.. October 2016 Mummies - First Trimester ..

I had such a busy day again yesterday looking after my nieces all day and oh had his hair cut after work so wasn't home until 7pm. Did my lg pasta and ordered us a Chinese when she was in bed as I couldn't be bothered! Found it really hard ordering as I felt so rough I didn't fancy anything!

Told my dad yesterday, but he seemed pretty non plussed by it. Tbh, he's not the type of person to shout and scream with excitement, so I'm not too bothered. He asked lots of questions and said he thought it was a good age gap so that'll do I guess!! I felt bad as he was the last one of my close family not to know and I didn't want him to find out from someone else.

I phoned up the mw team yesterday too to see if they can get my booking in any earlier as I'm worried my scan will be really late with my booking in not until 10+5! I left a message, so hopefully they'll call me back today. We have one mw at my Drs surgery but there's a team they refer you to if she's busy. I still had the number on my phone from last time so thought it was worth a shot!

I'm toying with the idea of booking a private scan when I get paid next week. I cancelled the one I had booked as I had one at he epau instead, but I keep stressing after all my losses! X
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I had such a busy day again yesterday looking after my nieces all day and oh had his hair cut after work so wasn't home until 7pm. Did my lg pasta and ordered us a Chinese when she was in bed as I couldn't be bothered! Found it really hard ordering as I felt so rough I didn't fancy anything!

Told my dad yesterday, but he seemed pretty non plussed by it. Tbh, he's not the type of person to shout and scream with excitement, so I'm not too bothered. He asked lots of questions and said he thought it was a good age gap so that'll do I guess!! I felt bad as he was the last one of my close family not to know and I didn't want him to find out from someone else.

I phoned up the mw team yesterday too to see if they can get my booking in any earlier as I'm worried my scan will be really late with my booking in not until 10+5! I left a message, so hopefully they'll call me back today. We have one mw at my Drs surgery but there's a team they refer you to if she's busy. I still had the number on my phone from last time so thought it was worth a shot!

I'm toying with the idea of booking a private scan when I get paid next week. I cancelled the one I had booked as I had one at he epau instead, but I keep stressing after all my losses! X

I had my booking in appointment at 10w 2d but my scan letter came through a week later and it's booked for when I will be 12w 6d so they still slotted me in at the right time even though I thought I was being seen initially quite late.
I've got my booking in on 4th. Would make me 11weeks by LMP. But I'm pretty certain I ovulated later so will be 10+2 by my ov date
My booking in im 12w3. It just says on my letter to have a full bladder so i assume ive a scan too!
My booking in app is when I'm 10+ 4 and I don't have a scan date either so assuming I get it after that.

They changed it from the 12 week scan to the dating scan so they can book you in anywhere around 14 weeks I believe so not many places stick to 12 week deadline anymore
I'll be 8 weeks tomorrow and keep panicking that I've got no symptoms but when I actually think about it, I have got sensitive nipples, breathless, aversions to tea, and tiredness. I think it's the lack of sickness that makes me feel symptomless. Think I'm just anxious as it will still be at least 4 weeks until scan
I know how you feel. At 8 weeks when I got my private scan the sonnographer asked if I had been sick yet, nope I replied. One of the reasons I came for a scan. Just don't feel pregnant at all. I was sick 9m before so this is deffo a change for me.

Ive had probably 1 crap week which was week 10, when you have a hormone surge - then back to normal. Boobs are heavy, Im tired and thats it :lol:

Quite alot of people report at week 8 they dont feel pregnant. Try not to worry. Youv had nothing concerning Id take that as a good thing.

Lucky us eh :)

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Anyone seen those mamaroos? Ive added one in my basket. Decided to get one last night in red. Its lovely and does it all.

A bit pricey but I loved that it does multiple things and plays sounds via the phone etc. Will be very handy since Jackson went through a phase of not sleeping unless I was playing the Relax app sounds through my phone.

Im not wanting to get too many things this time, so thought this would do instead of a beanbag and bouncer and wont need much else until baby is big enough for a play mat/gym. So figured it was a good investment.

Ive had myself some toast and scrambled egg this morning, for a wee change. Its hit the spot :)

Ive also been looking at booking my gender scan too. Figure may aswell get the ball rolling. Ill have one next week, one in 4w then my 20w 4 week after that. Ive phoned and left them a message for this morning. Hopefully get it booked at some point today.

Hope we're all well?

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For my lunch in having pasta, chicken, sweet corn and pepper with mayo yum yum. I feel quite good this morning, although it does worry me when the sickness syptom goes! Got work tonight so il have a nap after dinner X
I plan to book a private gender scan after my dating scan, I don't have the patience to wait! What is a reasonable price to pay for a gender scan? I was off work last week and signed off this week. The pain I had in my side from the other week is still there and because my work is very physical there's no way I could do it. Ive to make another appointment with the GP if it's still there in a weeks time as I've been given a mild laxative as they think it may be constipation, I don't think it is though as my pain has still been there all week. Xxx
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I don't think I'm gna find out the gender with this one as 1) I think it would be a nice surprise after giving birth and 2) with my second baby they told me it was a girl and the baby was actual a boy luckily I packed a white baby grow lol X x
My gender scan is £40.

I think depending on whether its 3d/4d etc depends on the price.

Try on groupon/wowcher they are quite good.

I cant wait for my gender scan, I seen for myself was I was having last time, that floating worm was undeniable! :lol:

I have no intention of finding out gender at all, although hoping maybe itll be obvious lolol. Im not allowed to eat at all it seems. Just been very nauseated. I still cant really look at food. Im going out for dinner with my friends tonight and im dreading it. I wonder if i just ordered a bowl of mash as a main would they pick up lolol. I may have to tell them sooner than planned as its my friends birthday soon but she is planning on going to a trampoline park! (we may as well be teens :)) Pft not a chance lol. May have to slyly say im working even though its being booked 4 weeks in advance.

My stomach feels huge below my belly button. Cant stand anything on it at all. My OH said my stomach looked very 'formed' today, i may have taken a bit of a huff lol. That just means im fat! I think im still losing weight at the same time though. All I eat is apples and pickled onion crisps. Work is killer just dont feel ive enough energy for anything but its okay im off to Benidorm next week so get to put my feet up!! Okay i think yous have been updated enough in the life of mac!

Hope everyones well :):)
Anyone seen those mamaroos? Ive added one in my basket. Decided to get one last night in red. Its lovely and does it all.

A bit pricey but I loved that it does multiple things and plays sounds via the phone etc. Will be very handy since Jackson went through a phase of not sleeping unless I was playing the Relax app sounds through my phone.

Im not wanting to get too many things this time, so thought this would do instead of a beanbag and bouncer and wont need much else until baby is big enough for a play mat/gym. So figured it was a good investment.

Ive had myself some toast and scrambled egg this morning, for a wee change. Its hit the spot :)

Ive also been looking at booking my gender scan too. Figure may aswell get the ball rolling. Ill have one next week, one in 4w then my 20w 4 week after that. Ive phoned and left them a message for this morning. Hopefully get it booked at some point today.

Hope we're all well?


I've not saw those will have a wee look!

I just emailed them Claire and they came back right away. I just told them what date I was looking for or thereabouts.x
Anyone seen those mamaroos? Ive added one in my basket. Decided to get one last night in red. Its lovely and does it all.

A bit pricey but I loved that it does multiple things and plays sounds via the phone etc. Will be very handy since Jackson went through a phase of not sleeping unless I was playing the Relax app sounds through my phone.

Im not wanting to get too many things this time, so thought this would do instead of a beanbag and bouncer and wont need much else until baby is big enough for a play mat/gym. So figured it was a good investment.

Ive had myself some toast and scrambled egg this morning, for a wee change. Its hit the spot :)

Ive also been looking at booking my gender scan too. Figure may aswell get the ball rolling. Ill have one next week, one in 4w then my 20w 4 week after that. Ive phoned and left them a message for this morning. Hopefully get it booked at some point today.

Hope we're all well?


I've not saw those will have a wee look!

I just emailed them Claire and they came back right away. I just told them what date I was looking for or thereabouts.x

I phoned and it rang all morning, so I emailed them and she emailed back and said phone in :lol: which then rang for a further 2 hours! So I've asked that she give me a time that she will answer as I am at work, and dont really have the time to continuously phone and wait..

We like the 20th April for a gender date. So may ask for this date although I believe I'll be 16w a few days earlier. So hoping I can get that date. Luckily its not a terribly long scan.

I got them!

I had been dialling 211 instead of 221 (NHS numbers begin with 211, just habit with work) :doh:

I booked my gender scan for 20th April at 2.30. :D

Anyone seen those mamaroos? Ive added one in my basket. Decided to get one last night in red. Its lovely and does it all.

A bit pricey but I loved that it does multiple things and plays sounds via the phone etc. Will be very handy since Jackson went through a phase of not sleeping unless I was playing the Relax app sounds through my phone.

Im not wanting to get too many things this time, so thought this would do instead of a beanbag and bouncer and wont need much else until baby is big enough for a play mat/gym. So figured it was a good investment.

Ive had myself some toast and scrambled egg this morning, for a wee change. Its hit the spot :)

Ive also been looking at booking my gender scan too. Figure may aswell get the ball rolling. Ill have one next week, one in 4w then my 20w 4 week after that. Ive phoned and left them a message for this morning. Hopefully get it booked at some point today.

Hope we're all well?


I've not saw those will have a wee look!

I just emailed them Claire and they came back right away. I just told them what date I was looking for or thereabouts.x

I phoned and it rang all morning, so I emailed them and she emailed back and said phone in :lol: which then rang for a further 2 hours! So I've asked that she give me a time that she will answer as I am at work, and dont really have the time to continuously phone and wait..

We like the 20th April for a gender date. So may ask for this date although I believe I'll be 16w a few days earlier. So hoping I can get that date. Luckily its not a terribly long scan.


That's weird I booked it all over email yesterday! lol. Someone called Angela. Hope you get date you want.

Where did you buy the mamamroo? I've just watched a cideo of it and love it but it's quite pricey?xx
Anyone seen those mamaroos? Ive added one in my basket. Decided to get one last night in red. Its lovely and does it all.

A bit pricey but I loved that it does multiple things and plays sounds via the phone etc. Will be very handy since Jackson went through a phase of not sleeping unless I was playing the Relax app sounds through my phone.

Im not wanting to get too many things this time, so thought this would do instead of a beanbag and bouncer and wont need much else until baby is big enough for a play mat/gym. So figured it was a good investment.

Ive had myself some toast and scrambled egg this morning, for a wee change. Its hit the spot :)

Ive also been looking at booking my gender scan too. Figure may aswell get the ball rolling. Ill have one next week, one in 4w then my 20w 4 week after that. Ive phoned and left them a message for this morning. Hopefully get it booked at some point today.

Hope we're all well?


I've not saw those will have a wee look!

I just emailed them Claire and they came back right away. I just told them what date I was looking for or thereabouts.x

I phoned and it rang all morning, so I emailed them and she emailed back and said phone in :lol: which then rang for a further 2 hours! So I've asked that she give me a time that she will answer as I am at work, and dont really have the time to continuously phone and wait..

We like the 20th April for a gender date. So may ask for this date although I believe I'll be 16w a few days earlier. So hoping I can get that date. Luckily its not a terribly long scan.


That's weird I booked it all over email yesterday! lol. Someone called Angela. Hope you get date you want.

Where did you buy the mamamroo? I've just watched a cideo of it and love it but it's quite pricey?xx

Mothercare. Its not in stock atm, but I phoned they are getting them back in.

Yeah it's £200 but I just decided I'd just buy that and not bother with much else until baby is ready for playgym and mat. I was gonna get one of those beanbags but then Id need a bouncer and this lies right back so baby can sleep there too if needed. And I love the MP3 feature. I think there are some on gumtree a bit cheaper, alot seem to resell them after use as they hold value.

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