November 2018 Testing Thread

Sydney, do you think your hormones are balanced ok after the ectopic ? It’s the only reason I can think of that an opk would give a false result. Or, you ovulated a couple of days after your positive (I think ov is supposed to occur 24-48 hours after positive) and maybe af will arrive over the next couple of days? X

I think so. I got my period 4 weeks to the day after the surgery and then the next one was 4 weeks exactly after that. Sadly I had some spotting before bed last night and have woken to AF. So this cycle has changed my overall avg cycle length to 28 days now. I think the ov testing was actually spot on this month, just didn't catch :(

I'll be joining for December. Will be watching on for those left to test and have everything crossed for you.

Radley, I'm sad reading what you're going through and hope your little one stays put x
Ladies I have done 3 IC this morning and they are all negative. :(
I am actually heartbroken, how could I get that very obvious line yesterday and nothing on all 3 of the ones I did this morning. I’m guessing it was a dodgy test?
I didn’t take my temp either this morning because I woke up at 3 and then kept waking up until I finally got up.
Had cramps basically all night last night and still have them now.
Af due tomorrow so I am show I will definitely be seeing her face. I hate this game!! Xx

Char - when I got my BFP on CD 29 of a 27-28day cycle, I got a good line with FRER rapid response, and NOTHING on my IC... Try not to lose hope just yet.
Morning ladies just caught up..i think. I can't figure out how to quote more than 1 person.

Oh Char I'm so sorry... sending big hugs and hope the which doesn't show up!!!

Radley sending massive hugs that sounds so scary! Thinking of you x

I did the Digi this morning it said the words!! Pregnant 1-2 so I think it's real now, I gave the test to my oh this morning and said happy birthday I'm making you a small human. He was shocked and happy!

I cant remember who asked.. but By the looks of it I'll be due in August but I'm so scared after 3 miscarriages.
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Aw char sorry to see that you’ve had a bfn this morn, there was definitely something there on those tests yesterday, and from the way you had the temp dip and all the symptoms of implantation I’d say if AF does show up I would think it was a chemical :-( so sorry, let’s hope the witch stays away x
So happy for you Phoenix <3

Hopefully she does stay away but if not into the next cycle I suppose.
Is it common to fail pregnant quickly after a CP? Xx
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Char, do you have any Frers left you could use?
So AF is due tomorrow and I had a BFN today.. However I think I'm 9 or 10dpo today, ovulated around 19cd... Uh very depressed today:( congratulations to all the BFPs this month!! Its a month full of baby dust xxx
Char do another test today and see if it&#8217;s any different now it&#8217;s not fmu x
I do have another FRER but going to just wait to see if af arrives tomorrow. If it doesn&#8217;t I will test again.
I really don&#8217;t want to see another bfn today :( xx
I think I can see a line on the middle one Char! With my daughter I had a very faint line with FMU and a stronger line with SMU. I would try again if I were you. A frer and a cheapie can't both have a false positives on the same testing day! Keeping my fingers crossed hun!x

So sorry Hendy... Hopefully you will receive a lovely Christmas surprise!x
I think I can see a line on the middle one Char! With my daughter I had a very faint line with FMU and a stronger line with SMU. I would try again if I were you. A frer and a cheapie can't both have a false positives on the same testing day! Keeping my fingers crossed hun!x

So sorry Hendy... Hopefully you will receive a lovely Christmas surprise!x

Thank you Kitana, that would be the best Christmas present ever!
I thought I could see a line on the middle and the bottom one Char. Are all the ICs from the same batch? I've heard some can be more sensitive than others or some have more dye than other. Try again with the Frer tomorrow, Fx for you
:hug: Hendy and Vintageling, join us on December thread, hopefully Xmas BFPs all round!

Char use a cheapie to test today x

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