October 2018 Testing Thread

CD16 for me today, temp rose to 36.35 from 36.11. Positive OPks yesterday afternoon and night, still positive this morning but not as dark. FF is saying ov today, Femometer is saying ov tomorrow, so who knows. X


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Definitely going with that you ov’d yesterday because of the dip and the rise today.
If your temps stay up next 2 days will confirm it.
I would :bd: again tonight to cover yourself and then you done all you can :) x
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Masiy, maybe you missed the surge and only caught the leading up to it? OPK are always very reliable, have you been temping?

I took another cheapie this morning and it was whiter than white.. my extremely sore boobs have disappeared since yesterday. The slight nausea has gone too... I don't feel pregnant anymore... I think I'm having a chemical... Am very sad today...

Kitana i am sorry hun :hugs: <3 x
Sorry Hendy :hug:
Another :bfn: for me....but I am ok, I am accepting it, there is nothing I can do. I just hope that AF will be here in time and I can start soon another cycle :clover:

Sorry crumble xx
Masiy, maybe you missed the surge and only caught the leading up to it? OPK are always very reliable, have you been temping?

I took another cheapie this morning and it was whiter than white.. my extremely sore boobs have disappeared since yesterday. The slight nausea has gone too... I don't feel pregnant anymore... I think I'm having a chemical... Am very sad today...

Kitana, I am so sorry.

I think the same may be happen to me too and I feel devastated. Did another frer this morning so I could tell the gp I'd had two positives and after a lovely line yesterday, today is barely a squinter. I can see it,oh cant. Also my temp took a massive nose dive so it all points to not sticking. I feel emotionally flat and like I've been run over. My boobs still hurt and I still feel sick and my stomach still hurts, terrible nights sleep and to wake up to that.

Trying to be positive but it's hard when the test was do different and the temp plummeted. No idea what the gp will say :cry:
Kitana, I am so sorry.

I think the same may be happen to me too and I feel devastated. Did another frer this morning so I could tell the gp I'd had two positives and after a lovely line yesterday, today is barely a squinter. I can see it,oh cant. Also my temp took a massive nose dive so it all points to not sticking. I feel emotionally flat and like I've been run over. My boobs still hurt and I still feel sick and my stomach still hurts, terrible nights sleep and to wake up to that.

Trying to be positive but it's hard when the test was do different and the temp plummeted. No idea what the gp will say :cry:

Radley i am so sorry hun.
Alot of the ladies on here that have had a :bfp: say you should stop doing your temps once you get your positive's because it can dip and rise so this doesn't necessarily mean its bad news. If you are still getting symptoms that surely a good sign?
I really hope the gp gives you news you want to hear hun <3
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Kitana, I am so sorry.

I think the same may be happen to me too and I feel devastated. Did another frer this morning so I could tell the gp I'd had two positives and after a lovely line yesterday, today is barely a squinter. I can see it,oh cant. Also my temp took a massive nose dive so it all points to not sticking. I feel emotionally flat and like I've been run over. My boobs still hurt and I still feel sick and my stomach still hurts, terrible nights sleep and to wake up to that.

Trying to be positive but it's hard when the test was do different and the temp plummeted. No idea what the gp will say :cry:

Radley i am so sorry hun.
Alot of the ladies on here that have had a :bfp: say you should stop doing your temps once you get your positive's because it can dip and rise so this doesn't necessarily mean its bad news. If you are still getting symptoms that surely a good sign?
I really hope the gp gives you news you want to hear hun <3
Yeah, I read that too. I think I just did it on autopilot tbh
Definitely going with that you ov’d yesterday because of the dip and the rise today.
If your temps stay up next 2 days will confirm it.
I would :bd: again tonight to cover yourself and then you done all you can :) x

Hmm I’m not sure, because just done another OPK and it’s still very positive?! It’s stronger than one I did with fmu X


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Definitely going with that you ov’d yesterday because of the dip and the rise today.
If your temps stay up next 2 days will confirm it.
I would :bd: again tonight to cover yourself and then you done all you can :) x

Hmm I’m not sure, because just done another OPK and it’s still very positive?! It’s stronger than one I did with fmu X

That's strange Em.
I suppose its just a case of waiting over the next couple of days to see if the temp rises or dips again x
Hey girls I need some help....so after seeing doc last month was a chemical! I've been doing my opk's for this month I started on day 5 with cheapies as I ov'd approx day 10/11 last cycle. My lines were faint then started to get darker day 8 was looking really good now there as faint as day 5. Today is day 11 for me I don't understand :/ feel like crap and worried I'm not going to ovulate xx

I had a few ‘false starts’ with my ovulation after a chemical, I was getting nearly positives then they were going faint again then nearly positive again, I think I got my true positive a good few days after I usually would, we can gear up to ovulate but not actually do it, kind of like a false start, so it could be what’s going on x
So sorry Crumble...:hug: Hope we can start again soon... Has AF arrived yet?

Oh no Radley that's very sad news... Hope it's just a faulty frer! I've had cheapies which didn't even start coloring or the test line not appearing. I'm sure frers can have defaults as well. At what time is your appointment?x
Kitana I'm so sorry, Radley I have everything crossed that like Kitana says it's just a faulty test. Good luck wihh the GP.
Kitana I'm so sorry, Radley I have everything crossed that like Kitana says it's just a faulty test. Good luck wihh the GP.

GP didn't seem worried about it. He said that the next couple of weeks are the critical time and if no period shows up by then to give him a call to get a booking in appointment. So time will tell I guess. Been signed off for 2 weeks for my back so that gives me plenty of time for it to get better which is a relief. I feel bloody rough though, just ate a couple of ginger biscuits. Gonna try to relax now and be patient (not a word generally in my vocabulary unless I'm at work).

Emma, that opk is a blazing positive
So that's good news! You might still have a tiny bean in there! Have they taken some blood for testing?x
That's fantastic news Radley! And as bad as you feel now it hopefully shows that you're still getting symptoms. Try not to worry, with the time off work with less to distract you it might be hard but maybe watch some awful trashy TV!
So that's good news! You might still have a tiny bean in there! Have they taken some blood for testing?x

I've explained to said bean that he needs to adopt his dad's tactic when he's losing when we play worms on the playstation (burrow in and hide) so hopefully he will have taken notice, lol. I think I'm losing the plot.

No bloods. He said to call him in two weeks of AF stays away and we go from there so that's fair enough.

Weirdest thing just happened - my phone rang and it was the local maternity unit ringing to speak to me. My brain literally froze. Then I remember when she said her name that I've been waiting for her to ring me to organise a placement shift for my para course. My God. It really was odd for her to ring today just after I've been to the gp, spooky!

I'm going there at the end of October for my shift. Hopefully with my bean in situ.
That's fantastic news Radley! And as bad as you feel now it hopefully shows that you're still getting symptoms. Try not to worry, with the time off work with less to distract you it might be hard but maybe watch some awful trashy TV!

There is very little trash TV for me to watch. I'm all over it! Gutted the bodyguard has finished that was awesome. I need some boxset suggestions!

Not spoken to uni yet about my back, it's goung to mess up finishing the hours for my course being off work and they will have to extend me I think. Then if I stay pregnant I'm not allowed on the road anyway so it's all a bit of a mess at the moment. Nothing I can do about it right now though. Cat on my lap, where's the remote?!
That's fantastic news Radley! And as bad as you feel now it hopefully shows that you're still getting symptoms. Try not to worry, with the time off work with less to distract you it might be hard but maybe watch some awful trashy TV!

There is very little trash TV for me to watch. I'm all over it! Gutted the bodyguard has finished that was awesome. I need some boxset suggestions!

Not spoken to uni yet about my back, it's goung to mess up finishing the hours for my course being off work and they will have to extend me I think. Then if I stay pregnant I'm not allowed on the road anyway so it's all a bit of a mess at the moment. Nothing I can do about it right now though. Cat on my lap, where's the remote?!

Bodyguard was brilliant wasn't it.
There is one called 'killing eve' that is worth watching if you have nothing to watch. Stick it out the first couple of episodes and you will get into it if you enjoyed the bodyguard. x

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