.. October 2016 Mummies - First Trimester ..

I haven't been on in a while due to work, how is everyone?

I'm officially 12 weeks 1 day now! So I've survived the first trimester. I have my dating scan on Thursday. I'm looking forward to it.

I hope everyone is well.
Wow! Everyone seems so far a long! Time is slowing down for me sadly! Just want to get through the first trimester now! Feeling so exhausted all the time, but apart from that I'm ok! X
Wow! Everyone seems so far a long! Time is slowing down for me sadly! Just want to get through the first trimester now! Feeling so exhausted all the time, but apart from that I'm ok! X

Me too. 8+1 today. Still seems forever away for my scan. I haven't even got a date yet until I see the midwife on 4th April. I hate not knowing if everything is ok or not. Scared something is going to go wrong or that it will be bad news at scan. I know it's just normal pregnancy anxiety and that I have had no reason to believe there is anything wrong. I just think it's this first trimester of limbo that is nerve wracking.

Hope everyone is ok and has enjoyed a lovely weekend xx
Wow! Everyone seems so far a long! Time is slowing down for me sadly! Just want to get through the first trimester now! Feeling so exhausted all the time, but apart from that I'm ok! X

Me too. 8+1 today. Still seems forever away for my scan. I haven't even got a date yet until I see the midwife on 4th April. I hate not knowing if everything is ok or not. Scared something is going to go wrong or that it will be bad news at scan. I know it's just normal pregnancy anxiety and that I have had no reason to believe there is anything wrong. I just think it's this first trimester of limbo that is nerve wracking.

Hope everyone is ok and has enjoyed a lovely weekend xx

I've got my booking appointment on 4th April too and then they'll send off for my scan, feels like a lifetime away! I still say 'if we have another baby' cos I can't let myself believe it'll be ok yet xxxx
Im bloody starving. OH was on a late but hes still came home and rustled me up bangers mash bangers.

Im well. Just nervous for my scan. Its a week on Tuesday and Ill technically be in tri 2 by then.

I guess Im slightly worried how normal I feel. Just gotta focus on Ive had nothing concerning and I seen baby at 8w.

Im a little relieved that you are all worried cause i am freaking out. Ive 3 weeks to go until scan/ba on 11th. Im a terrible panicker so glad to know its normal. Tri one is nerve wracking. Ive my fingers crossed for us all! Im just so excited and cant believe its happening. Ive been able to eat little amounts so relieved. Still nauseated but not as bad as it has been thankfully. I did have a really embarrassing ep of vomiting in m and s at the till, lady had smelly cheeses in front of me!! They were so nice though i just wanted to drop everything and run.

I go to Spain on Tuesday but my sister was due to go today to Barcelona and the flight was cancelled because of the French air controllers being on strike! If mines is cancelled i will cry lol. Been looking forward to this for months!

Hope everyone is okay, thinking of you all x
My dating scan is a week tomorrow, really looking for ward to seeing my baba again after all my complications at the start! Just wish it would hurry up! Then I will feel ok enough to go ahead and book myself a 16 week gender scan ..so exiting xx
Leg ache and knee and ankle pain is keeping me awake and waking me through the night. I tried sleeping with a pillow between my legs which helped a little but it's not pleasant at all. I'm hoping it's not a bad sign as started to feel like my bumps got smaller and just worried now I'm so close to the 12 weeks. Just want to know when my scan will be.

Hoping my bumps smaller because I've less bloat and more just baby x
I'm sure it's just less bloat now jelly bean, but it's scary isn't it! I hate not knowing when my scan will be!! I've felt less sick or grumpy the last couple of days - even oh commented that I wasn't 'acting as pregnant' so that worried me! I get paid on Thursday and think I'm going to have to treat myself to a private scan! X
I've had a headache for 6 days now and I feel so fed up. Paracetamol is doing nothing. I pretty much slept all weekend and now it's back to work.
Im not having insomnia but waking during the night with really vivid dreams.

Had a dream my mum phoned and asked if I was pregnant. Didnt know what to say :lol:

Cant remember what it was last night but also woke to find Jackson squeazed in beside us so I put him back to bed then the cats started :lol: happy monday everyone.

I know what you mean about vivid dreams.. I had a really saucy dream about my boss the other night!! No idea where that came from lol xxx
I woke super ready to dtd yest. OH was surprised :lol:

Im taking it a good sign of hormones..

Morning ladies sorry I have been super quiet!
Been busy in work and been feeling quite sick so had lots of early nights!
Hope everyone is well! I am 10 +1 today!!! I feel like hitting the ten week mark has been a big milestone. Although still feeling anxious and 30th March can't come quick enough for my scan!
Had a quick scan through and seen we have new ladies...welcome!!!
And seen the bump pics...amazing!!!
No bump for me just yet...just flab!
Have a lovely day ladies
I must've lost weight despite my bump growing. My work trousers fit me again. :yay:

Hiya ladies can you put my scan date on the list? Had it through today it's the 15th April so only a few weeks to wait x
Got my scan through mine is the 8th April if you can put that in X x Excited!!! :)
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