November 2021 due dates

Oh enjoy @holli!

@Lucie12344 i wasn’t going to find out as I don’t want to be disappointed im absolutely desperate for a boy! We are going to find out though. Would be alright if it is a girl as still got amelias absolutely gorgeous bugaboo in soft pink x
I'm far to impatient and I need to buy pink or blue lol so soon as I hit 16 weeks I'm going lol xx
I think that’s why I didn’t find out with Lila, I really really really wanted a girl! Ash wants to find out and he wanted to find out with Lila but I just love a surprise and all the neutral colours! Xxx
Danny really wants this to be a boy as he has a daughter same age as willow xx
I just thought it may get me through the pregnancy a little easier if I didn’t find out. But I caved and booked the gender scan when I was about 8 weeks :rotfl:
I just thought it may get me through the pregnancy a little easier if I didn’t find out. But I caved and booked the gender scan when I was about 8 weeks :rotfl:

Terrible lol :rotfl: I just wana double check my dates I know they pushed me forward last week but that could change again on Tuesday so when I get that deffo date I'm booking it lol xx
Terrible lol :rotfl: I just wana double check my dates I know they pushed me forward last week but that could change again on Tuesday so when I get that deffo date I'm booking it lol xx

I was alright with dates Tbf as I was pretty sure of them anyway.

Can we all dislike the Chinese and weird number posts dodgy those are x
I was alright with dates Tbf as I was pretty sure of them anyway.

Can we all dislike the Chinese and weird number posts dodgy those are x

How do you do that? I came on here ans was like woahh what's going off here I thought is it a scam I've not opened any of them incase they was,
I don't know my dates for sure with us not trying I just know my last period was 20th Feb but it was only light I bet I didnt fill a tampon the whole period but I didn't question it as my periods only last 2-3 days and im never really heavy xx
You can’t without opening it I’ve reported them but something similar happened when I was in due in January 19 and we all moved over to Facebook for security x
They are doing it again had to actually come on 1ft tri to find ours lol I'd happily move to Facebook xx
They are doing it again had to actually come on 1ft tri to find ours lol I'd happily move to Facebook xx

It won’t stop until an admin comes along and then they’ll set up another account and start again!

If it continues I’m happy to set up a secret group or join one xx
I have set up a seperate completely secret group on Facebook just in case any one wishes to join Sarah & I just drop one of us a DM @holli xxx
I am literally full on crying at anything x
One time when I was pregnant with my son I cried in Tesco because the pots of jelly were no longer on offer for 6 for £2! And when I say I cried I mean I wailed!!!!!!! Everyone looking at me, old ladies asking if I was okay, customer support coming over, the lot. And I couldn’t even speak through the sobs to tell them it was just the jelly hahahaha!
Looks like the spam posts are all removed, so hopefully this thread will remain safe!

Hi, ladies. Just been catching up on all your posts. I realized at some point that I was too anxious during the early days to keep spending time on pregnancy boards. Now that I've gotten to 13 weeks (!), I finally feel like I can handle coming back.

Lovely to see how everyone is progressing. I had a pretty easy first trimester; the main symptom was several weeks of loss of appetite + feeling sick when I actually did eat a large meal. I was down to one real meal a day, plus forcing myself to eat small things like fruit and applesauce otherwise. Only actually vomited twice, though, and it didn't last long: I didn't really have symptoms until around week 8, and felt normal again by the middle of week 12. I haven't gained any weight, but I suspect if I weren't pregnant, I probably would have lost weight in the past month.

I'm a little jealous of people with bumps already, though I know it would be unusual to have one at 13 weeks in a first pregnancy. Still, it would reassure me that baby was still growing. Everything looked good at the 11 week scan, but now I don't have another until week 15.
Looks like the spam posts are all removed, so hopefully this thread will remain safe!

Hi, ladies. Just been catching up on all your posts. I realized at some point that I was too anxious during the early days to keep spending time on pregnancy boards. Now that I've gotten to 13 weeks (!), I finally feel like I can handle coming back.

Lovely to see how everyone is progressing. I had a pretty easy first trimester; the main symptom was several weeks of loss of appetite + feeling sick when I actually did eat a large meal. I was down to one real meal a day, plus forcing myself to eat small things like fruit and applesauce otherwise. Only actually vomited twice, though, and it didn't last long: I didn't really have symptoms until around week 8, and felt normal again by the middle of week 12. I haven't gained any weight, but I suspect if I weren't pregnant, I probably would have lost weight in the past month.

I'm a little jealous of people with bumps already, though I know it would be unusual to have one at 13 weeks in a first pregnancy. Still, it would reassure me that baby was still growing. Everything looked good at the 11 week scan, but now I don't have another until week 15.

Glad to see your alright and baby is OK i do get worried for the quiet ladies and hope everything has been OK, you'll soon get your bump I was pretty early with my first, I'm 12+2 today going off my last scan I have my 12 week scan on Tuesday so will see if I get pushed forward again pushed back or stay same, I'm just starving all time I'm currently stuffing my face with a massive ham salad sandwich haha, I take it your finding out the sex on your 15 week scan? Are you secretly hoping for a girl or boy? Xx
One time when I was pregnant with my son I cried in Tesco because the pots of jelly were no longer on offer for 6 for £2! And when I say I cried I mean I wailed!!!!!!! Everyone looking at me, old ladies asking if I was okay, customer support coming over, the lot. And I couldn’t even speak through the sobs to tell them it was just the jelly hahahaha!

Aww bless ya did you end up buying the jelly tho lol xx

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