November 2021 due dates

I took these with my last pregnancy too, only cause I was absolutely knackered all the time and I’m not the best eater, don’t like most fruit or veg so good way to get vitamins down me :rotfl: yeah they are enormous, I always take the fish tablets first then the vitamin tablets... I did it the other way round once and the fish tablet got stuck in my throat, no amount of water would clear it and all I could taste was fish in my mouth :sick: xxx

What's the fish tablet don't think I've heard of that? I'm such a muppet at taking tablets it takes me ages I'm that bad if I need antibiotics they give me the syrup form like a kid :rotfl:cos I just struggle so I hate taking these pregnacare I'm only making myself take them cos it's not me I've got to think about xx
I’ve got high dose folic acid and vitamin d on prescription when I remember to take them! I’ve got loads of pregnacare I’m never going to take i should pass them on really x
What's the fish tablet don't think I've heard of that? I'm such a muppet at taking tablets it takes me ages I'm that bad if I need antibiotics they give me the syrup form like a kid :rotfl:cos I just struggle so I hate taking these pregnacare I'm only making myself take them cos it's not me I've got to think about xx

it just comes with the pack, omega tablets or what ever they are :rotfl: xxx
Don’t waste your money on pregnacare tablets! They’re bascially just branded tablets, that are no different to all the other vitamins you can get.

Folic acid up to 12 weeks, or all the way through if you want, and then vitamin d tablets for the rest of the pregnancy - £2.50 for a pot give it take - job done :cool: x
What's the fish tablet don't think I've heard of that? I'm such a muppet at taking tablets it takes me ages I'm that bad if I need antibiotics they give me the syrup form like a kid :rotfl:cos I just struggle so I hate taking these pregnacare I'm only making myself take them cos it's not me I've got to think about xx

lol this used to be me as well. A massive fear of them getting stuck. As I got older and told myself to stop being silly, I used to cut them in to quarters :lol: so they were much more manageable to take. Then I started to get chronic hangovers and the fear of pills soon went, when a hangover needed to be dealt with :lol: x
lol this used to be me as well. A massive fear of them getting stuck. As I got older and told myself to stop being silly, I used to cut them in to quarters :lol: so they were much more manageable to take. Then I started to get chronic hangovers and the fear of pills soon went, when a hangover needed to be dealt with :lol: x

I'm shocking I've tried putting them in yogurt or eating a biscuit and then throwing tablet in before I swallow and I always swallow the food and the tablet is still in my mouth I do palliative care and I have patients who will take 9 tablets in one go with out water and I'm like how?! Xx
I'm shocking I've tried putting them in yogurt or eating a biscuit and then throwing tablet in before I swallow and I always swallow the food and the tablet is still in my mouth I do palliative care and I have patients who will take 9 tablets in one go with out water and I'm like how?! Xx

Awww that must be a really sad job Sarah x
Awww that must be a really sad job Sarah x

It is ive done it 9 years and it's still something I can't get used to when some one takes their last breath on me I look after all ages so done patients younger than me it's awful I always cry but if family want us to wash and dress them once they've gone instead of undertakers I just talk to them still like they are still here otherwise I don't think I'd be able to do it
I've got a poorly baby :( she's been up all night with a fever temp keeps going up and down she's got green snot she's coughing and sneezing and keeps asking me to stop her throat from hurting she's like me suffers with tonsillitis all time I had mine out 6 years ago and she's already under consulant to have them out dreading that she won't eat but I'm not fussed about that just want her to drink she pulls a face with every mouthful she's only been to loo once so far today and that's not like her shes always running to toilet, we are currently laid In bed watching movies now while the rain bangs on the windows xx
It is ive done it 9 years and it's still something I can't get used to when some one takes their last breath on me I look after all ages so done patients younger than me it's awful I always cry but if family want us to wash and dress them once they've gone instead of undertakers I just talk to them still like they are still here otherwise I don't think I'd be able to do it
I've got a poorly baby :( she's been up all night with a fever temp keeps going up and down she's got green snot she's coughing and sneezing and keeps asking me to stop her throat from hurting she's like me suffers with tonsillitis all time I had mine out 6 years ago and she's already under consulant to have them out dreading that she won't eat but I'm not fussed about that just want her to drink she pulls a face with every mouthful she's only been to loo once so far today and that's not like her shes always running to toilet, we are currently laid In bed watching movies now while the rain bangs on the windows xx

Awww hope she is better soon. Hate the kids being ill you just wish you could take their place don’t you x
Awww hope she is better soon. Hate the kids being ill you just wish you could take their place don’t you x

Very much so she keeps asking me to stop her nose from hurting her too cos it's blocked but runny so she can't breathe out of it every time she sneezes it's green candles her eyes are just streaming keeping on top of calpol and nurofen cos her temp just goes through roof I feel so useless xx
Very much so she keeps asking me to stop her nose from hurting her too cos it's blocked but runny so she can't breathe out of it every time she sneezes it's green candles her eyes are just streaming keeping on top of calpol and nurofen cos her temp just goes through roof I feel so useless xx

Have you give her a covid test? My hubby not well so I took great pleasure in ramming one down his throat haha x
Have you give her a covid test? My hubby not well so I took great pleasure in ramming one down his throat haha x

No not thought too cos the only people she's around have them alot and they are clear you still think it's worth doing one? When she had it in January she passed it on to me but in January she was really poorly and weak, I hated having mine done in January had to do it 4 times as every time cotton bud thing came from my throat it was coverd in blood didn't half make me gag xx
No not thought too cos the only people she's around have them alot and they are clear you still think it's worth doing one? When she had it in January she passed it on to me but in January she was really poorly and weak, I hated having mine done in January had to do it 4 times as every time cotton bud thing came from my throat it was coverd in blood didn't half make me gag xx

I would to be on the safe side I think. Xx
When is it your supposed to feel better lol if we do during pregnancy? I'm 12 weeks tomorrow and I just have so many aches and pains not sure if its pregnancy or sciatica I'm exhausted all time more at moment with willow been poorly I'm starving I've just demolished 4 slices of bread and dripping don't think I chewed it lol I just want food all time or I feel sick and feel like I've been on a hunger strike, I'd love to have just one day a week where I feel fine and dandy... Who am I kidding I'd probably stress something was wrong with baby if I did so can't win :rotfl: keep having movements / kicks every now and then Danny's dying to feel them I love it cos he said he couldnt bare to touch his exs belly when she was pregnant and baby was moving and never did but he's said he wants to do everything this time round and do it all xx
When is it your supposed to feel better lol if we do during pregnancy? I'm 12 weeks tomorrow and I just have so many aches and pains not sure if its pregnancy or sciatica I'm exhausted all time more at moment with willow been poorly I'm starving I've just demolished 4 slices of bread and dripping don't think I chewed it lol I just want food all time or I feel sick and feel like I've been on a hunger strike, I'd love to have just one day a week where I feel fine and dandy... Who am I kidding I'd probably stress something was wrong with baby if I did so can't win :rotfl: keep having movements / kicks every now and then Danny's dying to feel them I love it cos he said he couldnt bare to touch his exs belly when she was pregnant and baby was moving and never did but he's said he wants to do everything this time round and do it all xx
I feel exactly the same, absolutely starving 24/7 and feel sick majority of the time! I’m sure I didn’t have it this bad with Lila, just a bit of morning sickness! Really struggling too as I managed to lose 1 & 1/2 stone after Lila (1&1/2 more was my goal) and it’s soo stupid but I’m soo upset at the thought of putting it back on because I can’t stop bloody eating! Xx
I feel exactly the same, absolutely starving 24/7 and feel sick majority of the time! I’m sure I didn’t have it this bad with Lila, just a bit of morning sickness! Really struggling too as I managed to lose 1 & 1/2 stone after Lila (1&1/2 more was my goal) and it’s soo stupid but I’m soo upset at the thought of putting it back on because I can’t stop bloody eating! Xx

I lost loads of weight from having covid had a flat tummy for first time since before getting pregnant with willow and I can't stop eating before I got pregnant I'd have one meal a day and even then I could happily skip food a day I'm never hungry and now I can't stop eating I don't just have one biscuit either I have a full pack wtf?! I'm guna be huge by time I've had this baby I'm just glad it's a winter baby so I can wear baggy hoodys when baby is here I'm. Hoping breast feeding helps suck in some baby weight again but if not I'm not guna stress too much ill just go for a walk every day with baby in pram if it's not snowing or peeing it down xx
God I wish I had an appetite! I’ve lost a stone since March 20th x
Wahhh I need help. I'm so constipated, haven't been for 5 days and I can't sit and push because of the sciatica pain. I'm so uncomfortable, everything is going wrong at once! Pregnancy is not glamorous at all is it :shock:

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