: every day.
:hug: TS

SMEP is BD every other day until positive OPK then BD 3 days in a row. I’ve pretty much done this this cycle, except for once where I BD 2 nights in a row x

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