.. October 2016 Mummies - First Trimester ..

So I checked online and my closest private gender scans are Edinburgh and Newcastle. Can't find any offers on groupon or wowcher for these 2 locations but I did find this one in Newcastle for £55 (the gender scan option obviously)


All I am finding in Edinburgh are £90 at the cheapest, and I don't think I would pay that when I could just wait 4 weeks and get it free at the NHS!

Anyone used this 'window to the womb'? Xx
I've never heard of them but we're quite away from Newcastle. We used Babybond for ours last time.

We're not going to find out gender this time as we have oneof each already and I could probably do with the motivation during the pushing stage of Labour! We got rid of everything we had for our other two so we're going to have to start from scratch but experience tells me we can get away without a lot of stuff this time that we go before.

Dh and brother in law are making a cosleeper cot for me and we already have all the wood and I have the fabric to make the bedding so that's good. We're not getting a pushchair this time and will instead invest in a decent sling, we've kept out babasling from last time so think we'll find a nice ring sling for versatility, then we just need a car seat, breast pump and some baby grows and beats and thats all x
So I checked online and my closest private gender scans are Edinburgh and Newcastle. Can't find any offers on groupon or wowcher for these 2 locations but I did find this one in Newcastle for £55 (the gender scan option obviously)


All I am finding in Edinburgh are £90 at the cheapest, and I don't think I would pay that when I could just wait 4 weeks and get it free at the NHS!

Anyone used this 'window to the womb'? Xx

If you can get a train to Glasgow mine is £37 for the gender at 16w. Thats Babyscanning.

I had my early one with them, so did babyh - theyr really good.

So I checked online and my closest private gender scans are Edinburgh and Newcastle. Can't find any offers on groupon or wowcher for these 2 locations but I did find this one in Newcastle for £55 (the gender scan option obviously)


All I am finding in Edinburgh are £90 at the cheapest, and I don't think I would pay that when I could just wait 4 weeks and get it free at the NHS!

Anyone used this 'window to the womb'? Xx

If you can get a train to Glasgow mine is £37 for the gender at 16w. Thats Babyscanning.

I had my early one with them, so did babyh - theyr really good.


When I search it it says it's from 18 weeks Hun xxxx
So I checked online and my closest private gender scans are Edinburgh and Newcastle. Can't find any offers on groupon or wowcher for these 2 locations but I did find this one in Newcastle for £55 (the gender scan option obviously)


All I am finding in Edinburgh are £90 at the cheapest, and I don't think I would pay that when I could just wait 4 weeks and get it free at the NHS!

Anyone used this 'window to the womb'? Xx

If you can get a train to Glasgow mine is £37 for the gender at 16w. Thats Babyscanning.

I had my early one with them, so did babyh - theyr really good.


When I search it it says it's from 18 weeks Hun xxxx

Well Ive just booked in with them this morning, for 16weeks plus a couple days. Babyh is booked in for 16w. She actually says when Id be 16w and says we like to to be 16w and a few days. So I picked the 20th.

Got this from the site:

Package H: (Gender Scan). Normally £75 now £37!
Appointment length: 5-10 minutes.
CD ROM with still 2D scan images.
The gender scan can be carried out from 16 weeks onwards in our Glasgow clinic.
In our Glasgow clinic; you also have the opportunity to have a glimpse of your baby in 4D at no additional cost.


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So I checked online and my closest private gender scans are Edinburgh and Newcastle. Can't find any offers on groupon or wowcher for these 2 locations but I did find this one in Newcastle for £55 (the gender scan option obviously)


All I am finding in Edinburgh are £90 at the cheapest, and I don't think I would pay that when I could just wait 4 weeks and get it free at the NHS!

Anyone used this 'window to the womb'? Xx

If you can get a train to Glasgow mine is £37 for the gender at 16w. Thats Babyscanning.

I had my early one with them, so did babyh - theyr really good.


When I search it it says it's from 18 weeks Hun xxxx

Well Ive just booked in with them this morning, for 16weeks plus a couple days. Babyh is booked in for 16w. She actually says when Id be 16w and says we like to to be 16w and a few days. So I picked the 20th.

Got this from the site:

Package H: (Gender Scan). Normally £75 now £37!
Appointment length: 5-10 minutes.
CD ROM with still 2D scan images.
The gender scan can be carried out from 16 weeks onwards in our Glasgow clinic.
In our Glasgow clinic; you also have the opportunity to have a glimpse of your baby in 4D at no additional cost.



Ah this is the one I found, they have 2 different things on the site haha!


Thanks, that's good though! It is quite far to go though so I think I might wait for my 12 week scan and hopefully there might be some sort of offer on then! On that baby scanning they have places in Edinburgh and Fife too so hopefully a deal will come up in one of them haha xx
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Being from NI sucks. Its about 200-250 for private scans no deals or anything :(
So I checked online and my closest private gender scans are Edinburgh and Newcastle. Can't find any offers on groupon or wowcher for these 2 locations but I did find this one in Newcastle for £55 (the gender scan option obviously)


All I am finding in Edinburgh are £90 at the cheapest, and I don't think I would pay that when I could just wait 4 weeks and get it free at the NHS!

Anyone used this 'window to the womb'? Xx

If you can get a train to Glasgow mine is £37 for the gender at 16w. Thats Babyscanning.

I had my early one with them, so did babyh - theyr really good.


When I search it it says it's from 18 weeks Hun xxxx

Well Ive just booked in with them this morning, for 16weeks plus a couple days. Babyh is booked in for 16w. She actually says when Id be 16w and says we like to to be 16w and a few days. So I picked the 20th.

Got this from the site:

Package H: (Gender Scan). Normally £75 now £37!
Appointment length: 5-10 minutes.
CD ROM with still 2D scan images.
The gender scan can be carried out from 16 weeks onwards in our Glasgow clinic.
In our Glasgow clinic; you also have the opportunity to have a glimpse of your baby in 4D at no additional cost.



I'm 16w plus 2 when I get mine coz mind the last time they said in due 29/30th sept. I turn 16w 4 days on the wed.

That's good you got booked!!!x
I'm just home from mothercare! Lol. Went to the one in anniesland but didn't see it. I went to get maternity tights as I'm away with work next week and want to wear a dress but feel normal tights too clingy. I was also looking at the prams but still like the venicci one best.

Bought myself a nice dress in sale and a nice top for when I've got more of a bump!xx
I'm going to find out the gender, but will wait until my anomaly scan. I'm most scared of the first trimester, once the dating scan is over, I'll be more at ease!

I'm at work on my own as the person who's meant to be with me phoned in sick! Feel awful today, bloated, tired and breathless! Now taking a break and stuffing some pasta (carbs will help my bloat - not!!) lol x
Hi ladies haven't been on for a couple of days had a really stressful week at work, so I hope your all well?
Had my dating scan today all is good so nice to see baby again official edd is 02/10/16 and next scan will be 16th may don't think we will be having a private scan unless a really good deal comes up xx
I'm just home from mothercare! Lol. Went to the one in anniesland but didn't see it. I went to get maternity tights as I'm away with work next week and want to wear a dress but feel normal tights too clingy. I was also looking at the prams but still like the venicci one best.

Bought myself a nice dress in sale and a nice top for when I've got more of a bump!xx


Yeah Ive not been instore yet just onine. Theres a few places that do them.

Google and press the shopping tab.

Oh and you didnt pop in to say hi. I work at anniesland, well greatwestern road. :p

Hi ladies haven't been on for a couple of days had a really stressful week at work, so I hope your all well?
Had my dating scan today all is good so nice to see baby again official edd is 02/10/16 and next scan will be 16th may don't think we will be having a private scan unless a really good deal comes up xx

Glad your dating scan went well.

Ill change your date :)

I'm going to find out the gender, but will wait until my anomaly scan. I'm most scared of the first trimester, once the dating scan is over, I'll be more at ease!

I'm at work on my own as the person who's meant to be with me phoned in sick! Feel awful today, bloated, tired and breathless! Now taking a break and stuffing some pasta (carbs will help my bloat - not!!) lol x

It feels like ages till my dating scan. Its a week on Tuesday.

March has been the longest month. Yet my days are flying in..

I know I'm
Desperate for my dating scan too. It's not till the 31st. I will be nearly 14weeks!!x
Same. And im just hoping I dont get moved over 14w so I can still get my nuchal scan done.

My friend didnt get good measurements, she thought she was due middle sep and is actually 15w she went back for a rescan and ended up finding out shes having a boy!

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I spoke to a midwife yesterday, but they can't get me in for a booking in appointment before 04/04. She said its fine as long as everyone is booked in before 12w as doesn't take more than 2w for them to sort scan. I just want to know what date it'll be so I've got something to count down to! I didn't have the nuchal test last time and I won't this time. For me, it didn't feel right to test my baby when it'd taken so long to get there. I'd never have an amino anyway cos of the risks. I understand some people like to be more informed, but personally it wasn't for me x
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Id never get an amnio either :shock:

I suppose I choose to get all my screening bloods and scans to yeah be more informed of mine and babies health really? I personally would want to know of any complications because Ive seen people have a baby with a disability and not know prior, it can cause a lot of upset and adapting. My friend on here didnt know she was having a downs baby. It took quite an emotional toll.

Screening isnt for everyone. Theres some that dont even have a scan. We all have diff choices.

I got mine with Jackson last time as they were trialing it. I actually quite like non invasive trials. Its good to know at the end of it you could be helping someone. Depending on my dates I might be volunteering for a girl I know doing an ecmo course which uses 4d scanning to pick up certain heart conditions. I think you get a few scans and obv help towards medical research.

Hey girls.
I'm finally off work for 10 days, I was really struggling this week and deffo ready for a break. My job is stressful at the moment so nice to get away from it.
Still not had any sickness (some neasea) but past few days I've started with really bad low back ache and in the mornings my legs ache and are painful for a few hours after getting up.

Booking in on Tuesday so hoping to get my scan date soon.

Hope you're all well x
Hello girls, sorry I've been AWOL for a bit, my booking app is now next Tuesday, I didn't make it this week because my dad died very unexpectedly on monday night. I'm not coping very well and am really worried about the effect all this stress could be having :(

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