.. October 2016 Mummies - First Trimester ..

So exciting about all the scan dates, I haven't even had my booking in appointment yet :( it's two weeks today! I've booked a private scan for next Wednesday (30th) when I'll be ten weeks as I can't take it anymore! X
Claire - my dating scan is next Tuesday, 29th! Can't wait to finally see them, feels like I've been pregnant for ages due to finding out so early! x
Claire - my dating scan is next Tuesday, 29th! Can't wait to finally see them, feels like I've been pregnant for ages due to finding out so early! x

Mine is the 29th too.

Ill be 13+3 or something, and Ive knew since 3 weeks bang on.

So 10 bloody weeks!! :lol:

I had my early scan inbetween, so Im quite thankful for that as Id probably be doing my nut now if I didnt book myself a scan.

Ill add it now ;)

Claire - my dating scan is next Tuesday, 29th! Can't wait to finally see them, feels like I've been pregnant for ages due to finding out so early! x

Mine is the 29th too.

Ill be 13+3 or something, and Ive knew since 3 weeks bang on.

So 10 bloody weeks!! :lol:

I had my early scan inbetween, so Im quite thankful for that as Id probably be doing my nut now if I didnt book myself a scan.

Ill add it now ;)


Me three! 29th is a popular day! Looking forward to seeing that there is something there now, as we've not had an early scan or anything...just peed on a stick all those weeks ago! I'll be 12w 6d.
Claire - my dating scan is next Tuesday, 29th! Can't wait to finally see them, feels like I've been pregnant for ages due to finding out so early! x

Mine is the 29th too.

Ill be 13+3 or something, and Ive knew since 3 weeks bang on.

So 10 bloody weeks!! :lol:

I had my early scan inbetween, so Im quite thankful for that as Id probably be doing my nut now if I didnt book myself a scan.

Ill add it now ;)


Me three! 29th is a popular day! Looking forward to seeing that there is something there now, as we've not had an early scan or anything...just peed on a stick all those weeks ago! I'll be 12w 6d.

Id have probably waited had I not had a previous loss, and previous bleeding in my last pregnancy.

Ever since my loss I just couldn't wait that long. I do think ladies who have had previous losses should go for an early scan but unfortunately dont have the money or staff apparently. But we have the money and staff to cover the people who phone EPU about lying about bleeding :lol: typical.

It'll be a good day for scans then next week!

Now it's getting lighter I'm really starting to miss running. I'm not a good runner, very slow and not for too long, but it was nice escapism. I stopped in October because of the darker evenings and my midwife said I shouldn't start again as my body isn't used to it :(
Nice to see everybody's scan dates coming through. I've still got a while to go yet but shall use you ladies to help me through
I last went to the gym in September before my MC. Although like you the ligter evenings are putting me the mood but I cant go now its been a few month but tbh I dont think Id manage I yawn all the way home from work.

After the scan Ill get my name down on some pregnancy yog a and aquanatal. Most only take you after 13w.

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Claire - my dating scan is next Tuesday, 29th! Can't wait to finally see them, feels like I've been pregnant for ages due to finding out so early! x

Mine is the 29th too.

Ill be 13+3 or something, and Ive knew since 3 weeks bang on.

So 10 bloody weeks!! :lol:

I had my early scan inbetween, so Im quite thankful for that as Id probably be doing my nut now if I didnt book myself a scan.

Ill add it now ;)


Me three! 29th is a popular day! Looking forward to seeing that there is something there now, as we've not had an early scan or anything...just peed on a stick all those weeks ago! I'll be 12w 6d.

Id have probably waited had I not had a previous loss, and previous bleeding in my last pregnancy.

Ever since my loss I just couldn't wait that long. I do think ladies who have had previous losses should go for an early scan but unfortunately dont have the money or staff apparently. But we have the money and staff to cover the people who phone EPU about lying about bleeding :lol: typical.

It'll be a good day for scans then next week!


Oh yes, I can completely understand why people do have early scans. I feel nervous enough without anything having had anything happen before.
I got a letter in the post marked as NHS this evening and panicked in case they had written to tell me that they had made a mistake at my booking in appointment and I wasn't actually pregnant at all. Luckily though, it was just my maternity exemption certificate! And.....breathe!
Now it's getting lighter I'm really starting to miss running. I'm not a good runner, very slow and not for too long, but it was nice escapism. I stopped in October because of the darker evenings and my midwife said I shouldn't start again as my body isn't used to it :(

Yay! Another runner! :)

I am big into my running. Although I am not fast I got addicted about four years ago and regularly run 5-6 days a week. I ran a 50 mile ultra at 6 weeks pregnant, after having it cleared by the midwife that it would be safe to do so. I was told that as I had run that distance before (although not since last Autumn) and my body was comfortable running, as long as I didn't push it (I ran rather than raced the event) and as long as I had no discomfort or bleeding I should be fine to continue as normal.
Unfortunately around week 7 I got a bad bug and was completed wiped out for two weeks, coinciding with coursework deadlines at work. I've still been running but only 1-2 times a week for the past few weeks, although hope to up it again from the end of this week as I shall be on Easter holidays. I hope to still be running almost daily during the Summer holiday, even if only over short distances and very steadily! I completely understand the escapism of the activity you mention!

I was under the impression that exercise to get your heart rate up during pregnancy was a good thing, although at the same time it was important not to overdo things. I would imagine that starting off walking before venturing into run-walking and then easing yourself back into small runs would be beneficial to your body during pregnancy rather than cause it harm.
I hate running but Im quite unmotivated I need someone infront of me screaming what to do. I loved body attack, pump, meta, insanity so couldnt start them up again, itll behere after I have baby though.

I wanted to go in he steam room and jacuzzi but seems mixed opinions on it, so Im gonna check with Mw.

When should we stop taking folic acid? I have a prescriptive dose and am really annoyed at myself to say that I haven't taken anything since Thursday as I've forgot to pick up my repeat prescription of this! I remember the midwife said its just a multivitamin from a certain time in the pregnancy but can't remember when x
I think some stuff reads you take it in 1st tri but a lot of people prefer to continue. I'm not really sure tbh
I have my scan this Thursday! I'm super excited.

I had a very vivid dream I went into labour last night and even felt the pains? :lol: So odd.
I hate running but Im quite unmotivated I need someone infront of me screaming what to do. I loved body attack, pump, meta, insanity so couldnt start them up again, itll behere after I have baby though.

I wanted to go in he steam room and jacuzzi but seems mixed opinions on it, so Im gonna check with Mw.


Jacquzzi yes but steam room no im afraid.

Think most are saying no for both. Im not fussed Ill get a face steamer. Been feeling a bit bunged up recently.

I heard that Jacuzzi's are a no-no because of risk of infection. I know you can't use steam rooms because of the heat xx
According to the nhs there is little research on both.

Temp of water must be under 40 degrees. I doubt it be incase of infection. Usually the water would have clorine or another sterile product in. Plus I work in a hospital which I imagine is rife with bacteria :p

Its more because steamoom, sauna and hot water raises your core temp.

Got the answers as I opened a thread on it. Ill still check with mw.

Oh damn. I didnt even think. Going to spain today and staying at a spa. No jacuzzi and steam room for me :( All the best for this week ladies, look after yourselves!
Oh Spain. How fabulous.

I'm in work! So enjoy your day, at least you can sunbathe! Id give anything to just lay in the sun.

The most Im looking forward to this year is having BBQs, non alcoholic kopperberg and eating as much as I please without having to maintain a "beach body" :lol:

Enjoy mi'amiga!


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