.. October 2016 Mummies - First Trimester ..

Symptoms come and go, so I wouldn't worry Hedgehog. I had days where I had no symptoms and days where they were so bad I couldn't function. Between 7-10 weeks they do begin to fluctuate.
I didn't have symptoms with DS and I'm starting to wonder if the symptoms I had recently were as a result of my throat infection and not pregnancy. It's just so hard before the scan and we can't afford a private one at the min
My symptoms seemed to stop when I was 7 weeks and came back with a vengeance so I wouldn't worry hedgehog.

I am 9 weeks 3 days today and the nausea has been really bad. I also feel very exhausted. My upper belly feels really hard. Anyone else had this?
I have already put my deposit down on a Quinny speedi, as my local baby shop was selling them off because they don't make them anymore. However I did feel like it was the most comfortable pram there for me, regardless of price! Got the full travel system (frame, pushchair seat, carry cot, car seat, booster pad, rain cover and cosy toes) for £450 which I thought was very good! X
Im doing the bedroom first because we have a whole new nursery set to buy for 2. We got Jacksons new bed built today, well OH did. So now its onto wardrobes, drawers and spacesavers. Then Ill get my Snuzpod and then after the gender scan Ill buy the pram. I keep looking, seeing something then my mind changes. So I have gave up now.

Anyone wanting anything added to the first page, I promise Ill update. Ive seen a couple user names Im not sure Ive noted. Dont want to leave anyone out as Ive made up the Trimester 2 Thread so just wanna make sure it carries over correctly. Next thread Ill just put user name and what team you are when we find out(or yellow), because I didnt realize how hard it is to keep up so many dates whilst working and home life. My new desk at work is chocca too so no time to pop on there.

I hope we are all well. I feel much better today. Starving, so I must be better :lol:

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I'v got my booking appt on 21st March if u could put that in the front please

As for the pram situation I'v already got one from my second child so il b keeping that one as it was a lot of money and just buying a new maxi cosi car seat and carrycot to attach to the pram !
Sorry to gate crashing October mums! I just wanted to say hi to russellmuscle. We were in the june loss thread together, I noticed you are pregnant, congrats!
Hi ladies!
How are you all? Sorry I have been AWOL past few days I went back to work after a few weeks off.
I have felt lousy too. Been in bed by 8pm past few nights. Anyway I am 8 + 5 today, still got nausea and gone off diet coke and tea. I find eating through it helps, but craving quite bland stodgey food.
Welcome to the new ladies and how exciting for the twins :)
Hope everyone is well xxx
Sorry to gate crashing October mums! I just wanted to say hi to russellmuscle. We were in the june loss thread together, I noticed you are pregnant, congrats!

Thank you sweetie. I didnt wanna announce it to the thread incase I upset anyone. Its a tough run for some.

Thank you so much for stopping by though lovely. Means alot.

So I just had to get the taxi to pull over just before my house to get out and vom all over the pavement. Most horrifying experience ever.

I avoided a 50 quid charge but of course probably looked like a steaming mess to go with it spewing in a street.

Baby doesnt like pakora it seems.

Well done for keeping it contained!
I haven't actually vomited as of yet but feeling very much there tonight.
I couldn't manage our chinese meal in the house. Then I fell asleep watching a film haha!
Rock and roll eh?!
So I have just came up to bed now and thought I would check in again. I hope it settles for you tonight :) xxx
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I just cant even look at food. Just trying to stay hydrated. Not throwing up either but everything makes me very queasy. In work at the minute and im just so emotional and tired. Pregnancy is just glamorous isnt it girls! Theres a staff meeting on tues so im going to tell my manager then :) just a wee heads up to her.
Oh no, glad you got out of the taxi in time Russellmuscle! I left work early yesterday after I posted about being unwell, and managed to sneak into the flat whilst Iris was having her nap, so I could go and sleep for a bit too!

Still feeling pretty rubbish today, but now the worst possible scenario has happened - oh has caught it! He can take lots of meds, so I'm pretty jealous but when our lg got up at 6:30 (was meant to be my only lie in of the week) he moaned so much I got up anyway! Bah!
Hi ladies if really feel for you all with your up and down symptoms, I'm thinking I'm very lucky not to have any sickness.

Mac that's a great pic well done

We have decided on a mamas and papas armadillo fx does everything I want ( lays flat, faces you, folds up small) and it's the colour I like so waiting till after next weeks scan and will be on it xx
Im quite lucky aswell. Im only mostly tired. I could sleep my lufe away but thats prob not helping with a fulltime job and toddler.

I know I have a bug now because my toilets changed.

Atleast I know once this goes the sickness will. And can just get to my trimester 2 in peace, only 2 and a bit weeks until Im off to tri2. Ive did well.

People in work are starting to ask if Im pregnant now, people say Im showing. I feel I look constipated :lol: but thats a few people now saying Im starting to show.

Hi All. I had my booking appointment today. It went well and should get a letter for the dating scan. I am 9 weeks 4days today. Anyone else asked for a detailed scan to look for abnormalities? I didnt know you get given an option if you want a detailed scan or not. I opted in for it. Feeling nervous about it all now
We decided to have the extra test for abnormalities, we felt like knowledge is power but you can opt out at any time xx
Im quite lucky aswell. Im only mostly tired. I could sleep my lufe away but thats prob not helping with a fulltime job and toddler.

I know I have a bug now because my toilets changed.

Atleast I know once this goes the sickness will. And can just get to my trimester 2 in peace, only 2 and a bit weeks until Im off to tri2. Ive did well.

People in work are starting to ask if Im pregnant now, people say Im showing. I feel I look constipated :lol: but thats a few people now saying Im starting to show.


Claire I'm in maternity trousers now kindly lent to me by my SIL. Feel much more comfy although the over the bump jeans I keep having to pull up on the thighs. Not sure what I'm going to do about work as I have to wear office attire, suit trousers etc and everything is uncomfortable or doesn't even fit. By mid day baggy tops are my only hope of hiding my bump x

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