**Due dates and guess when your LO will arrive list**

My 'offical' due date is the 8th of November, but I think I LO will be born on the 4th of November (at the very latest!).
My due date is 18th November but we are sure that our little boy will arrive on the 25th November as that is our first wedding anniversary!
I WAS due on the 4th Sept, and was convinced i would go early!

I'm booked for an induction on 16th sept - so would probably have it the next day (mon 17th sept)

BUT..... I had a sweep yesterday....... sooooooo that could mean today or tommorow????

BUT......! I think she's an independant bugger and wants to do it all herself so i'm going to go with this coming friday

- 14th sept :wink:
Hey bex, I had a midday sweep on the monday and started getting contractions on the tuesday lunchtime - so fingers crossed! :D
I originally thought 14th sep even though I'm due tomorrow. Not sure any more, been getting a few niggles so I'm hopeful it'll be before friday, but you never know.

Hmmm - well, I am due 22nd Nov, but hubby reckons the baby will be late. I hope it's a week or so early, or on time - so, my guess is

Due 22nd Nov
Guessing 15th Nov

My OH has told baby that it needs to come on its due date because that's his day off!!! Also that it's going to be born at 9 am so that we can be home by 3pm, nice & early!
eurgh how wrong was i

imma guess again

the 15th september
i guessed lo would be here at the end of august. my new guess is 20th of september.
BUMP ! ! !

I had a good laugh at all the guesses, and loved seeing all the new born baby signatures..... sweet and so so cute... :hug:

If your lists still running? I am due 31st Oct but think it will be 5th Nov before LO arrives with a Bang...... so pumpkin or fireworks.. :rotfl:

thank you...... Yvonne xx

P.s. Well done Eightball for guessing just right!! :clap: :clap: :clap:
I'm due october 26th, think she will arrive october 31st!
man i keep missing it.
im so wring with this kind of stuff.
pffty hopefully then it will be.. this weekend after my sweep
I'm due 6th November but think (prob more hoping) early...18th October.

Please add me if poss - ty :hug:

Laura xx

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