November 2018 Testing Thread

Thank you ladies.
Who was i kidding thinking i could stay away from the forum. :wall:
I need you all to keep me sane, otherwise i think i might have a break down lol.
So i have been googling and its quite common to conceive after a chemical so i really hope this is the case for me. Fingers crossed.
I have decided i am going to stop with the temping but carry on with the opk's so i can pinpoint ov as i am quite irregular.
Try to be more relaxed about it but at the same time will defo use my conceive plus again.
I am now off to join the ladies on the December thread xx

Hehe its so hard to stay away :lol: but this place does help, it keeps you sane if anything :oooo:

I think thats the best way to approach it, opk's just so you can defo pin point it and forget the temping, as i personally think its just added pressure and stress, in my opinion anyway.

I was updating the oh on your testing and it made me think back to when i was ttc and i actually think i had a chemical as well, as i had the most horrendous period EVER! This was before i knew what my cycles were actually doing so never picked it up on a test, but i really do think it is common. As winterwolf said, its the downside to testing early, but we just cant help it :wall2: we are definately our own worst enemy at times, thats for sure!

Sending you lots and lots of :dust: :love: you will 100% get that baby growing soon enough <3 xx

I think if i never tested then i obviously would never have known, we really are our worse enemies at times.
I think i will definitely try and hold out next cycle and test if i miss AF. (yeah right lol)
Thank you so much for your support, appreciate it massively xx
Thank you ladies.
Who was i kidding thinking i could stay away from the forum. :wall:
I need you all to keep me sane, otherwise i think i might have a break down lol.
So i have been googling and its quite common to conceive after a chemical so i really hope this is the case for me. Fingers crossed.
I have decided i am going to stop with the temping but carry on with the opk's so i can pinpoint ov as i am quite irregular.
Try to be more relaxed about it but at the same time will defo use my conceive plus again.
I am now off to join the ladies on the December thread xx

Yeah I think the conceive plus was a good idea for you, I definitely do think sperm met the egg this month, chemicals are sooo common especially in first pregnancies, I know that’s no consolidation and it’s still shit when it does happen, carrying on with the opks and conceive plus but dropping the temping sounds like a good idea, especially if you are ovulating at different days every month, I’m the same I don’t think I could have got a bfp without the opks, good luck for this cycle hope you get a nice sticky bfp x

I agree night owl.
I am going to hide my thermometer so i am not tempted and hopefully it will drop a little stress for my next cycle.
I have just ordered a new batch of opks and i will start using them after AF has finished (not that it has even arrived yet)
I think it is also quite common to ovulate quicker than normal after a chemical not sure how true that is.
Thank you for your support xx
So sorry to hear, Char. The whole TTC can be such a mind f*ck! After my chemical, i read similar things about being more fertile the couple months following, so fingers crossed for more BFPs next month and more sticky beans. xx

xoxo - did you conceive after your chemical hun? x

My chemical just happened a week ago :( so i'll be coming up to ovulation this week. I'm not going to test early anymore, even though i was glad to see that we did get pregnant it was devastating when it happened. so i'm going to wait and if my period is more than a week late ill test. if i can hold out that long...haha
I am so sorry Char <3

Took another there is this hint of a line this time looks like it has a little color. I have to wait for my husband to get up and help me get it on here (pics) lol

To be honest though, I have had indent/evap line thingies on FRER last time around and I feel like my period is coming just maybe a bit late? So I don't know what to think right now.

Like I expected to have full blown period...nothing no spotting even nothing but it really feels like it is coming.
Char sorry if I missed the post about this, but as AF actually arrived yet?? There may still be a chance.
So sorry to hear, Char. The whole TTC can be such a mind f*ck! After my chemical, i read similar things about being more fertile the couple months following, so fingers crossed for more BFPs next month and more sticky beans. xx

xoxo - did you conceive after your chemical hun? x

My chemical just happened a week ago :( so i'll be coming up to ovulation this week. I'm not going to test early anymore, even though i was glad to see that we did get pregnant it was devastating when it happened. so i'm going to wait and if my period is more than a week late ill test. if i can hold out that long...haha

Oh I am so sorry hun.
Have you found that you might ovulate quicker this cycle or are you on track?
I am completely the same I won’t be testing early either anymore it’s too stressful.
Really hope you get your sticky bean this next cycle hun xx
Char sorry if I missed the post about this, but as AF actually arrived yet?? There may still be a chance.

No af hasn’t arrived yet hun,really don’t think I am in with a chance because my temp dropped x
Char - I&#8217;m so sorry to read what&#8217;s been going on & your feeling this way. Ttc really is an emotional rollercoaster, really hope your ok. I think I have had a break down over it to be fair! I know I was going to stay away from the testing threads but I feel a bit stronger now - maybe il do the December one.

Congrats to all on here who got BFPs this month as I&#8217;m just dropping in. X
So sorry to hear, Char. The whole TTC can be such a mind f*ck! After my chemical, i read similar things about being more fertile the couple months following, so fingers crossed for more BFPs next month and more sticky beans. xx

xoxo - did you conceive after your chemical hun? x

My chemical just happened a week ago :( so i'll be coming up to ovulation this week. I'm not going to test early anymore, even though i was glad to see that we did get pregnant it was devastating when it happened. so i'm going to wait and if my period is more than a week late ill test. if i can hold out that long...haha

Oh I am so sorry hun.
Have you found that you might ovulate quicker this cycle or are you on track?
I am completely the same I won’t be testing early either anymore it’s too stressful.
Really hope you get your sticky bean this next cycle hun xx

Thanks. I’m not sure, I’m on day nine today and i normally ovulate on 13-15. I’ll probably start OPKs tomorrow so will be interesting to see if it’s normal this cycle or earlier than expected. Xx
Tested yesterday and looks to be positive I hope :)


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Char I hope you get your BFP very soon <3
Thank you GeekMaker x

Char - I’m so sorry to read what’s been going on & your feeling this way. Ttc really is an emotional rollercoaster, really hope your ok. I think I have had a break down over it to be fair! I know I was going to stay away from the testing threads but I feel a bit stronger now - maybe il do the December one.

Congrats to all on here who got BFPs this month as I’m just dropping in. X

Mandy thank you for dropping in <3
It really is a rollercoaster and I haven’t gone through half of what some of you have gone through but it can still get to you regardless of the situation xx

So sorry to hear, Char. The whole TTC can be such a mind f*ck! After my chemical, i read similar things about being more fertile the couple months following, so fingers crossed for more BFPs next month and more sticky beans. xx

xoxo - did you conceive after your chemical hun? x

My chemical just happened a week ago :( so i'll be coming up to ovulation this week. I'm not going to test early anymore, even though i was glad to see that we did get pregnant it was devastating when it happened. so i'm going to wait and if my period is more than a week late ill test. if i can hold out that long...haha

Oh I am so sorry hun.
Have you found that you might ovulate quicker this cycle or are you on track?
I am completely the same I won’t be testing early either anymore it’s too stressful.
Really hope you get your sticky bean this next cycle hun xx

Thanks. I’m not sure, I’m on day nine today and i normally ovulate on 13-15. I’ll probably start OPKs tomorrow so will be interesting to see if it’s normal this cycle or earlier than expected. Xx

Will be good to know if you ovulated around the same time or earlier/later. Keep me updated hun xx

Tested yesterday and looks to be positive I hope :)

Massive congrats tiger. What a lovely bfp xx
Char, how much did your temp drop?

Congratulations tigerlily xx

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Aw Char I&#8217;m sorry you&#8217;re feeling so down hun. I can see how some time away from the forum might be of benefit - it&#8217;s sifficilt when your hopes are up and everyone&#8217;s rooting for you and then those hopes are dashed. Sending hugs x
So sorry AF got you Vintageling... How long are your cycles normally?

Char, I admire your patience! And temps aren't always right you know! With my daughter my temps dropped gradually from 8dpo onwards and was sure AF was on her way! I got a verrrry faint bfp on 11dpo! Your body can be so deceitful! I really hope you're still pregnant!:cheer:

My cycles are really regular hun they only differ by no more then 2 days and it's normally a case of I come on early rather then late so next fertile window starts December 3rd will be testing 21st December

Oh imagine the Christmas surprise! The law of attraction! Watch The Secret on Netflix! It will happen!x

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