October 2018 Testing Thread

:hug: Kitana. What impact does flying have? X

You're in a pressurised environment which compresses and decompresses your whole body every flight. That's why you sometimes feel like a balloon in the air. We get tons of radiation from the sun during flight and that's the main reason we have to stop as soon as we know we're pregnant. Miscarriage among cabin and cockpit crew is very high, cancer even more. Fumes in cabin are also a very real and common event (but unrecognized by airline companies). I should have stayed home as soon as I had seen the first wisp of a line.. oh well. I'm going to get some ice cream and watch Rick & Morty for some laughs.

Radley, sadly I can't just take a day off without a doctor's note. I have already been sick two days this year so am not going to risk my job staying home a 3rd day! We work 7 days and have 3 days off and today is my 4th day, so 3 more days of work to go.

Thanks for the support ladies, it feels nice to talk about it!:hug:
Good luck to all of you still waiting to test!:cheer:

Wow, I did not know that. I always wanted to be an air hostess when i was younger, even had a interview with Virgin but changed my mind. Do they give you a ground staff job when you’re pregnant? X

I used to work for Virgin Express a long time ago! But nope they don't give you a ground staff job here. You get to stay home for 9 months and then 6 weeks after birth. If you breastfeed then you get 5 months off after birth. But you fall back onto the social security system and you get 80% of your salary without any flight hours or overnight per diems. Since our basic salary is quite low you can't go shopping for the baby, or for yourself!:lol: I think I only got 2 pregnancy pants 4 shirts and just tried to fit into old dresses and shirts. I don't know how single mothers do it?!

I must say that there are some perks to the job, like going to new places, cheaper tickets and about 40 days off a year but I'm not going to pretend we have it easy. All those photos of flight attendants on idyllic locations are probably only there for a few hours, alone, with people they don't know.:lol:

Ah that’s rubbish, you want the time off after baby is born not before.

The salary put me off going for the job in the end. X
IMG_20181010_210109.jpg Hey ladies sorry I couldn't reply to everyone's messages (internet problems!!) My opk's did eventually get darker but only a little I've done a few today and as there ic I don't know weather there just crap but the lines still are not getting dark enough. All my other cycles ive ov'd Cd11 - CD12 I'm day 12 now and feel like I'm getting no where to top it off I've ran out of opk's ggrrhh
I don't temp so I'm just hoping I've missed the surge or tests are a bit crap and we're dtd every night so fx
Hi everyone. Weve just dtd and now im bleeding quite badly
Any ideas??
Was nothing crazy just normal dtd.
Worried x
Stacey you can bleed after sex in very early pregnancy. They say your cervix can be tender and sensitive hence the blood. It isn’t like a fulll flow? Just when you wipe? I know you say quite badly but is it flowing from you?
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Stacey you can bleed after sex in very early pregnancy. They say your cervix can be tender and sensitive hence the blood. It isn’t like a fulll flow? Just when you wipe? I know you say quite badly but is it flowing from you?

I mean quite badly as in watery blood but as loads when i wiped. Just showered and its stopped. Very weird, the cramps are back too. Maybe af is coming early x
Just seen this on facebook. Most of you will relate...
We are just enjoying being newly married
-we have some travelling we want to do first
-I'm just focusing on my career right now.....

These are just a few of the reasons I used (with a forced smile) to mask what was really going on. I wasn't always that pleasant. One day I responded with 'it's not that fucking easy, you know'. I had just got my period that morning.... again.

They would tell me that I'm not going to be young forever or that my maternal clock was ticking. And believe me, I knew it. I just didn't need to hear it from everyone else.

Trying to conceive isn't easy unless you are a highly fertile 17 year old, that could fall pregnant just by talking about it. The odds of conception and retaining a pregnancy are actually pretty shit, topped off with the huge amount of people that are reproductively challenged with polycystic ovaries, endometriosis etc etc. And I was one of them....

I remember the day, vividly. I had to go to work after we had the appointment and I thought that was it for me. No kids. My husband, always the optimistic one said that we would try the treatments suggested and that it was not over. We even had a very frank discussion about adopting. We were told to expect a long road ahead, if we decided to take it.

IVF sucks. It is the most time consuming, invasive, expensive and emotionally painful roller coaster I have been on. It actually broke me. You have so much invested in the process, financially and emotionally that it consumes your every thought.

When you are having difficulty conceiving, it seems everyone around you is falling pregnant. It's easy to be happy for them at first but that brave face wears thin after a while. I even started to decline going to certain get togethers and attending baby birthdays were just painful. I became quite bitter, desperate and depressed.

But one year later, I got up for work and did a quick test, expecting the usual mind-numbing result. I crawled back into bed with my husband. He rolled over and said 'you're pregnant, aren't you'!? I was. I didn't have to say a thing. My face said it all. We were one of the lucky ones.

But many couples will be trying for years. And some may never succeed and my heart goes out to them. And what about the couple that doesn't want kids? Or the couple that had a child but can't afford to have another? Or those that have lost little ones? Even though we went through IVF and had such a struggle to have our Harvey, soon after we were asked... 'so when are you having number two'? And now that I have two wonderful children and I feel our family is pretty complete, the question still comes....

So, next time you go to say that 'throw away' comment to the newly weds or the couple that have been together for ten years, be sensitive. Don't ask them when they are having kids. You never know what's going on.
Definitely how I feel, you're told when you're at school etc that you only have to look at a boy and you'll get pregnant, I definitely didn't realise what a struggle it would be. There's always that one person who asks every time you meet up "So when are you going to have a baby" and I feel like responding "if it was up to me I would already have one" but instead use all of the excuses above!

Thanks for the motivation, we have to keep believing it will happen :)
I was just saying to a friend the other day, now i know what it takes to get pregnant i will definitely try my best not to say 'oh so when will babys be?' as like we all know, people might be going through it right there and then and i might just have p*ssed them off asking, so i wont ask and if they want to tell me, then so be it, but i now know its none of my business and not my place to ask.

Dropping off some baby dust whilst i am here :dust: October is looking like a quiet month so far :-(
Hi everyone. Weve just dtd and now im bleeding quite badly
Any ideas??
Was nothing crazy just normal dtd.
Worried x

Stacy, it may have been a cyst that ruptured. Most of us have them and don't know anything about it and they are just there. Did you have any pain during sex at all? The blood is quite watery and pink from those. If it's stopped then that's good. I maybe would mention to your gp next time you see them or if you are worried xx
Stacey you can bleed after sex in very early pregnancy. They say your cervix can be tender and sensitive hence the blood. It isn’t like a fulll flow? Just when you wipe? I know you say quite badly but is it flowing from you?

I mean quite badly as in watery blood but as loads when i wiped. Just showered and its stopped. Very weird, the cramps are back too. Maybe af is coming early x

How are you this morning? are you still bleeding?
Really hoping it isn't AF and it is a sign of early pregnancy :):) x
CD18 for me, think I'm finally 1 DPO (after positive OPKs on CD15-16)! Temp went from 36.10 to 36.27 this morning, so hopefully it will continue to increase tomorrow!
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Hopefully I can add another bfp I’ll probably test tomorrow lol or I’ll buy it tomorrow and test Saturday morning idk
Hopefully I can add another bfp I’ll probably test tomorrow lol or I’ll buy it tomorrow and test Saturday morning idk

Please do Mystery.
Because your the thread admin its only right that you should get that :bfp: (along with all the other reasons obvs)
My AF due next Tuesday/Wednesday so fingers crossed it doesn't show. Not had any signs much to speak of right now. Had a pain in my left breast yesterday but that's about it. A couple of very faint cramps today but that could be absolutely anything!

Just gotta wait it out! So frustrating
CD18 for me, think I'm finally 1 DPO (after positive OPKs on CD15-16)! Temp went from 36.10 to 36.27 this morning, so hopefully it will continue to increase tomorrow!

To me being an outsider, this always comes round really quickly :dance:

Let the dreaded tww begin :wall2:
My AF due next Tuesday/Wednesday so fingers crossed it doesn't show. Not had any signs much to speak of right now. Had a pain in my left breast yesterday but that's about it. A couple of very faint cramps today but that could be absolutely anything!

Just gotta wait it out! So frustrating

Jellybean will you test on the day of missed AF, day after or before? x

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