.. October 2016 Mummies - First Trimester ..

Thanks everyone. I'm finally back home. I didn't actually get any work done but didn't want to leave as I'm going to work from home all of tomorrow after the scan. No more blood since this morning so fingers and toes crossed everything is okay xx
I hope all you ladies with spotting are resting up and being looked after sending lots of hugs xxxxx
No such luck sadly, but I've had no more than just once this morning when I wiped (it was just a bit of brown slime tmi!) so hoping all ok in there! X
I was sick recently and my migraine has eased. Had an awful day in agony.

My vision eventually went twice again. When I got home, went for a nap, woke up and my eye went again.

Deffo gonna speak to gp if it keeps up. Cant handle this every week its worse and they totally immobilize me. Feel so drained and groggy.

Not sure whether my story will help but to the ladies with bleeding..

I've had 2 bouts of spotting, one about 6 weeks and one about 7weeks. I had scans both times and the first time was too early to see anything, the second time I had a heartbeat and baby looked well for the estimated dates.

Then a day after my second scan I had a very large bleed, enough to fill a pad and probably more on the Friday. I was adamant I had miscarried, but th following Monday went for a scan and everything was absolutely fine. Your all totally right to get it checked, but I would say a small bit of spotting or even brown cervical mucus should be ok (or so the 3 midwifes I have seen have told me!) as long as there is no pain.

Hope you all get the result you are looking for and there are no issues! Xx
Just catching up and hope everyone is well.this is all so nerve wrecking,thinking of you all!!
Thanks everyone. I'm finally back home. I didn't actually get any work done but didn't want to leave as I'm going to work from home all of tomorrow after the scan. No more blood since this morning so fingers and toes crossed everything is okay xx

Good luck for your scan today xxxx
Good luck for your Scan Debbie!

Claire I hope those migraines ease for you. They sound awful, do you usually get them? Or it new with this pregnancy?

It's 9am and my toddlers pushing me already, give me strength...
Yes Claire, the migraines sound awful!! No more worries for me so far. Today though I'm looking after both my nieces whilst my sister is at work so I have my 21 month old, a three year old and a 18 month old all day! Should be fun lol x
Good morning ladies!
Good luck for your scan today Debbie will check in later to see how you got on. I hope your ok Xxx
Good luck with your scan today Debbie.

Cherrybelly - good luck! I have enough with a 15 month old lg who can be a little diva! Xx

9+5 today! I've had to take a day off work as I'm just so sick. Most of teatime to bedtime last night then woke up feeling sick this morning. When I eat I feel sick and when I don't eat I still feel sick! My mum is taking my lo to nursery for me so a day in bed it is until 3pm. I need to try and eat but I can't face it :(

Good luck with your scan today Debbie.

Cherrybelly - good luck! I have enough with a 15 month old lg who can be a little diva! Xx

Haha! Thanks! They're not too bad as they entertain each other.. Just means we can't really leave the house easily.

Just had a bit more brown slime after a number two (sorry for tmi).. I think I had it with my daughter, but due to my history it's worrying me. Just called dr and he's got me a scan at 11:30 tomorrow.. Prob means I'll have to tell work as I'll be in late but never mind! X
Went for my early scan today after 3 previous misscariages , was put on cyclogest and 75mg aspirin .
After having my ultrasound today I had the bad news again , couldn't find anything in the womb , supposed to be 6weeks 2 days . So so gutted and upset , not knowing what to do with myself and wondering if I can go through this again .

Been sent for bloods today to test my hcg levels and then back on Saturday. Have results from them Monday .
So so gutted ! ����☹️
Went for my early scan today after 3 previous misscariages , was put on cyclogest and 75mg aspirin .
After having my ultrasound today I had the bad news again , couldn't find anything in the womb , supposed to be 6weeks 2 days . So so gutted and upset , not knowing what to do with myself and wondering if I can go through this again .

Been sent for bloods today to test my hcg levels and then back on Saturday. Have results from them Monday .
So so gutted ! ����☹️

Oh no! I've heard that sometimes six weeks is too early to see anything though? What did they say? X
6wks 2days is very eatly to see anything, i was 6wks and they couldnt see anything clearly so i had to go bk and you could just see it xx
Had my early scan today, all is good I'm 8W 2D, EDD 11th October :) xx
Thanks everyone for your support :)

I had my scan and the doctor was lovely and kept making me laugh. I was a nervous wreck. Everything is okay and I cried with relief. My partner is very happy that he now has a more sane wife. She also took some swabs to see what could have caused the bleeding.

It's weird that it still doesn't feel real even though I saw it. My mum just popped over to check on me and she's taking about prams and knitting things and I can't even imagine shopping for things like that.
They just said They're going to test my blood and wait to see what both results are today's and on Saturday . Get results on Monday and Then they're going to go from there ! I really don't know what to do or think x x

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