November 2021 due dates

Wahhh I need help. I'm so constipated, haven't been for 5 days and I can't sit and push because of the sciatica pain. I'm so uncomfortable, everything is going wrong at once! Pregnancy is not glamorous at all is it :shock:

Aww babe with you on that although mines not as bad now, I have warm weetabix for breakfast every morning and try and eat fruit every day and drink loads of water, call your doctor for that lactalose it works a treat I had 10ml of that twice a day tastes rank but gets ya going xx
Wahhh I need help. I'm so constipated, haven't been for 5 days and I can't sit and push because of the sciatica pain. I'm so uncomfortable, everything is going wrong at once! Pregnancy is not glamorous at all is it :shock:
I second lactulose! Prune juice is supposed to be good! I couldn’t stand the stuff xx
Aww lovely little bump already! <3 I’m curious when I’ll start showing with this one! I only really started showing at about 30 weeks with Lila (think I was 30 something weeks in below photo:rotfl:) I just looked like I’d eaten too much haha

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As if your 30 weeks there this was me 30 weeks with willow and then 36 weeks, they say you show quicker after having one tho don't they? Hard to believe I had a flat tummy in Feb :rotfl: and urghh prune juice I'd have tk be mega desperate for that :sick: xx

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I'll give the prune juice a go first, think I've pestered my gp enough this week for pain relief! If not I'll have to get the lactulose.

Ahh love bump pictures! I've not had a baby in so long I don't think I've got any pictures hanging around. I've gained so much weight since I had the others though I'll probably start showing much later this time around.
I'll give the prune juice a go first, think I've pestered my gp enough this week for pain relief! If not I'll have to get the lactulose.

Ahh love bump pictures! I've not had a baby in so long I don't think I've got any pictures hanging around. I've gained so much weight since I had the others though I'll probably start showing much later this time around.

They say you show quicker after your first hun so I bet you won't be later xx
So jealous of all your proper baby bumps :rotfl: I literally only look pregnant right towards the end! I just looked fatter than what I already was :rotfl: this was exactly a week before she came, 38 weeks here xx​

So jealous of all your proper baby bumps :rotfl: I literally only look pregnant right towards the end! I just looked fatter than what I already was :rotfl: this was exactly a week before she came, 38 weeks here xx​

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You really don't sweet, your legs and arms are skinny and you have a beaut bump <3

Its nice to put faces to alot of you :-) xx
it was past my bum loads and loads it went to the little princess trust x

Aww that's amazing such a beautiful thing to do, was it easy to look after been that long? You obviously look after it with how glossy and healthy it looked in the pic, mines half way down my back but Im just lazy with it an whack it up alot unless I'm out then ill straighten it or have it curled xx
Aww that's amazing such a beautiful thing to do, was it easy to look after been that long? You obviously look after it with how glossy and healthy it looked in the pic, mines half way down my back but Im just lazy with it an whack it up alot unless I'm out then ill straighten it or have it curled xx

Yeah it’s harder when it’s short tbh because I can’t just put it up if I’m rushing lol. I cut it all off to grow it again though as when it’s been long for years even with regular trims or gets a bit tatty x
Yeah it’s harder when it’s short tbh because I can’t just put it up if I’m rushing lol. I cut it all off to grow it again though as when it’s been long for years even with regular trims or gets a bit tatty x

Will it take you long to grow it again xx
It took me years and years to get it that long like 4 years but I think it’ll be long enough by Christmas being pregnant x

Yeah it's crazy how much your hair grows when pregnant and your nails, then when baby is here you feel your going bald with hair coming out :rotfl: xx

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