.. October 2016 Mummies - First Trimester ..

Hi everyone. Been on holiday so haven't been online much. My booking in appointment is tomorrow - 17th. I'll be 6 weeks tomorrow. Got my 3+ yesterday :D
Still feeling sick but not as bad as 4-5 weeks. I'm tired and bloated so I look about 12 weeks pregnant already! I'll try and post a pic at some point. Also woke up with sore boobs last few days which I never had with my son.
Hope you're all doing good x
Hey Claire my booking appointment is no longer 19th if you would like to remove that, thanks xx
Hey Claire my booking appointment is no longer 19th if you would like to remove that, thanks xx

Ive removed it, did you have one already?


No Hun I've to cancel this one incase the outcome of my next scan isn't great and I've went through all my BA it will just make it harder for me. My next scan is 25th xxx
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Hey Claire my booking appointment is no longer 19th if you would like to remove that, thanks xx

Ive removed it, did you have one already?


No Hun I've to cancel this one incase the outcome of my next scan isn't great and I've went through all my BA it will just make it harder for me. My next scan is 25th xxx

My birthday and same day as me for scan.

I hope all goes well. A week on Thurs!!

Hi ladies!

Feeling a bit more positive about joining here now! I'm 5+2 weeks gone and absolutely petrified!!! Have a nearly 5 year old daughter who was a fab surprise and didn't find out till I was 7/8 weeks gone so there was none of this early waiting and stressing!

Edd according to lmp is 16th October! Can't wait to get to know you all more over the next 8 months!!!

Janet x
Is paying for an early scan worth it? My anxiety is getting so much worse worrying that somethings wrong. I'm having no symptoms anymore really and when I'm at work I can't focus on anything except googling questions.

The scans are all around £100 here but found a place near my in laws for £60. Every day is going so slowly and I don't think I can cope waiting another 5-6 weeks for my scan.
Debbie I'm about to book one but more for my OH sake as he really wants some reassurance. Personally I don't think it'll reassure me much as I know the risks are still there until past the 12 weeks and still anything can happen.

His family and friends have had bad experiences of early loss but I'm determined to stay positive whilst realistic but I think it's another step in the journey and will hopefully allow us both to feel more confident but mainly gives us something to work towards that doesn't feel like an age away!

The one I'm booking is £60 too
Id say the early scan was well worth it. Regardless of risks until 12w, even if it were worst case scenario being a MMC Id still rather pay for the early scan to wait all the way to 12w scan and be told no, plus its super long to wait.

Its upto yourself ofcourse. I had an early scan with Jackson as I was bleeding, this time no blood, no concern what so ever but Ive spent more on other items, seeing my baby is ok Id still quite happily do.

Ours are £40 being cheapest here, about £100 being the dearest. Id pay either. I have had a loss though, so reassurance is good for me.

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Glad to see your all doing ok :) came in for a peek :P hope you don't mind lol. Good luck with your scans :D xx
I had my early scan yesterday and it didnt go great she said im messuring at 5 weeks instead of 6 just saw a yolk sack need to go back on the 25 th
Hello everyone!

It's good to finally be back.

I'm having a bad day in regards to sickness, I can't eat and I'm being sick. Which never happened in my first pregnancy. I'm constantly tired and I have no idea how I'm going to cope with 13 hour shifts when I'm back at work on Thursday. Thinking I might have to tell my manager when I return as no way can I restrain and risk being kicked/punched/bitten.

Cannot cope with the sickness today though. Still waiting for my dating scan letter, probably be a few weeks before I get it through the post. I'm glad I'm getting that early scan beginning of March.

Congratulations to the new comers in here!
I had my early scan yesterday and it didnt go great she said im messuring at 5 weeks instead of 6 just saw a yolk sack need to go back on the 25 th

Ive heard that happening quite alot and all being ok.

MrsBee I think teally feared the worst as I think she had a bleed too. Obv everyones diff but Im sure and hope all will be well for you.

And you get to see bub again!! :yay:

Hi ladies!

Feeling a bit more positive about joining here now! I'm 5+2 weeks gone and absolutely petrified!!! Have a nearly 5 year old daughter who was a fab surprise and didn't find out till I was 7/8 weeks gone so there was none of this early waiting and stressing!

Edd according to lmp is 16th October! Can't wait to get to know you all more over the next 8 months!!!

Janet x

:yay: Yay you made the jump!

Hello and welcome :wave:

Please keep us posted of any scan or MW appointments and Ill take a note at the front of the group.

I hope you have a healthy and happy pregnancy.

25th seems to be a good scan day, quite a few of us. Itll be my 25th birthday on the 25th.

I expect a lot of scan piccies that day, as a birthday wish :p

I had my early scan yesterday and it didnt go great she said im messuring at 5 weeks instead of 6 just saw a yolk sack need to go back on the 25 th

In the exact same boat as you Hun. I went last Thursday for an early scan as I had some blood spotting the day before. I was meant to be 6 1/2 weeks but measured more like 5 1/2. I am not worrying though as I have looked it up (I know it's bad to do it but it reassures me haha!) and it is extremely common. It can't be a coincidence it happens to us all! Stay positive and we will make it to the 25th together! Popular date for scans like Claire says ;) xxx
I had my early scan yesterday and it didnt go great she said im messuring at 5 weeks instead of 6 just saw a yolk sack need to go back on the 25 th

I heard this is quite common! I hope everything turns out fine in your next scan Hun. I wouldn't worry to much if that's even possible! Here if you need a chat.
I've had horrendous nausea the past 3 days but nothing atal today so it's a change! Feels silly to say but I kind of wish I still felt nauseous, as it's a good sign haha. Time will tell. Xx
25th seems to be a good scan day, quite a few of us. Itll be my 25th birthday on the 25th.

I expect a lot of scan piccies that day, as a birthday wish :p


My early scan is the 24th at 7.30pm so fingers crossed and i can send an early birthday pic! Lol.

Thanks girls i just have like bad back pain and my nipples hurt like in i want to cry hurt, i have like a wave of nausea early morning but it doesn't last long

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