.. October 2016 Mummies - First Trimester ..

Hi all :-)

My name is Danielle, and my Due Date is currently Oct 22nd from my dates :-) I have my Dating Scan on 11th April.

I already have 3 other children, Jordan my son is 8, Summer is 7 and little Glory will be 2 in a couple of weeks. Looking forward to adding my fourth and final addition this year :-)

How are we all feeling, I am soooo ill..... Nothing to do with baba but I have the flu. Hope you're all well and enjoying the early days (there's a chance lol!)

Speak Soon,

Danielle x x

Hi and welcome :wave:

Congratulations! I hope you have a healthy and happy pregnancy.

Your names been added :)

Hi all and welcome Danielle! I've been feeling exhausted and breathless the last couple of days which is a bit worrying. Last night, I was sick when reading my daughters bedtime story, then laid on the sofa and dozed off at 8:30. Oh woke me at 10 and told me to go to bed, so I did lol.
Hi ladies I'm new on this forum is it okay if I join here? I'm 8 weeks pg with our 3rd. Due 27th October. I had my booking appointment today and I'm marked as a high risk now so will be consultant led from here on.

We had an early scan at 6 weeks which showed 2 sacs but only one with a hb so mw suspects there could be a twinnie there that was measuring behind so no hb visible yet but it could also be non viable but we'll find out at our scan mid April.
Hi ladies I'm new on this forum is it okay if I join here? I'm 8 weeks pg with our 3rd. Due 27th October. I had my booking appointment today and I'm marked as a high risk now so will be consultant led from here on.

We had an early scan at 6 weeks which showed 2 sacs but only one with a hb so mw suspects there could be a twinnie there that was measuring behind so no hb visible yet but it could also be non viable but we'll find out at our scan mid April.

Hi there :wave:

Welcome and congrats.

Hope you have a healthy and happy 9 months.

Can I have your first name and 12w scan date for page1 please :)


Hi and thanks :) it's Cass but I don't have my scan date yet. Still awaiting a letter.
I'm feeling as sick as a dog the last 2 days and get dizzy when I stand up. I'm 10 weeks now so thought I'd be feeling a bit better by now? Didn't have much sickness at all first time round! Xxx
Came home to find my scan appointment has arrived! Tuesday 29th March, the only day I had made plans for during the holiday. Typical! Exciting though!
A bit concerned it asks me to drink two pints of water an hour before the scan though...I'll never manage to keep all that inside!
I still haven't received my scan letter, it keeps getting lost in the post! They've sent two and have the right address.

I'm guessing I need to drink lots too! I'm not used to drinking that much in the morning.

Very exciting!
I was thinking that there is no chance of keeping two lt stashed in my bladder for 90 minutes!!! Xx
I still haven't received my scan letter, it keeps getting lost in the post! They've sent two and have the right address.

I'm guessing I need to drink lots too! I'm not used to drinking that much in the morning.

Very exciting!

Oh no! That's rubbish! It was really exciting opening up the letter to reveal the date. At least you've been told your date though. It'd be worse if you just had to keep waiting for a letter that never came!
I was thinking that there is no chance of keeping two lt stashed in my bladder for 90 minutes!!! Xx

I think I might have to trickle-drink it across the hour. I always need a wee instantly after downing a pint!
I normally just drink one pint of milk before scan and that works fine. X
Me too. A pint of water goes through me really quickly too so I drink one pint 20 mins before which works for me :)
Hi all!

I've had minimal nausea and sickness today! Yay!

I have also started to feel fluttering. This is my third baby and I'm almost sure of it. Only when laying down. Definitely the fluttering I felt with other two although the others were obv further on.

I have also re-discovered ice poles and have had 4 of the big ones since tea time tonight! Lol.

I booked a private gender scan for 18th April when I will be 16 weeks. I know o will find out sex at 20 off week scan but my wee girl is desperate to come along to one but she's at school when the nhs ones take place so I booked this and going to make a wee evening of it with her take her for dinner and let her pick baby's first wee outfit in pink or blue. She's 7 and super excited. The lovely thing is it's the same clinic I went to all those years ago to find out what sex she was too on my birthday. The deal was also only £37 so that's it booked!

Hope everyone is ok!xx
I just felt major flutters in the bath!! My bath was a bit on the warm side and as I lay with my eyes closed I thought the water was actually waving over me I opened my eyes and the water was still belly completely under and it kept fluttering for about 5 or 10 mins. I might get my doppler out tonight. Keep meaning to but dont wanna and spend all night trying to find it.

I bought a box of strawberry splits :lol: well all diff kinds. I quite enjoyed the pineapple one.

Ive changed my bedding. Bathed and Im in nice clean PJs gonna do my hair and go to bed with tea and my blueberry muffin.

I almost fell asleep in the bath so quite tired. Thank Eff its friday tmoz.

Gender scan sounds fab!! I was tempted but I think Ill wait, who knows. I quite enjoyed my private early one.

Feeling alot of tugging when I get up or move certain ways, uterus is going the right way :D

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I still haven't received my scan letter, it keeps getting lost in the post! They've sent two and have the right address.

I'm guessing I need to drink lots too! I'm not used to drinking that much in the morning.

Very exciting!

Funny this happened to me. 3 times they sent it and I never ever got it. Ended up getting someone I work with to look it up.

I got this one ok though lol.

It's such an exciting time but also really frustrating waiting for scans etc lol!! I've booked my gender scan at 16 weeks too, 9th May �� I have no patience honestly lol..... it's £40 but I get 20% off as a returning customer so it's a bargain at £32!

Thanks for adding me Russellmuscle �� sorry to be a pain but I've noticed you hashed my dating scan date wrong... it's on 11th April... and i had my booking appointment on 5th March ☺

Have a restful night everyone I'm cwtched up watching tv in bed..... no work tomorrow for me (I only work Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays yippee)

Night night

Danielle xxx
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Welcome to the new girls! Lovely to have yous :):)

I felt fluttering earlier but im def too early so mones probably was wind lol. It was kind of tickly but im not getting my hopes up. Eont be long until getting organs kicked anyway :)

Hope everyone is well!

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