**Due dates and guess when your LO will arrive list**

KJ Posted:

Hi, same stage pregnancy buddies!!

I don't mind being last. Everything feels pretty calm in there so far and I've had nothing abnormal so who knows!! If I go 2 weeks over the baby will be born on my birthday!!!

Start your raspberry leaf tea at 32 weks Piglet. One cup a day until 36 weeks and then 2 cups a day until term.


Thanks KJ :hug:

Piglet xx
I'm due 5th Sept but I have a feeling I'll go early and from the beginning I've had 22nd August in my head :think: Don't really want to go early it's just what I think (I'll probably end up about 2 weeks late!)
I'm due 30th July, but I'm guessing I'll pop on 7th August.

Actually my first baby was 18 days overdue, and that was even with being induced, so I'm being optimistic with my above guess lol.
All added up to here :D

mrs-tommo22, what date do you think LO will arrive? :hug:
im due 17th sept but im guessing baby will pop in around 1st or 2nd sept. i dont know why just think he/she will be early.
27th july dates serverly stuck in my head for some reason has been for past 3-4months
My due date is 17th July
I'm hoping LO will arrive 10th July or if I go over then I reckon it'll be 20th July (can we have 2 guesses!)
oh sorry didnt read this one properly :o

due aug 2nd

guess date 27th july. :)

my dad thinks baby will come in 2weeks time :o

Im due 23th Septmeber, but my guess is 1st of Ocotber!

I'm due 16th Sept but I don't know how to guess really.... 26th August I think. Everything is going well medically but I am not a glass is half full kind of person :lol:
im due 17th september but i think hes gunna be about 3 weeks early. around 24th 25th august.
I am due 18th August guessing 29th August but praying for 10th August :wink:
I'm due 14th August but guessing 29th July.

OMG We're already into July :shock:

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