.. October 2016 Mummies - First Trimester ..

Phew so much to catch up on. Glad to hear some of your good news people . Def let us know about your hcg levels. Im really hoping the best for you. My fingers and toes are crossed.

Went to my gp today. I was telling her about pains just in general that ive been having and she had a wee feel but it was so sore when she was feeling my right side so she sent me to a and e. I was there for ages and another dr had a feel and they want to send me another hospital for a scan tomorrow to rule out an ectoptic pregnancy. They were gonna send me tonight but im so glad they are gonna send for me tomorrow i was so achy and kept thinking i was gonna just puke.

Ive been told to do absolutely nothing husband has to wait on ne hand and foot! Doctors orders. To be honest i thought id be freaking out waay more but im not i dont think its ectoptic cause its not really bad and besides ill get some peace of mind getting an early scan! Im sure at 4am ill be a nervous wreck but for now feet up play some xbox and let hubby do everything!

How scary! I hope the scan goes well today Mac! I'm feeling optimistic about my scan! I've never had good news in that place so really hoping to see a heartbeat (although I know it's still ok if it's too early lol) x
Good luck with your scans today Mac and Caroline. I hope all is okay xx
Morning ladies!
Good luck to you both having scans today I hope everything is ok!
Woke up feeling nauseous, just forcing myself to eat some toast before I get my children dressed for world book day. It's just started snowing here too so coming home and hibernating when they are in school.
Hope everyone feeling ok Xx
Good luck with your scans today ladies!

I'm 23 today! And I spent the early hours of my birthday puking up in the toilet :lol: although, this time 2 years ago my labour had started with my son and I was having contractions!
Happy birthday Nicole! Have you got something nice planned?
Does anyone use the ovia pregnancy app?
I have it, quite interesting. Lots of info and tracks how far along you are and size of baby in terms of fruit and veg or small animals. All good fun :)
Maybe a meal? Depending if I feel better.

I use Ovia! I love it :) I have mine set on weird and interesting animals. Squishy is the size of a butterfly this week.
Haha I have mine set on the cute animals too! Mine is the size of a micro chameleon :)
Looking forward to setting the firm due date, it's changed a few times with all these early scans. Hope you manage to get out for a meal later xx
I use Ovia too. It says it's the size of a southern pecan. I've no idea what size that is, but the doctor yesterday said a jelly baby and I like that idea more. I made my OH go out and buy some so I could see.
Haha brilliant Debbie! Surely you will have to eat them too for research purposes? :) Xx
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What a morning for me. My alarm hadn't even gone off this morning when I needed to puke. Got in the car and felt sick again, had to pull over but didn't manage it in time. My scarf and gloves are now covered in sick! :(
So im wide awake and my heart rate is 109 :( ive had to take a betablocker to bring it down, i hope it doesnt effect my pregnancy as they had to monitor me last time for it...


For the last 3 years I suffered palpitations and sudden increases of heart rate. I could easily get 130bpm at a resting pulse, had monitors and scan and never found irregularities so I just have to put up with it. I reduced the symptoms with more exercise, less alcohol and caffeine but it didn't stop it. Haven't monitored it since getting pregnant to know if it's any worse
Hiya Ladies.. Just to let you know my first midwife appointment will be Monday 7th March for booking in... does anyone have any advice on what to expect? this will be my first baby.. xx
My scan is on Mon morn now. Hope alls well Caroline and happy bday Nicole!
My mum said I should have told the midwife at booking in that I was 4 weeks premature. Does that make a difference? It didn't even cross my mind.
Hiya Ladies.. Just to let you know my first midwife appointment will be Monday 7th March for booking in... does anyone have any advice on what to expect? this will be my first baby.. xx

My appointment letter came with a booklet about tests they can do during pregnancy did you get something similar? I don't think there's any decisions you have to make at the booking appointment though.
I think it lasts about an hour and they do your general health stuff weight and height etc and medical history of you and baby's father. I'm just going on what I've read on pregnancy apps as this is my first too

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