October 2018 Testing Thread

Kitana I'm so sorry, Radley I have everything crossed that like Kitana says it's just a faulty test. Good luck wihh the GP.

GP didn't seem worried about it. He said that the next couple of weeks are the critical time and if no period shows up by then to give him a call to get a booking in appointment. So time will tell I guess. Been signed off for 2 weeks for my back so that gives me plenty of time for it to get better which is a relief. I feel bloody rough though, just ate a couple of ginger biscuits. Gonna try to relax now and be patient (not a word generally in my vocabulary unless I'm at work).

Emma, that opk is a blazing positive

Yes it is, come up immediately too. I don't know what to think, will do another one a bit later and see what it looks like.

I take my temps between 3am and 4am when OH gets up for work, so guessing as I had a positive OPK last night and again this morning, it is unlikely that I ovulated overnight and my temp dip and rise today is probably not ov and I might get the dip again tomorrow.

Ah I was really hoping it was going to be yesterday/today, as we've already BD the last 2 days and I know OH will need to be a bit forced tonight as he's so knackered, but really don't want to have to do it again tomorrow night too! x
Kitana I'm so sorry, Radley I have everything crossed that like Kitana says it's just a faulty test. Good luck wihh the GP.

GP didn't seem worried about it. He said that the next couple of weeks are the critical time and if no period shows up by then to give him a call to get a booking in appointment. So time will tell I guess. Been signed off for 2 weeks for my back so that gives me plenty of time for it to get better which is a relief. I feel bloody rough though, just ate a couple of ginger biscuits. Gonna try to relax now and be patient (not a word generally in my vocabulary unless I'm at work).

Emma, that opk is a blazing positive

Yes it is, come up immediately too. I don't know what to think, will do another one a bit later and see what it looks like.

I take my temps between 3am and 4am when OH gets up for work, so guessing as I had a positive OPK last night and again this morning, it is unlikely that I ovulated overnight and my temp dip and rise today is probably not ov and I might get the dip again tomorrow.

Ah I was really hoping it was going to be yesterday/today, as we've already BD the last 2 days and I know OH will need to be a bit forced tonight as he's so knackered, but really don't want to have to do it again tomorrow night too! x

Funny isn't it, when we first got together (which is actually 5 years ago), every day was a breeze. Now 4 on the trot and we are both flagging, lol
Haha it’s more OH than me, he gets up for work at 3am and I don’t get home from work until 8pm, so he’s knackered most of the time, I can work my magic if needed though :rotfl: x
Hi all,

sorry I seem to have missed loads and don't have time to read everything. My cycles have done from 30 days to 26 last cycle since I had my chemical. I don't know what cycle I'll have this month.

It feesl like I've only just finished my period, now I'm panicking in case I've missed ovulation.

I did a Ov Test yesterday and the test line was there but about half as strong as the control line. I've done one today and there is nothing there. Nothing at all? Could I have missed my ovulation? I have had small amount of spotting last 3 days.

I'm only on cycle day 10 but my cycles have been getting shorter. If I have missed ovulation, it would've been on cycle day 8? surely that can't be right?
That's fantastic news Radley! And as bad as you feel now it hopefully shows that you're still getting symptoms. Try not to worry, with the time off work with less to distract you it might be hard but maybe watch some awful trashy TV!

There is very little trash TV for me to watch. I'm all over it! Gutted the bodyguard has finished that was awesome. I need some boxset suggestions!

Not spoken to uni yet about my back, it's goung to mess up finishing the hours for my course being off work and they will have to extend me I think. Then if I stay pregnant I'm not allowed on the road anyway so it's all a bit of a mess at the moment. Nothing I can do about it right now though. Cat on my lap, where's the remote?!

Bake off at least tonight!
That's fantastic news Radley! And as bad as you feel now it hopefully shows that you're still getting symptoms. Try not to worry, with the time off work with less to distract you it might be hard but maybe watch some awful trashy TV!

There is very little trash TV for me to watch. I'm all over it! Gutted the bodyguard has finished that was awesome. I need some boxset suggestions!

Not spoken to uni yet about my back, it's goung to mess up finishing the hours for my course being off work and they will have to extend me I think. Then if I stay pregnant I'm not allowed on the road anyway so it's all a bit of a mess at the moment. Nothing I can do about it right now though. Cat on my lap, where's the remote?!

Bake off at least tonight!
My favorite :dance:
Hi all,

sorry I seem to have missed loads and don't have time to read everything. My cycles have done from 30 days to 26 last cycle since I had my chemical. I don't know what cycle I'll have this month.

It feesl like I've only just finished my period, now I'm panicking in case I've missed ovulation.

I did a Ov Test yesterday and the test line was there but about half as strong as the control line. I've done one today and there is nothing there. Nothing at all? Could I have missed my ovulation? I have had small amount of spotting last 3 days.

I'm only on cycle day 10 but my cycles have been getting shorter. If I have missed ovulation, it would've been on cycle day 8? surely that can't be right?

Princess i think there is a good chance that you haven't yet ovulated. I normally start my opk's on cd10 and i ovulate around cd15/cd16 with a 30 day cycle.
I would just keep on with the opk's because there is a good chance they will start to get darker again. x
Hi all,

sorry I seem to have missed loads and don't have time to read everything. My cycles have done from 30 days to 26 last cycle since I had my chemical. I don't know what cycle I'll have this month.

It feesl like I've only just finished my period, now I'm panicking in case I've missed ovulation.

I did a Ov Test yesterday and the test line was there but about half as strong as the control line. I've done one today and there is nothing there. Nothing at all? Could I have missed my ovulation? I have had small amount of spotting last 3 days.

I'm only on cycle day 10 but my cycles have been getting shorter. If I have missed ovulation, it would've been on cycle day 8? surely that can't be right?

Princess i think there is a good chance that you haven't yet ovulated. I normally start my opk's on cd10 and i ovulate around cd15/cd16 with a 30 day cycle.
I would just keep on with the opk's because there is a good chance they will start to get darker again. x

Yeah it’s still too early for ov on CD10, even with a 26 day cycle, ov wouldn’t be until CD12 and that’s still early x
OPKs usually don’t progress throughout your cycle, they can be barely visible one day and then raging positive the next, that’s been my experience x
Emma I know it was said on this thread or another but I can’t seem to find it..... how much grapefruit juice do I drink a day? x
Just had a big glob of ewcm so defo going to BD tonight, looks like ov is today. Can’t wait for temp tomorrow to see what’s going on! X
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I hope I see some EWCM this cycle. I haven’t ever seen it before. Well I don’t think I have. I have always had creamy or watery x
I didn’t have any last cycle, had small amounts last few days, but just now tmi but there was massive stretchy glob hanging out of me when I went for a wee x
Hi all hope everyone is okay. All this waiting - that’s all we do! I’m officially a day late. Really bloomin frustrated. I didn’t test until this morning on a first response- BFN. I actually woke up thinking I might actually get that BFP. I am now sounding like I don’t know my body but I can normally set my watch by AF. This is the second time this has happened. Cramping is on & off intensity wise too - really felt like I’m out a few times for it to not appear. Just fed up of all this now to be honest!
I didn’t have any last cycle, had small amounts last few days, but just now tmi but there was massive stretchy glob hanging out of me when I went for a wee x

Oh wow that’s good Em.
I’m definitely getting that as I mirror you :)
Hi all hope everyone is okay. All this waiting - that’s all we do! I’m officially a day late. Really bloomin frustrated. I didn’t test until this morning on a first response- BFN. I actually woke up thinking I might actually get that BFP. I am now sounding like I don’t know my body but I can normally set my watch by AF. This is the second time this has happened. Cramping is on & off intensity wise too - really felt like I’m out a few times for it to not appear. Just fed up of all this now to be honest!

Arrrr Mandy sorry you got a bfn but your not out until AF arrives. Stay positive hun <3 x
I didn’t have any last cycle, had small amounts last few days, but just now tmi but there was massive stretchy glob hanging out of me when I went for a wee x

Oh wow that’s good Em.
I’m definitely getting that as I mirror you :)

Yeah hopefully it’s a good sign. Not everyone gets ewcm, but clear watery CM is fertile too. X
Grapefruit juice is absolutely gross!!!! Yuckkkk I&#8217;m falsing myself to drink it right now!!
Please tell my my taste buds are going to get use to that. I have gagged 3 times :rotfl:
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Grapefruit juice is absolutely gross!!!! Yuckkkk I’m falsing myself to drink it right now!!
Please tell my my taste buds are going to get use to that. I have gagged 3 times :rotfl:

Am I the only one who actually chooses to drink it over oj? Always preferred it,lol :lol:. Talk about gagging - that's me with the multivitamin. I have to hold my nose as it smells awful :oooo:

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