.. October 2016 Mummies - First Trimester ..

Hey girls, only have just woken up! Was at work last night and got work tonight :( it's not nice when I feel sick but don't throw anything up, felt sick all of last night. I'v got a bit of a belly but since i wear a work jacket which is a bit big for me no one has catched on. In the morning I look just fat and by the end of the evening it's more rounder lol xx
Glad sickness has settled.

And its getting hard to hide for me.. Quite a few commenting at work how Im showing :lol:

Atleast they know Im not just suddenly fat.


Claire for my first i think im showing early. I was surprised there was only one in there!!

Yes, your tummy is forming lovely. Esp down the bottom.

I seemed to show early with the first too, some must just look more tummy rounded :lol: I now have a heres one I made earlier mum tum, so mine seems to be filling out thats why its so round and bump looking.

My first full bump didnt show until 17w. But it was noticable from 11.

Attached: 11, 13 and 17 weeks.

I usually get the belly out once its proper formed. Hate my belly.. :lol:



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Do any of you ladies have a hobby? Probably sounds really sad but I don't really have any friends, I got myself a new job last summer and basically lost touch with everyone i was friends with and the only person I do anything with is my sister or my other half and his friends. (They all have motorbikes though so there's not a lot I can do there anyway and it's sad enough I need to tag along just to socialise!) I need something to do, it's really getting me down being so alone. Everyone else my age is partying and drinking all weekend, I'm extremely mature for my age but feel like it kind of makes me an outsider at the same time. Xx
Do any of you ladies have a hobby? Probably sounds really sad but I don't really have any friends, I got myself a new job last summer and basically lost touch with everyone i was friends with and the only person I do anything with is my sister or my other half and his friends. (They all have motorbikes though so there's not a lot I can do there anyway and it's sad enough I need to tag along just to socialise!) I need something to do, it's really getting me down being so alone. Everyone else my age is partying and drinking all weekend, I'm extremely mature for my age but feel like it kind of makes me an outsider at the same time. Xx

I'm the same really. Very few close friends to go out with. My best friend works night so sleeps during the day so making plans with her can be difficult. I have no real hobbies but with a toddler and saving money, I find it hard to do things x
Do any of you ladies have a hobby? Probably sounds really sad but I don't really have any friends, I got myself a new job last summer and basically lost touch with everyone i was friends with and the only person I do anything with is my sister or my other half and his friends. (They all have motorbikes though so there's not a lot I can do there anyway and it's sad enough I need to tag along just to socialise!) I need something to do, it's really getting me down being so alone. Everyone else my age is partying and drinking all weekend, I'm extremely mature for my age but feel like it kind of makes me an outsider at the same time. Xx

Once you get a bit further along join some ante natal classes (aqua natal, mums and tums, yoga etc) and meet other pregnant ladies, you'll soon make some friends and once baby is here you can go to mum and baby groups and make friends there too xx
Do any of you ladies have a hobby? Probably sounds really sad but I don't really have any friends, I got myself a new job last summer and basically lost touch with everyone i was friends with and the only person I do anything with is my sister or my other half and his friends. (They all have motorbikes though so there's not a lot I can do there anyway and it's sad enough I need to tag along just to socialise!) I need something to do, it's really getting me down being so alone. Everyone else my age is partying and drinking all weekend, I'm extremely mature for my age but feel like it kind of makes me an outsider at the same time. Xx

I don't have a hobby as such but I'm blessed with quite a few friends through work, church and childhood.
I still go to the gym and could have made more friends there if I'd chosen to get to know people more, aqua aerobics is a good one in pregnancy and to meet people.

Otherwise as pregnancy develops look for sling meets or sling libraries in your area (maybe even if you're not interested in slinging your baby it's still a good way to meet)

NCT classes are a brilliant way to meet other women or couples at the same stage as you and Close by. They do cost depending on your income but lots of my friends that have done them still regularly see their group 2/3 years down the line.

Speak to your midwife when you meet her/him about other ways of meeting mums in your area and they should have a list of groups and activities.

Once you have baby then local church mums and babies groups are really good place to meet people and aren't about 'church' but just allow people to meet in a suitable venue.

Hope that helps x
Join the NCT, and they will find a group of friends in your area having a baby at the same time. When I had my daughter I was so lonely, I'm not going through that again.
Do any of you ladies have a hobby? Probably sounds really sad but I don't really have any friends, I got myself a new job last summer and basically lost touch with everyone i was friends with and the only person I do anything with is my sister or my other half and his friends. (They all have motorbikes though so there's not a lot I can do there anyway and it's sad enough I need to tag along just to socialise!) I need something to do, it's really getting me down being so alone. Everyone else my age is partying and drinking all weekend, I'm extremely mature for my age but feel like it kind of makes me an outsider at the same time. Xx

Where are you from xx
Youll find when baby is here and you get set in a family way you dont get as much time for friends, however i went to play groups and sling meets and met new friends, alot of my old friends i dont see, but your child becomes your best friend and you do alsorts together xx
Its the first day of spring.

And Ive woken to this...

Lovely clear blue skies yay! :yay:



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Same here in Rhu x glorious sunshine x plans for today are to get outside and get my tortoise enclosure really for the torts getting back outside to live for the summer x
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I think it might be a park day for us. We passed the park last night and luckily it was light enough so went in for an hour but he screamed leaving I felt rotten so he will be most excited to go back.

I had yellow sliders from babies and they grew like dinner plates :lol: My friend has a rescued tort called timmy well he has one eye. Hes adorable.

Yeah turtles are huge! I've got 3 eggs incubating at the moment too! She laid 2 eggs last year too but nothing came of them so we'll see what happens to these ones. If they hatch maybe Jackson would like one lol?!
What park do you take him to Dalmuir?
Yesterday we just went to Drumchapel as we were passing through but either Dalmuir or you know the big one at Knightswood/Gret Western Road, its got the big pond in with the swans and park? Although we never get him out. He tries to get in to the water practically :lol:

I love Ayr park, when its really nice we will get the train through, he loves going on "Thomas" or "Spencer" or "Mavis" depending on the colour.

Oh Id love turtles again but ones out the water. Ive had just about enough of tanks we had 5 axolotls. So like 2 x 3ft tanks!!

I'm an end of Sept mum to be so hope you don't mind me posting this on here, everyone else has almost left to go to tri2 now :(

Found the heartbeat this morning for the first time on the Doppler, was amazing. Beating away at 156bpm! Such a relief before my scan on Wednesday! Xx
Dont mind at all bobby, we may go same time Im due 1st octiber from last scan but might change next tuesday at my dating scan.

I will try tonight and let you know what its at. Ive been too nervous then too tired and forget.

I've had a few attempts but today with a full bladder it was easier. I was looking towards my left aswell but found it on the right.

I'll be 13+1 at my scan, wonder what I'll measure. My EDD is the 27th.

Just looking, you will be further along than me at your scan xx
Do any of you ladies have a hobby? Probably sounds really sad but I don't really have any friends, I got myself a new job last summer and basically lost touch with everyone i was friends with and the only person I do anything with is my sister or my other half and his friends. (They all have motorbikes though so there's not a lot I can do there anyway and it's sad enough I need to tag along just to socialise!) I need something to do, it's really getting me down being so alone. Everyone else my age is partying and drinking all weekend, I'm extremely mature for my age but feel like it kind of makes me an outsider at the same time. Xx

Where are you from xx

I'm from the Scottish Borders in Roxburghshire, not sure any of you will know where it is! It's a collection of towns near the border :) x
I'm an end of Sept mum to be so hope you don't mind me posting this on here, everyone else has almost left to go to tri2 now :(

Found the heartbeat this morning for the first time on the Doppler, was amazing. Beating away at 156bpm! Such a relief before my scan on Wednesday! Xx

Come on over just now Bobby, a couple of days early won't matter!
Great that you've heard the heartbeat, it's a magical sound xx
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