.. October 2016 Mummies - First Trimester ..

I'm craving porridge atm and I'v just thrown up for the first time so all must be going ok!
Think I just had my first pregnancy meltdown in the middle of the street, having trouble getting some prescriptions and felt like no one was helping me hysterically crying in the middle of the street I think I'm just exhausted having to chance people for things that should have been sorted you finally get pregnant after all the treatment and you think you get a rest from it but it's never ending just want to have my baby here and enjoy it x
My whole chest area is starting to ache from being sick every morning. I'm just having beans and mash for my tea, can't face anything else :) X

I'm ok, I feel pretty sick all day and the only way to stop it is by eating. Literally everything.
I also have my inlaws staying with us at the moment (as they live in Crete) and it's hard not saying anything or making out I'm not feeling good.
Hi muffin! Glad you joined us! I'm eating everything too. Me and my lg have come down with a bad cold and feel awful! Got her to bed, took my temp and it's 38.1 :( took some paracetamol, ate a magnum (for medicinal purposes only!!) and am now laying on the sofa shivering under a blanket :( is there anything else I can take? Gotta look after my nieces tomorrow so will have three aged three and under!!!! X
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Hi muffin! Glad you joined us! I'm eating everything too. Me and my lg have come down with a bad cold and feel awful! Got her to bed, took my temp and it's 38.1 :( took some paracetamol, ate a magnum (for medicinal purposes only!!) and am now laying on the sofa shivering under a blanket :( is there anything else I can take? Gotta look after my nieces tomorrow so will have three aged three and under!!!! X

Drink plenty of water, and relax when can...
Also ear fruit n veg if you can, im afraid your going to have to let it go through your system xx
Hi Ladies. Can I join you all? I'm expecting identical twins on the 26th October :-) got another scan next Friday. Only symptoms so far is sore boobs and extreme nausea. Let's hope it stays that way. I'm too greedy to be sick ;) xxxx
Woohooo twinnys in the house :) welcome along and congrats xx
Hi Ladies. Can I join you all? I'm expecting identical twins on the 26th October :-) got another scan next Friday. Only symptoms so far is sore boobs and extreme nausea. Let's hope it stays that way. I'm too greedy to be sick ;) xxxx

Hi lilcurly! I followed your amazing story! Welcome to October mummies! I'm an identical twin myself and due (with only one baby!!) on 26th October too xxx
Hey ladies, seems we are symptom machines today!! I have lots of achy pulling on my lower abdomen again mostly left side to centre but today it's a dull ache for about the last hour and I'm a little concerned! Feels very strange but not painful just like an ache! Anyone else or any advice? xx
OMG try the walkers ridge cheese and onion. They are awesome!

Hope little J is ok with the pox - hes not getting a break, poor lamb.


Oh god I'm the opposite I want to gag when I smell cheese n onion crisps lol. My daughter loves them and is constantly coming I've to me maybe just chatting or even wanting a cuddle and all I can think of is I was to puke! I oblige ofcourse and she's blissfully unaware meanwhile in holding my breathe lol.x
Hi Ladies. Can I join you all? I'm expecting identical twins on the 26th October :-) got another scan next Friday. Only symptoms so far is sore boobs and extreme nausea. Let's hope it stays that way. I'm too greedy to be sick ;) xxxx

Hi lilcurly! I followed your amazing story! Welcome to October mummies! I'm an identical twin myself and due (with only one baby!!) on 26th October too xxx

Hey Cherrybelly :-) yay :-) we are date twins haha. If your mum has any wisdom or advise she could pass on via you I'd be grateful :) xxx
Booking in appointment this afternoon and I'm really excited, even though I've heard absolutely nothing happens apart from they ask you lots of questions! It will finally start to feel a little real then though I think. Also, as my appointment is so late, and I'm over ten weeks already, I was wondering if there was a chance they would listen for the heartbeat?

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