November 2021 due dates

Yeah it's crazy how much your hair grows when pregnant and your nails, then when baby is here you feel your going bald with hair coming out :rotfl: xx

My nails are absolutely beautiful at the min I love them I got some nice nail varnish that’s like a gel from boots to keep them nice too x
My nails are absolutely beautiful at the min I love them I got some nice nail varnish that’s like a gel from boots to keep them nice too x

Oooh I wish I was like that im one of those annoying lasses that bites me nails I'm terrible for it xx
Change of subject here but are you at all emotional? I am absolutely horrendous at the moment don’t even have to do anything and I will cry x

I'm not usually a Cryer I couldn't cry at my nannans funeral 2 years ago and she was my world but I cried like a bitch at dad's funeral and I can well up at small stupid things on Facebook or on TV xx
I'm not usually a Cryer I couldn't cry at my nannans funeral 2 years ago and she was my world but I cried like a bitch at dad's funeral and I can well up at small stupid things on Facebook or on TV xx

I am literally full on crying at anything x
That's a good thing, how are you feeling now with your insulin? Xx

Not too bad need to have it 3 times a day now and more of it but it’s ok. Has your appetite calmed yet? Not long till your scan x
Not too bad need to have it 3 times a day now and more of it but it’s ok. Has your appetite calmed yet? Not long till your scan x

Nah I'm starving all time got Danny to cook me steak onion rings mushrooms and chips at 9pm last night I'm just ravenous I literally feel like I'm on hunger strike wtf?! We are having take out tonight, just dropped willow off at her dad's do you get out of breath so easy? I mean I don't have to do much and I can't blooming breathe, I'm glad your feeling better from it, yeah on Tuesday I have it and then will be booking a gender one at 16 weeks so only 4 weeks to find out if pink or blue xx
Just what I feel strange can’t really explain it any other way x

This is a totally opposite pregnancy to willow but I don't have a gut feeling with what sex it is, I did with willow I said girl from day one but no idea wirh this one at all,
Fat fooks here tonight we just had Chinese and Danny just laughed and said i might have orderd us dessert he won't tell me what tho lol said I'll find out when it's delivered xx
Ahhhh exciting my gender scan is on 12th June I just know it’s another girl though x

i was convinced I was having a boy with Lila and when she popped out I couldn’t believe it :rotfl: I really really wanted a girl! Not going to find out with this one either, gives me the motivation to push them out :rotfl: think I’d like a girl just so Lila’s got a best friend for life! Xxx​

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