.. October 2016 Mummies - First Trimester ..

Does anybody else just feel constantly rubbish? I'm always tired but also feel like ive been hit by a bus all day, everyday. Sometimes it's a little bit then other times its like a full blown hangover. Can't seem to feel normal. Don't have much sickness at all. However I feel hungry alot but don't seem to fancy any food. I am obsessed with tea but even the thought of that makes me feel sick at times. I went of tea with DD too but was hoping I didn't this time. Roll on tri 2 x

Yep, this describes me perfectly right now.
Also, has anyone else got swollen sore nipples? Mine are so swollen and painful, I can't stand them to be touched. Even bras rubbing them makes me wince.
I feel like I'm getting depressed. I haven't suffered from depression before just anxiety. I'm scared so I've booked a doctors appointment for next Wednesday. It feels likes ages away. I hope there's something that can help.

I'm going to tell you something really embarrassing, that may make you feel better about feeling like you may be depressed. i'm 9+3, I also suffer with anxiety. lst night DH and I DTD, it felt good, bit of a release... then, all of a sudden I started crying. I've never felt so sad in all my life, it was like my whole world had ended and I cried and cried until my pillow was soaked. I have no idea what I was so upset about, my husband thought someone had died and was in a blind panic that he had hurt me or something. so, with that said, hormones have a lot to answer for, and it's easy to get sucked into feeling down. it's normal, go see your doctor, and i'm sure they will help you get the support you need to get through it xxx

Thank you for sharing your experience. My husband thought he'd done something wrong too. It's been a bit better today but last night I cried myself to sleep silently. It's horrible not having any control over emotions! xxx
Hi girls, ive had a difficult couple of days and nights since my nightmare. Was meant to have my reassurance scan tomorrow but they phoned today to rearrange and i had a melt down so they squeezed me in tonight. Measuring 8+6 so 2 days ahead of schedule. Didnt hear a heatbeat but saw it pumping away.
Feeling a bit better and under strict orders from OH for only positive thinking from now on.

Hope you're all doing ok x


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Yay for th fab scans! I feel so awful. I've got a horrid cold, temperature and feel like I've been hit by a bus! Taking paracetamol but that's all we can have I think. It's my day off today but no opportunity to rest as I have a 21mo to entertain! Roll on nap time! How is everyone? X
Morning girls

Sorry ive not been on in a few days, how are you all?.

Lovely to see all the scan pics!
I haven't been on in a couple of weeks due to non-pregnancy related health problems and also some spotting which has thankfully and hopefully stopped for good now. I know a lot of women have it but I didn't with my first so it was worrying to see.
I have another few weeks to wait until my first scan. Claire - it's booked for 29th March :) We can't afford a private one so I can't wait to have a little reassurance and of course see their little face. I'm hoping to do the nub theory too haha ;) I've been right with all of my friends scans so far but I know it's not always right.
Still having all day nausea, loads of food aversions and daily headaches boo. x
Lovely to see all the scan pics!
I haven't been on in a couple of weeks due to non-pregnancy related health problems and also some spotting which has thankfully and hopefully stopped for good now. I know a lot of women have it but I didn't with my first so it was worrying to see.
I have another few weeks to wait until my first scan. Claire - it's booked for 29th March :) We can't afford a private one so I can't wait to have a little reassurance and of course see their little face. I'm hoping to do the nub theory too haha ;) I've been right with all of my friends scans so far but I know it's not always right.
Still having all day nausea, loads of food aversions and daily headaches boo. x

If you've had spotting, phone your dr who'll refer you to your local epau for a free scan. That's what I did and I felt so much better for it xxx
Hello ladies

I hope your all well.

Its Wednesday, half way through the week. We can make it to the weekend ;)

Nice to see all the scan pictures, haven't been on lately hope everyone is ok x
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ladies, I had a weird pain last night in bed, it woke me up! I think it was muscular but it was just really strange so thought I would ask as it freaked me out at first. I had pain in my groin on the left side and it woke me up when I moved. It hurt when I moved my leg, lifted it or got up and walked. anyone else experienced anything like this?
My poor toddler woke up with chicken pox today, so we're having a say in! Despite making plans but never mind :)

Still feeling sick and my nipples are killing me!

How is everyone?
9W and 1d today, no sign of throwing up/nausea disappearing anytime soon :( x
It is lovely to see everyone's scans, I will have a look at the nub theory I'm intrigued!!

We had our booking in appointment this morning all went well but blood pressure is a bit high so will have to see the consulate sooner rather than later, she worked me out to be 10+5 when I know I'm 10+2 because it's IVF!!! But I'm not bothered she worked out my edd as 02/10/16

Hope everyone else is having a good day your right not long nearly the weekend!! Xx
OMG try the walkers ridge cheese and onion. They are awesome!

Hope little J is ok with the pox - hes not getting a break, poor lamb.

Damiens bringing me some in! :D

He's poorly with them :( He was fine this morning but his temperature shot to 40.2 and he has them in his genital area. So 111 requested I ring the doctors, which I had already done this morning. The doctor seen him and gave us some stuff. We need to take him back if there is any sign of infection, due to them being in his privates he's more at risk of getting an infection from them. Poor spot. Just got over an ear infection and now this!
Hi girls, ive had a difficult couple of days and nights since my nightmare. Was meant to have my reassurance scan tomorrow but they phoned today to rearrange and i had a melt down so they squeezed me in tonight. Measuring 8+6 so 2 days ahead of schedule. Didnt hear a heatbeat but saw it pumping away.
Feeling a bit better and under strict orders from OH for only positive thinking from now on.

Hope you're all doing ok x

Awe lovely scan
Do toddlers know when us mummies are feeling ill?! My lg is rarely naughty but recently she has been testing my patience. Hoping it's just a short phase but so much harder to deal with when I'm feeling rough

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