November babies

Thanks hun!

Updated!! Yay all these babies!!
Come on Ali and Kazz!! :pray: :pray: :pray:
Only Kazz now overdue! Or is she?! :think: Has she been on recently?!
All updated!! :cheer: Not many of us November girls left really!! :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:
It's so nice seeing the November babies thread being updated :D

I was just having a look at the list and i'm right at the bottom :o Just want to say congratu;ations to all of you who have delivered :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: and sending lots of LABOUR DUST for those who are overdue and those who want to be early. Good luck ladies!
xmcnickyx said:
lea m said:
xmcnickyx said:
Molly Elizabeth made her appearance on 19th! :D
Awww same day as my little girl!!! :cheer: :cheer: :hug:

High fives for the 19th :D

How are you both doing?
Heehee Yay!!
We're doing good! Cant believe she is a week old tomorrow already!! :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: How your you doing? Hope you and Molly are doing well!! :D
I know! I only got home from hospital on Sunday so can't believe it's been a whole week!

We're doing good, she's such a good baby!
Kazz surely must have had her baba now! She would be 18 days overdue lol!
Glittergirl? Im guessing no news is good news and shes had her babs :cheer:
And now Julia too! I think the same, no news is good news and she also has her babs now!! :cheer:
I hope so anyways! lol
Come on Charlotte! Its your turn next!! ;) :dance:
Ah i saw a post by Julia in Nori's labour thread!! :roll: COME ON JULIA BABY!!! WE'RE ALL WAITING FOR YOU!! lol

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