.. October 2016 Mummies - First Trimester ..

Have many of you had early private scans at 7 weeks?

The place I was going to book can't fit me in the weekend I'm 8 weeks and therefore I either go with nearly 9 weeks or 7 and a half. They do do them from 7 but I wasn't sure if it would be worth it? They don't offer free re scan either. Waiting till nearly 9 weeks seems so much further away!

Ours is from 8, but some take from 6. I would still go at 8/9w purely because if I am put back from say 6-7w theres a chance babys heart beat wont be visable yet, and it is a wee blob about 7w (had my early scan at 7+6 last time and he was a blob :p) If I get put back from 8w, say a week which is impossible, then Id still see heart beat no doubt. Ill be 8+3/4

I know it is long to wait of course its up to yourself. But some of the ladies pics from 9/10 weeks have been amazing recently. When is your booking?

I think Id wait, deffo.

Have many of you had early private scans at 7 weeks?

The place I was going to book can't fit me in the weekend I'm 8 weeks and therefore I either go with nearly 9 weeks or 7 and a half. They do do them from 7 but I wasn't sure if it would be worth it? They don't offer free re scan either. Waiting till nearly 9 weeks seems so much further away!

I had a private early scan with my daughter at seven weeks. She was just a blob with a heartbeat! I found it massively reassuring as had a mmc before her, got to 11 weeks and there was only a sac 😓

This time, I'm going to wait until at least eight weeks as there'll be more to see. I agree that you should try and wait - upto you though! It'll still be amazing at seven weeks xx
Hi :) looks like I'll be an October mummy! Due 11th October. I'm afraid I'm not organised enough to have had any appointments, I haven't even called the surgery yet, but clear blue digital this morning said 3+ so I suppose I'd better get a wriggle on :) wishing you all happy, healthy pregnancies!

Hello and welcome :wave:

Can I have your first name for the front page? And please do keep us informed of your dates when they come!!

I hope you have a healthy and happy pregnancy!! Also yay to 3+ :yay:


I'm Jay :wave: Will let you know as soon as I've been brave enough to call the docs!
Hi :) looks like I'll be an October mummy! Due 11th October. I'm afraid I'm not organised enough to have had any appointments, I haven't even called the surgery yet, but clear blue digital this morning said 3+ so I suppose I'd better get a wriggle on :) wishing you all happy, healthy pregnancies!

Hello and welcome :wave:

Can I have your first name for the front page? And please do keep us informed of your dates when they come!!

I hope you have a healthy and happy pregnancy!! Also yay to 3+ :yay:


I'm Jay :wave: Will let you know as soon as I've been brave enough to call the docs!

Id get a move on! Obviously everywhere differs for appointing, but I phoned at 4weeks and got my scan for 13w!

Its something in the water up here :p

Thanks ladies

I'm going to convince the OH to wait. We'll be 8+5 so hopefully a really worthwhile appointment.
Id advise to move before baby comes if possible. We moved when J was 4m and it was hell (we were actually moving within the block) but still.. before you start collecting more stuff etc Id move!

Its pretty exciting too, can be stressful esp when pregnant but as long as you keep focused and dont over worry. (Im kind of the same atm, decorating the flat and feel like I have 2m to do it, when I have ages)!


Our solicitor thinks we will have the keys for the start of next month so we should be ok then haha! Xxx
Morning ladies!!

Hope everyone's doing well!!

I have a quick question - Last night I was having slight pain on the right side of my stomach. Not enough to make me feel like I needed a paracetamol but enough for me to feel it if that makes sense? I'm pretty sure I can feel it now, but it just feels like a super dull ache. Is this normal? I know cramping is normal but even so if it's just on one side?? Has anyone else been getting this? Xx

I've been having the odd twinge on my left side and am pretty sure it's just baby nestling in tight for the next eight or so months. If it's severe pain, you need to get checked out, but I think a dull ache is ok xxx

Thanks lovely. It's not severe at all, just every little ache and pain I get that I'd usually ignore is all of a sudden a huge deal now I'm pregnant! I hope mine is baby nestling also! Thanks for answering. Xx
Hey haven't been on here recently for some reason my phone wouldn't allow this site to load!! I'v been so tired lately no matter how much sleep I get which is kinder annoying when doing a night shift at work! I'v been feeling sick but haven't actually been sick yet. Can't wait for my doctors appt on Friday so fingers crossed I'm gna try and get an early scan!
After feeling constant nausea for the past two weeks, I was finally sick for the first time last night at 2am - awesome. I felt so ill, really hot and sweaty but a bit better after actually being sick. Today I feel really queasy and have no appetite. Really hope this isn't the start of things to come!
Had my booking in apt today which went fine. Took blood & urine samples, blood pressure, height/weight and all the usual questions. 12 week scan letter will be sent in the post :)
Hey haven't been on here recently for some reason my phone wouldn't allow this site to load!! I'v been so tired lately no matter how much sleep I get which is kinder annoying when doing a night shift at work! I'v been feeling sick but haven't actually been sick yet. Can't wait for my doctors appt on Friday so fingers crossed I'm gna try and get an early scan!

Cookie the site was down all weekend no one could get on.
Hey haven't been on here recently for some reason my phone wouldn't allow this site to load!! I'v been so tired lately no matter how much sleep I get which is kinder annoying when doing a night shift at work! I'v been feeling sick but haven't actually been sick yet. Can't wait for my doctors appt on Friday so fingers crossed I'm gna try and get an early scan!

Cookie the site was down all weekend no one could get on.

Oh I see lol ! Thanks JellyBean34
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How is everyone today?

I've been bad these last few days. Extremely bad sickness, horrible taste in my mouth and extreme fatigue. Back to work tomorrow too....

My toddler is still poorly also, so I've been up and down throughout the night with him. I currently have bad rib pain under my breasts. I have a cold so thinking infection causing the pain? Or perhaps muscles softening and stretching. Who knows!
Does anyone not feel particularly pregnant?!

I've still got sore boobs and have twinges but other than that I'm not feeling any other symptoms.

I've been off sick since Friday with a really bad virus, terrible cough and temperature so that's taken my mind off things a little but I panicked today wondering what if I'm not really pregnant!!

I have to bfps on the same day and still no period so I know I must be but we are just about to confirm postponing our wedding till next year with the venue we had booked for September and my midwife appointments arrived and I've panicked that It could all be in my head! Lol is that normal?!
How is everyone today?

I've been bad these last few days. Extremely bad sickness, horrible taste in my mouth and extreme fatigue. Back to work tomorrow too....

My toddler is still poorly also, so I've been up and down throughout the night with him. I currently have bad rib pain under my breasts. I have a cold so thinking infection causing the pain? Or perhaps muscles softening and stretching. Who knows!

Perhaps a pulled muscle?

Hope you and the wee one are good soon. Jacksons got another cough I think we just pass it between us.

First fornight was a chest infection now throat infection for me. Mostly just lethargy...

Hope the sickness clears soon. All good signs I guess.

Does anyone not feel particularly pregnant?!

I've still got sore boobs and have twinges but other than that I'm not feeling any other symptoms.

I've been off sick since Friday with a really bad virus, terrible cough and temperature so that's taken my mind off things a little but I panicked today wondering what if I'm not really pregnant!!

I have to bfps on the same day and still no period so I know I must be but we are just about to confirm postponing our wedding till next year with the venue we had booked for September and my midwife appointments arrived and I've panicked that It could all be in my head! Lol is that normal?!

I think it's quite normal for symptoms to come and go, so don't worry too much. I feel really sick all of a sudden today and I'm panicking that it's too early for symptoms haha! Can't win really!
Does anyone not feel particularly pregnant?!

I've still got sore boobs and have twinges but other than that I'm not feeling any other symptoms.

I've been off sick since Friday with a really bad virus, terrible cough and temperature so that's taken my mind off things a little but I panicked today wondering what if I'm not really pregnant!!

I have to bfps on the same day and still no period so I know I must be but we are just about to confirm postponing our wedding till next year with the venue we had booked for September and my midwife appointments arrived and I've panicked that It could all be in my head! Lol is that normal?!

Im scared to say Ive had no symptoms...

Sore boobs, sick a couple times, tired and thats it. Ive had 2 colds so assume my immune system is shit atm.

Could all change tomorrow. But for now Im remaining positive. Again could all change. Getting more nervous as I approach my early scan.

Every pregnancy is diff. I was waking up and going to sleep being sick for 9m 1st time. So Im grateful atm.

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In saying that..

TMI: 3 times Ive did a number 2 today. And theyre quite large :blush: but not hard or sore :lol: I have been eating more and did get bigger more frequent bowel movements since my first pregnancy but Im just thinking wheres it coming from? 3 times?! :shock: I can only remember big bowel movements towards the end last time..

Anyone else the same?

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I guess everyone and every pregnancy is different and im trying to remind myself that some women don't know for a few months that they're pregnant so symptoms don't happen to us all.

I've gone between going less often (lack of caffeine!) and more often but only little ones.

I do have super itchy skin though, is that a sign?!
Possibly a pulled muscle as I did lift the stroller into the car boot this morning. I know how easy it is to pull muscles and ligaments in pregnancy.

Jellybean, I don't feel pregnant. I have all the symptoms but I still don't quite believe it. I was the same in my first pregnancy, it didn't feel real until around 17 weeks when I started feeling movement :)

In fact a few days ago I was in the bus heading to town when I suddenly remembered I was pregnant and got super excited :lol: I get random excitement when I remember. Otherwise, I just feel like a sick puppy feeling sorry for herself.

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