November 2007 Babies


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Jan 9, 2005
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I have created this topic so that we have one main list of everybody's November 2007 due dates. You can then easily find other ladies who are due around the same time as you, if you feel that you would like to chat to somebody who is at around the same stage.

If you would like to be added, please make sure that you reply to this thread by clicking the
button (over on the left, just above my picture) and stating when your due date is. I'll update the list each time a reply is received, and the list will remain right here at the top of this thread so that it's easy to find.

(It's important to reply to this thread, as I may miss your date if you start a new topic. So just click the reply button above and let me know!)


Nov 3 ....................... Josephine_Beth
Nov 5 ....................... BustyJo
Nov 5 ....................... Hells
Nov 6 ....................... lsmith1984
Nov 7 ....................... CHARLIE27
Nov 7 ....................... WendyWandy
Nov 9 ....................... ejhedgehog
Nov 9 ....................... CalamityGem
Nov 10 ..................... mellowbird
Nov 11 ..................... midna
Nov 12 ..................... scousegit
Nov 15 ..................... Dawnie010
Nov 17 ..................... LinsG
Nov 18 ..................... batgirl3111
Nov 19 ..................... maria1976
Nov 22 ..................... X5OT
Nov 23 ..................... frangelle
Nov 24 ..................... Kylie1007
Nov 26 ..................... Juzza
Nov 26 ..................... minniemoo4
Nov 27 ..................... feenix
Nov 28 ..................... Tineke
Nov 30 ..................... dotty100

Best wishes,
Laura B
Hi, I haven't even had my booking appointment yet (I only had a + test this weekend), but using an online pregnancy calculator, my due date should be 3rd November 2007. This feels a bit like "tempting fate". It still doesn't seem real and I'm worried about things going wrong (but I know that's normal).

If anyone can give me advice on how to get the ticker to work on this site, I'd be really grateful. I've tried about 5 times and read the FAQs on the 'babygaga' site, but still no luck with it. I copied the html code from that site and pasted it to my signature on my profile here, but that doesn't work...

Can i join?

Not confirmed dates yet but think im due November 5th with my 3rd, suspect a girl again too given my constant nauseated feeling! :roll:
Hiya Jo,

Congratulations on your 3rd pregnancy - this is my 3rd too. I'm waiting for confirmation from my doctor's test on Friday. Have you put a test into the doctor's yet?
WendyWandy said:
Hiya Jo,

Congratulations on your 3rd pregnancy - this is my 3rd too. I'm waiting for confirmation from my doctor's test on Friday. Have you put a test into the doctor's yet?

no our doctor doesnt do tests,

From what i remember last time, once you get a positive home test you just book straight away in with midwife for the booking in.

Will do that sometime soon. :)
Yes, Jo, that's what I thought happened with my other two (both born in England). I'm sure the doctors there told me that as home tests are so accurate these days, they didn't need to do a test. This time (in Scotland), they wanted me to hand in a urine sample to be sent off for testing. They said they'd book me an appointment with a midwife after that. Must be a regional thing! Or else my doctors' surgery just like to double-check.

I can remember more about my first pregnancy 10 years ago than I can about my second 8 years ago (perhaps I was too busy with my toddler the second time). It's a shame, my little girl was asking me recently what her first word was and I couldn't remember! How bad is that? She seemed to sing, "da da da" for so long. I remember her brother's first word because it was so unusual (and two syllables). He said 'a-po' and I was so excited, I gave him an apple and so he loved to repeat it for ages. :D So I tell him his first word was 'apple'.

Today, I was cleaning up and started to wonder where I would "put" a new baby. My children have their own bedrooms and the loft is converted into an office for me. Looks like I'll have to give up my office or have someone share....I know, it's such a long way off, I'm daft even thinking about such things right now.

Another weird thing happened earlier, I "remembered" a smell from my first pregnancy - some scented oil I used to burn. Strange! :shock:

How are you feeling, Jo? What ages are your other children? Was this a planned pregnancy?
This wasnt planned exactly no, we were thinking about it but had a accident :roll:

My Daughter Poppy is 5 and at school, she was a summer baby so we were out and about in the sun alot.
My other daughter is called Summer and is 2, she was another hot summer baby.

Not sure what to expect with a winter baby, warmer clothes, more likely to get colds?

We live in a 2 bedroom place and the girls share, so i think we need to assess our accommodation abit now!

Feelings, erm sick and hungry alternating, i eat and im fine and get hungry and feel sick, its only 11 but i have already had a banana, bowl of shredded wheat, 2 biscuits and 2 bits of toast!! Gone right off coffee, which i normally drink constantly!

Other than the sickness i feel the same as normal bar the apprehension and wondering :lol:
my due date is 2 days after yours i think and ticker puts me at 5 weeks,

im not sure why :think:
Hi Jo, I had 2 Spring babies, so I'm wondering about having a winter baby too (or autumn, to be more accurate). I was worried about jaundice because the baby will be due so late in the year. I mean, I breastfed my first two and so they got jaundice. With my first, I didn't realise that the 'natural' remedy was to leave him in sunlight, so we ended up going back into hospital for a week for phototherapy (and I hated going into hospital). With my 2nd, the midwife advised putting her pram under the window so that she could catch the sun. I did this and she didn't need phototherapy. Where will I get sunshine in November though?

I know my dates are weird. I reckon I conceived on the 9th Feb. My lmp was the 1st. I think I must have conceived just over a week into my cycle!

I think AF was due the 23rd (i.e. my cycle was only supposed to be 23 days). When I put in when I conceived into a calculator, it came back with that due date. I tested (with 3 in a pack poundshop tests) on the 24th and they were all positive (and a clearblue confirmed this the next day), so I think my guesstimate is about right, though I don't know for sure...other calculators gave a due date of 8th November, using the average 28 day cycle and date of lmp.

I'm hoping that the midwife will be able to tell me for sure, or else I'll just have to wait until the first scan.
I think i concieved on the 7th ish :shock: Gosh these calculations on the net put my due date all over the place!!

I will wait for scan too, both my daughters were due on a Tuesday and came 4 days late on the Saturday, wonder if i will be due on Tuesday again! :lol:
Hi Laura,

I'm due on 5th Nov according to the net, still to be confirmed tho, will let you know of any changes if any.

Can't wait :dance: :dance:

Laura xx
I think I'm due somewhere between the 7th and 14th (due to previous problems, I know I ovulate late in the month) but Doc has me down for the 1st :shock: Just sneaked in there!! Will see what 12 week scan says :D
I tried the NHS Scotland pregnancy calculator and got a due date of 30th October! Other dates I've had range from the 2nd-8th November. I can tell that calculating by dates alone isn't an exact science! :D

I've had my pregnancy confirmed by a doctor's test now and I'm due to see a midwife late next week. Yes, it all seems more real this week.

How are all of you others (esp. Jo and Laura here) getting on?

Im fine thanks hun,

Waiting for a booking in appt with MW.

Sickness has gone down alot, hunger is through the roof though!
And my sense of smell is better than a sniffer dogs! :roll:

Glad to here your doing well too!

Midwife says my dues date is 31st Oct, i will wait till 12 week scan to find out for sure as they were well out on my last 2 babies! :D
Hiya Jo,

Glad to hear you're doin okay. I woke up really early for the toilet (again) and felt sick about 5am. I felt like I had a massive hangover this morning (no, I wasn't drinking last night). I can hardly smell a thing, my nose is so blocked up. I am a lot hungrier than usual though, which is good. I need to put on weight - I'm only a size 6-8 normally: too skinny!

My other two children were a bit early. I was clearing out my loft the other day and found my old pregnancy diary that I kept for my first pregnancy. I realise now that I recorded my cycles wrong then - I put the day my period stopped as 'Day 1' of my cycle, which means that my little boy must've actually been born even earlier than I thought! He was 7lb 4oz though...

I feel like I'm "tempting fate" now. I just bought a couple of pairs of early pregnancy jeans from ebay. I was a right scruff during my first pregnancy especially. Cleaning out the loft, I was also sorting out all of our photos into one big box and I saw some of me just after the birth - what a right state! It made me determined not to do that this time. I'll probably never be a "yummy mummy" (I'm sooo lazy), but I think I can at least make the effort with a couple of pairs of jeans, designed for pregnancy, rather than some old tatty pair of leggins and one of my partner's shirts! God, did I really go around like that?

I'm going to "customise" some of my old clothes too. Surely it can't be too difficult to sew in some elasticated panels into skirts/jeans? Ha ha, listen to me - I'm lazy, with a stomach as flat as an ironing board at this stage! :D Still, it means I've got plenty of time...

I keep wanting to tell people I'm pregnant. I don't think my family will be too chuffed for me though. They know my relationship's a bit rocky and think that, because I already have a boy and a girl to my ex-husband that should be "enough" for me. A few of them also don't like the idea of having children by different dads (no-one in my large, extended family has ever done such a shocking thing before!). Ach, I suppose then that I shouldn't bother telling anyone.

The thing that worries me though that if something goes wrong (and it might, as mc is so common at this early stage), then no-one will have known I had even been pregnant and it will seem like it had never happened at all, like it had been nothing (although I would be devastated). Perhaps I'm being silly...

Have you started to tell people yet, Jo? I'm so excited that it's hard not to tell.

I had an interview for a p/t job yesterday. I've got through to the next stage, but it could still take months before they start me (I applied last year). The timing isn't great, but it would be good for helping these months fly by a lot quicker.
following on from my last post - I told my mum this afternoon and she was pleased, though she did mutter, "that's 4 children you'll have to look after now" (meaning my partner, who often acts like a sulky teen).

And wonders will never cease, my partner did a lot around the house today! My older kids are staying with their dad this weekend. My partner hung out the washing, mopped the floors, filled the dishwasher, tidied clothes away and made the dinner (though, to be fair, he often makes dinner). I've noticed that he's trying his best to bite his tongue more too, even though I have been far moodier than usual. :dance:

And I customised my first pair of jeans! It took a lot longer than I thought it would and the result's not brilliant, but they'll do as a spare pair in the coming months.

All in all, a good day :D
I havent had the date confirmed as yet but my 'online' EDD is November 9th,
This will be my second baby and we could not be happier!

( new, be gentle :wink: )

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