.. October 2016 Mummies - First Trimester ..

I'm at ormskirk lovely, I'll give them a call Monday see what they say xx
This is the booklet I got before my booking in.

So Ive had the first two at my booking.

Ill be 13+3 or 4 when I get my scan but Ill also get my screening bloods and nuchal scan for downes then.



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I was told it had to be done before 14 weeks, so you'll be fine flash. Yay for another good scan moomin! X
Ahhh so glad to hear all the good news! We're getting there, slowly but surely :):)
Hi girls!
I'm 8 weeks pregnant, and only got my scan for beginning April. Was doing the math, and it will be around the 14weeks.
I will call the GP as i would like to do an ES. Do you think they will do it? there are so many problems that can be avoided with an Early Scan. And I'm a bit scared, just want some reassurance to hear that everything is alright in the early stages.

Xx congrats everyone :)
Hi girls!
I'm 8 weeks pregnant, and only got my scan for beginning April. Was doing the math, and it will be around the 14weeks.
I will call the GP as i would like to do an ES. Do you think they will do it? there are so many problems that can be avoided with an Early Scan. And I'm a bit scared, just want some reassurance to hear that everything is alright in the early stages.

Xx congrats everyone :)

Hi and welcome.

NHS don't do early scans unless you're having problems or have had in previous pregnancies I believe.

The old '12 week' scan is now known as the 'dating' scan because they do it anywhere between 12-16 weeks I think.

I haven't had a date yet and don't think I will get one until after my MW app on 22nd March.

I've booked a private reassurance scan which is what a few other ladies have done on here too.

There's lots of places that do them if you google for your area and they range from about £60-£100

Hope that helps!
Yes that helps!
What about a first appointment with a doctor so they can tell you what to do and not to do?
I have my midwife appointment at same time as DS in April. My GP only spoke with me on the phone, and told me if my belly hurts or if I start to loose blood, to call them again.
For the ES, i was actually already looking at private clinics to do this. And saw prices that go up to 200 pounds if you choose a doctor to carry the exam. It will depend on the clinic, i know.
Thanks! :)
Hey I'm kadi I'm due October 16th my wife and I had ivf done and we have been lucky enough to have 2 scans and hear the heart beat and going for scan number 3 on Wednesday it's our first mega excited but I am sooooooo scared I was already given due date and stuff so not sure what I should write to you I was given the dates last week Wednesday will add scan shortly.
I don't really know what else to say just hi and I can't wait to go on this journey with you all


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Welcome Kaolia and Babyconway! Lovely to have you. Heres to a happy and healthy nine months :):)
Hey ladies, so I went for my early reassurance scan in Nottingham yesterday afternoon! It was £79 at a clinic called Luxe Private Clinic, I would thoroughly recommend anyone to go and have an early scan if you were feeling slightly nervous like myself! I also wanted to find out if it was a multiple pregnancy as well! As this is my first baby & first pregnancy I had no idea what to expect. I estimated to be 8 weeks & 5 days today, but according to the measurements done by the sonogropher, I actually measured at 8 weeks exactly today, so around 5 days out but never mind! I do think it sucks to have to wait until 12 weeks, especially as some people find out so early (I found out at nearly 4 weeks) so it feels like I've been waiting a life time! The sonogropher yesterday gave me 8 pictures with folders and notes to give my MW! I'll attach some pics! Can't wait to see baba at 12 weeks now and see how much the beans grown! Definitely feels much more real now x


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Hey ladies, so I went for my early reassurance scan in Nottingham yesterday afternoon! It was £79 at a clinic called Luxe Private Clinic, I would thoroughly recommend anyone to go and have an early scan if you were feeling slightly nervous like myself! I also wanted to find out if it was a multiple pregnancy as well! As this is my first baby & first pregnancy I had no idea what to expect. I estimated to be 8 weeks & 5 days today, but according to the measurements done by the sonogropher, I actually measured at 8 weeks exactly today, so around 5 days out but never mind! I do think it sucks to have to wait until 12 weeks, especially as some people find out so early (I found out at nearly 4 weeks) so it feels like I've been waiting a life time! The sonogropher yesterday gave me 8 pictures with folders and notes to give my MW! I'll attach some pics! Can't wait to see baba at 12 weeks now and see how much the beans grown! Definitely feels much more real now x

Great pic Hun, I nearly booked there but went with a place on the outskirts of Mansfield as its a bit easier to get to from work.
Hi ladies just catching up on everything since yesterday. I hope you ladies experiencing some spotting are ok and thinking of you. I had some bleeding around the sac past couple of weeks but haven't been passing any. They told me that it's very normal this early on and even normal for ladies to pass some blood too. So keep an eye out but try not to worry too much (I know much easier said than done!)
I have had a scan this morning I am 7 weeks and 3 days. All seems good and the bleeding round the sac has cleared. Some slight nausea on and off but much better when I eat. EDD from today's scan is 16th October.
Take it easy ladies xxx

Hello and welcome to the group :wave:

Congrats Hope you have a healthy and happy pregnancy!!

Can I have your first name for the reg on page 1? Thanks.


Hi girls!
I'm 8 weeks pregnant, and only got my scan for beginning April. Was doing the math, and it will be around the 14weeks.
I will call the GP as i would like to do an ES. Do you think they will do it? there are so many problems that can be avoided with an Early Scan. And I'm a bit scared, just want some reassurance to hear that everything is alright in the early stages.

Xx congrats everyone :)

Hello and welcome :wave:

Congratulations, I hope you have a healthy and happy pregnancy!

Can I have your first name for the reg on page1 please?


Hey I'm kadi I'm due October 16th my wife and I had ivf done and we have been lucky enough to have 2 scans and hear the heart beat and going for scan number 3 on Wednesday it's our first mega excited but I am sooooooo scared I was already given due date and stuff so not sure what I should write to you I was given the dates last week Wednesday will add scan shortly.
I don't really know what else to say just hi and I can't wait to go on this journey with you all

Hello and welcome to group :wave:

Congratulations on your IVF miracle. I hope you have a healthy and happy pregnancy!!

Can i have your first name for the reg on page 1?


Hi Russelmuscle.
Name is Isabel. From the Calendar it says I'm due on the 16th.
DS and Appointment are 5 April. Hoping to have an ES this week, lets see if I can book a private one tomorrow!

:) happy days!
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Lovely scan photo!

I hope everyone has had a lovely mothers day :) It was my sons 2nd birthday today also! We had a lot of fun, we went to Build-A-Bear and had a party at our local soft play area.
Hi ladies, hope you are all well! Haven't been on much over the weekend. I'm feeling very down in general, although I have nothing to be down about as everything is great! I've had pains on the right hand side of my torso since Tuesday. They come and go but it is worrying me as I just don't feel 'as pregnant' as I have! I know it will all be fine but I am going to mention it to the midwife on Wednesday. I considered getting a Doppler and trying it but at my scan I was told that I have a backwards tilted uterus, so would imagine I won't find a heartbeat as I never have in the external ultrasounds I've had until now xx
I keep getting random stabbing pains in my torso usually around the rib or side. Ive just thought its probably things shifting about... Or wind. I blame everything on wind :lol:

Hope all is well but your not alone.

Plus Ive still not had full blown sickness which Im weary of. Tonight I feel quite light headed and shakey, had a few migraines but not much else. Oh and lots of sleep. My mum says the other day she thought id went into hybernation she called twice and I was asleep :lol:

Lovely scan photo!

I hope everyone has had a lovely mothers day :) It was my sons 2nd birthday today also! We had a lot of fun, we went to Build-A-Bear and had a party at our local soft play area.

Happy birthday Jaiden.

Glad he had a good day, bet your shattered. Perhaps a deferred mothers day for you? Since today was about J get some breakfast in bed tomorrow ;) :p


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