.. October 2016 Mummies - First Trimester ..

The earliest a midwife would listen for the heartbeat is 16 weeks xx
I've got my DS date through as 1st April. I'll be 13+2 by then. I'm going to be impatiently waiting for the next 3 weeks.
Booking in appointment this afternoon and I'm really excited, even though I've heard absolutely nothing happens apart from they ask you lots of questions! It will finally start to feel a little real then though I think. Also, as my appointment is so late, and I'm over ten weeks already, I was wondering if there was a chance they would listen for the heartbeat?

I think that's about normal for booking in app, mines not till 10 and a half too.
Not sure about heartbeat I just assumed that would happen at the scan later on but I'm new to all this too
My booking in appointment isn't until 4th April when I'll be 10+5! They like to do it at about eight weeks to give plenty of time to arrange your scan, but that was the earliest they could squeeze me in. With my daughter, my mw didn't listen for the hb until 16w as it's tricky to find before then and she didn't want to worry me x
Oh god, yesterday was hell.

They do say you hit your most symptoms at 10w mark. Of course yesterday I was sick round the clock. Even woke at 2.30 to be sick - actually wondering if I've got a bug as Jackson does at the minute.

Dragged myself into work today, but I feel quite weak so I've emailed my manager to let her know, in case I need to go home.

Oh god, yesterday was hell.

They do say you hit your most symptoms at 10w mark. Of course yesterday I was sick round the clock. Even woke at 2.30 to be sick - actually wondering if I've got a bug as Jackson does at the minute.

Dragged myself into work today, but I feel quite weak so I've emailed my manager to let her know, in case I need to go home.


Claire I had a big last week I'm
Sure of it. Although I'm
Sick most days, this was non-stop it was just different. Hope you feel better soon. My chest infection seems to be clearing a bit but I'm still puking in the morning with it because of all the gunk! I've took the whole wee off work in not putting my self through it as I have felt so ill all week. I don't work a Friday so hopefully back Monday xxx
Oh god, yesterday was hell.

They do say you hit your most symptoms at 10w mark. Of course yesterday I was sick round the clock. Even woke at 2.30 to be sick - actually wondering if I've got a bug as Jackson does at the minute.

Dragged myself into work today, but I feel quite weak so I've emailed my manager to let her know, in case I need to go home.


Claire I had a big last week I'm
Sure of it. Although I'm
Sick most days, this was non-stop it was just different. Hope you feel better soon. My chest infection seems to be clearing a bit but I'm still puking in the morning with it because of all the gunk! I've took the whole wee off work in not putting my self through it as I have felt so ill all week. I don't work a Friday so hopefully back Monday xxx

I said that to David last night, the sickness has been different, more like a bug sickness, the taste and smell. And the fact I was being sick bile. Even when I have had MS its never been bile - and Ive never woke during the night to bring up toast n beans.

It was awful last night. Today sickness wise is fine, just feel a bit weak and nauseous. Im gonna head home at lunchtime I think tbh.

Thanks love, hope you feel better soon.

I've got the date for my first scan eeekkkk!! 7th April at 12:20.
I'm too excited.
Also where the ache is that spot is a little warm

Oh dear im only seeing this now! I really hope youre okay. The fact the pain is on one side could be a whole range of things but i would really go to the doctor if you can. I was having pains on my right side but it was constipation. My left ovary released the egg the midwife had said and sometimes that can be a little tender and cause pain. I know sometimes you can have a cyst in early pregnancy (dont worry it heals itself!) so i would def go to the dr if you are worried. Hope you are okay :) rest easy x
I went for a big nap attack and im ok now.

Ive not ate all day except a minion yoghurt but Im gonna have something soon.

OH is doing my tits in. He decides now at this time, Jacksons bed time in 30mins to build Jacksons bed. I hate when he builds stuff, he always moans either the instructions arent clear, they didnt send the right parts, the holes arent cut right... This is literally for everything I buy. So I am just going to ignore him and his moans and sighs. Arsehole :lol:
Also where the ache is that spot is a little warm

Oh dear im only seeing this now! I really hope youre okay. The fact the pain is on one side could be a whole range of things but i would really go to the doctor if you can. I was having pains on my right side but it was constipation. My left ovary released the egg the midwife had said and sometimes that can be a little tender and cause pain. I know sometimes you can have a cyst in early pregnancy (dont worry it heals itself!) so i would def go to the dr if you are worried. Hope you are okay :) rest easy x

Thanks Mac, it had gone when I woke up, I've not rang or anything but I spoke to a couple of mums and described my pain and they all seemed to think it was stretching, muscles. It wasn't painful just achy. I've also had abdominal surgery in 2013 and midwife at booking in said it may be scar tissue? I'll give midwife a call tomorrow but it's gone away now xxx
I'm addicted to cherry tomatoes! Last 3 nights I've eaten full tub of them! Lol. At least it's a healthy craving to have I suppose!

Has anyone been looking at prams yet? I had a silver cross sleepover which I bought with my first and then used with my second. I feel it's had its day and to be honest fancy something different. Have been looking at the venicci one and we like it in the all black.
I'm dating scan is 24th March!! Only 13 days to wait! I'm very excited.

I've already picked my pram :lol: and I've been window shopping at nursery sets.
My MIL said I should start looking at prams but I have no idea where to start! There seems to be so many options out there.
Hi ladies. At work feeling awful :( full of cold, weak and dizzy.. Not sure which is baby and which is cold lol. Just taken my break and some paracetamol hoping I might perk up, but I think I might need to go home. Oh said he needs me to 'get through the next six weeks' so I need to rest. I feel bad leaving work as its so blooming busy! Gah x
Oh I've been thinking about prams, but scared to jinx it. We've currently got the graco evo and id highly recommend it to anyone on first baby! It's light with a huge basket and really easy to use. I'm gonna need a double and I'd like a tandem that can be also used as a single. My sister has an icandy but they're expensive so I've been thinking of the baby style oyster max, as its basically the same but half the price lol. I get my annual bonus at the end of March so going to try and save some for that x
What time is yours Wilson28. Advice ladies on prams as I've already had one, if you are going to spend a lot, do as they last. I'm looking at a uppababy vista. Looks high and a big basket. But I'm not buying anything until after the scan.

I have no energy at the moment.. It's my DD 4th birthday tomorrow, I have to clean the house and it's not happening.
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