Looks like the spam posts are all removed, so hopefully this thread will remain safe!
Hi, ladies. Just been catching up on all your posts. I realized at some point that I was too anxious during the early days to keep spending time on pregnancy boards. Now that I've gotten to 13 weeks (!), I finally feel like I can handle coming back.
Lovely to see how everyone is progressing. I had a pretty easy first trimester; the main symptom was several weeks of loss of appetite + feeling sick when I actually did eat a large meal. I was down to one real meal a day, plus forcing myself to eat small things like fruit and applesauce otherwise. Only actually vomited twice, though, and it didn't last long: I didn't really have symptoms until around week 8, and felt normal again by the middle of week 12. I haven't gained any weight, but I suspect if I weren't pregnant, I probably would have lost weight in the past month.
I'm a little jealous of people with bumps already, though I know it would be unusual to have one at 13 weeks in a first pregnancy. Still, it would reassure me that baby was still growing. Everything looked good at the 11 week scan, but now I don't have another until week 15.