My cycles are pretty much every 4 weeks- would say between 27 and 30 days. Have been since coming of BC 2 years ago. However, I started ttc April this year, fell pregnant on 4th cycle but then miscarried about 2 weeks after AF would have been due. My cycle came back after mc straight away - 4 weeks like normal. I felt ovulation type pulling pains in my pelvis about 2 weeks after the mc. So to me, I believe I ovulate about mid cycle.
My question to you all is, with all the above in mind, can I actually ovulate later than mid cycle (I'm talking maybe 5 days after the pulling pains?)
I think I'm not accepting the mc just happened with no explanation. I keep going over it and trying to understand why. Even though I was told it was a really common occurance that is most often unexplained.
I worry that maybe I don't have time for my progesterone levels to go up enough. I know I'm probably massively overthinking it but I just want to know what everyone thinks about ovulation. Can I assume I generally ovulate around the 2 week mark? I tried opks but they are rubbish I don't have time to do them regularly and at the prime times during the day
I think I ovulated on CD20, I got my positive OPK on CD19. I'm also worrying that won't give me a long enough luteal phase either but as it's my first time with OPKs then I'm not totally sure of that's normal for me or an odd cycle since my cycle before was unusually short, only 25days in total but possibly early AF due to getting my IUD out. OPKs were a pain to time but I had one stashed in my purse all day so I could test wherever I was (now I know why some people take so damn long in the loo in the shopping centre!) I'm glad I knew so I could keep BDing or I would have totally missed it assuming day 14-16. I did digis by the way so I could bin the test strip when it was negative, I wasn't carting wee sticks around all day to compare later!
But in your case, if you have enough progesterone to keep AF away for an extra 2 weeks I can't imagine it's an ovulation or cycle problem. Just an awful thing which, as the Dr says, happened for no reason. I do understand trying to find answers though, it's the process of grief. Just please try not to blame yourself or your body when, so often, there are no answers to be found.