November 2018 Testing Thread

I have had some bright red spotting this morning. Bit confused as I'm CD22 which, if it's AF arriving would mean a 21 day cycle! My cycles are pretty short but normally average 25 days, I've never had a 21 day cycle. Also AF always starts with brown spotting for me. I'd love to think it could be implantation bleeding but I'm sure it's too late. Weird!

I hope this isn't the start of your AF Hun.
Implantation can happen late. Xx
Oh Char congrats!! It looks very promising! And we will probably be due around the same time!! So happy for you!
Char and xoxo that really has made my day. Chuffed to bits for the both of you xxx

Been a roller coaster here and I continue to be on it. I'm in qatar to see friends and this afternoon I had a sharp pain and then some spotting with bright red in it. Friend took me to the local gynae unit and I was scanned straight away.

Two sacs.

One bigger than the other and with a heartbeat (which we heard). And o e smaller with no heartbeat. The doctor said I shouldn't fly until 12 weeks and I explained that we dont live here and fly home a week today. So they have given me progesterone to take and I'm to go back on Thursday for another scan. So two in there and it looks like one isn't going to make it and now I'm scared for the other one too. Still got a bit of bleeding. Have to Complete rest until thursday.

Friends have been brilliant but then said that they would take us out to dinner tomorrow night. I'm cramping, shit scared and bleeding. Why one earth would they think I'd want to go out?

Again, chuffed for the BFPs ladies. I really am. Cheared me up on what has been a sad, odd and scary day
Congrats Char! That’s so exciting. I think I see the line more on the frer myself! Definitely do an IC tomorrow morning!
Radleycat, I can't imagine how you must be feeling now. I'm so sorry about the one that looks like it might not make it. I can't imagine how you must be feeling but if it's any reassurance my boss had the same thing, and even though one twin was sadly lost her little boy survived. He's nearly 3 now and very very cheeky. I know it probably doesn't help now with all the worry and sadness. How's the medical care in Qatar? I hope you're being looked after well.

Rest and don't feel pressured to do anything you're not up for, you have to put yourself first. I'm thinking of you and praying for you if you belive in that.
Char and xoxo that really has made my day. Chuffed to bits for the both of you xxx

Been a roller coaster here and I continue to be on it. I'm in qatar to see friends and this afternoon I had a sharp pain and then some spotting with bright red in it. Friend took me to the local gynae unit and I was scanned straight away.

Two sacs.

One bigger than the other and with a heartbeat (which we heard). And o e smaller with no heartbeat. The doctor said I shouldn't fly until 12 weeks and I explained that we dont live here and fly home a week today. So they have given me progesterone to take and I'm to go back on Thursday for another scan. So two in there and it looks like one isn't going to make it and now I'm scared for the other one too. Still got a bit of bleeding. Have to Complete rest until thursday.

Friends have been brilliant but then said that they would take us out to dinner tomorrow night. I'm cramping, shit scared and bleeding. Why one earth would they think I'd want to go out?

Again, chuffed for the BFPs ladies. I really am. Cheared me up on what has been a sad, odd and scary day

Oh no Radley what an awful time for you, which isn't helped with being over there :-( just concentrate on the positives though, or you will drive yourself mad - easier said than done I know. At least there is one beating heart, although very sad there isn't anything in the other sac. You must be strong for the baby that's still going strong <3

Bless your friends, they are only trying to maybe help take your mind off of things, but I totally understand that you wouldn't want to go anywhere. Rest up and look after yourself, sending you lots of :love:
Radley I am so sorry to hear this but keep positive and strong for the little one you do have in there. Thinking of you hun, look after yourself <3 xx
Ladies I need your help please.....
So me and oh just DTD and afterwards sitting on the toilet there was blood in the sperm that fell out. Is everything ok? When I wiped myself it was mostly sperm with a little bit of pink blood.
I&#8217;m over thinking everything xx
Ladies I need your help please.....
So me and oh just DTD and afterwards sitting on the toilet there was blood in the sperm that fell out. Is everything ok? When I wiped myself it was mostly sperm with a little bit of pink blood.
I’m over thinking everything xx

I’ve read before that having sex in the early weeks of pregnancy can irritate things and I have read stories of that happening, especially if it happened after you went to the loo/having sex and not several hours later so I’m thinking maybe it’s connected.

When is your period due?
Char and xoxo that really has made my day. Chuffed to bits for the both of you xxx

Been a roller coaster here and I continue to be on it. I'm in qatar to see friends and this afternoon I had a sharp pain and then some spotting with bright red in it. Friend took me to the local gynae unit and I was scanned straight away.

Two sacs.

One bigger than the other and with a heartbeat (which we heard). And o e smaller with no heartbeat. The doctor said I shouldn't fly until 12 weeks and I explained that we dont live here and fly home a week today. So they have given me progesterone to take and I'm to go back on Thursday for another scan. So two in there and it looks like one isn't going to make it and now I'm scared for the other one too. Still got a bit of bleeding. Have to Complete rest until thursday.

Friends have been brilliant but then said that they would take us out to dinner tomorrow night. I'm cramping, shit scared and bleeding. Why one earth would they think I'd want to go out?

Again, chuffed for the BFPs ladies. I really am. Cheared me up on what has been a sad, odd and scary day

Thinking of you Radleycat and hoping everything goes ok on Thursday. Can you stay out there a bit longer so you don’t have to fly home so soon?
Char that's definitely a BFP on the IC. I saw it on the FRER too.
Congrats phoenix!
Radley thinking of you.

Sending love to all those left to test, and sorry for those who got AF/BFN.
Ladies I need your help please.....
So me and oh just DTD and afterwards sitting on the toilet there was blood in the sperm that fell out. Is everything ok? When I wiped myself it was mostly sperm with a little bit of pink blood.
I’m over thinking everything xx

I’ve read before that having sex in the early weeks of pregnancy can irritate things and I have read stories of that happening, especially if it happened after you went to the loo/having sex and not several hours later so I’m thinking maybe it’s connected.

When is your period due?

I have just read that too in google that it can irritate the cervix in early pregnancy.
My period is due Sunday/Monday.
Been to the toilet a couple of times since cos I am panicking and nothing there literally just after DTD xx
Char that's definitely a BFP on the IC. I saw it on the FRER too.
Congrats phoenix!
Radley thinking of you.

Sending love to all those left to test, and sorry for those who got AF/BFN.

Kholl thank you hun xx
Hi everyone :wave:

I've been quietly following along this month. I've tried not to focus too much on testing dates etc.. But at the same time have wanted to join in too!

Firstly, congratulations to all the BFPs and sending hugs for those with BFN/AF or other sad outcomes - thinking of you.

This is our third month TTC again after my ruptured ectopic which almost took my life. Still having psychological help to grieve the loss and the trauma but so want to have a baby. Naturally, with a tube down, I'm trying to be realistic about how long it's going to take (took 4 months with two tubes, so trying to convince myself that it could be at least 8 months).

We use conceive plus as I definitely don't get EWCM like back in my 20s. We have covered the month well and DtD sufficiently around peak ovulation (I use the CB one in the morning which pics up estrogen and LH) as we have with the previous cycles.

My average cycle is 27 days. It's CD 29 and no period yet. Positive CB/Ov was CD14 so two weeks ago yesterday morning, so I don't really think I can class this as a late period yet? I did a first response rapid response yesterday morning - BFN. FRER are soooo hard to find in the shops/supermarket when you want them last minute - does anyone else have this problem?

Anyways, sorry for the longwinded post, but anyone have any thoughts? I've only got one FRRR left.
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Ladies I need your help please.....
So me and oh just DTD and afterwards sitting on the toilet there was blood in the sperm that fell out. Is everything ok? When I wiped myself it was mostly sperm with a little bit of pink blood.
I&#8217;m over thinking everything xx

I&#8217;ve read before that having sex in the early weeks of pregnancy can irritate things and I have read stories of that happening, especially if it happened after you went to the loo/having sex and not several hours later so I&#8217;m thinking maybe it&#8217;s connected.

When is your period due?

I have just read that too in google that it can irritate the cervix in early pregnancy.
My period is due Sunday/Monday.
Been to the toilet a couple of times since cos I am panicking and nothing there literally just after DTD xx

Hopefully it&#8217;s just that then especially as it happened after DTD and it hasn&#8217;t happened again so that&#8217;s good. Keep us posted. X
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Oh wow Radley that is a lot of drama going on whilst you are away. Thinking of you and I hope everything works out ok for you.

Yes Charl it can irritate the cervix. So long as it&#8217;s not bright red blood and lots of it you should be ok.
Oh wow, I didn't check the forum in the morning and wham! 2 brand new :bfp:!! Congrats Char and phoenix!!

Radley, how far along are you? I wouldn't worry too much about flying, the danger is the clots you can get when you stay seated too long. When I was pregnant, I flew to New York when I was 10 weeks, to the Philippines when I was 5 months and to Thailand when I was 6 months and my daughter was born prefectly healthy! I did have pressure stockings on for the blood circulation since my legs did have a tendency to swell. So sorry to hear about the second missing heartbeat but might still be too early for one?:hugs:
Wow Radley, I&#8217;m sorry to hear you&#8217;re going through this! Especially being away from home too, how stressful :hug: xx

Sydney, do you think your hormones are balanced ok after the ectopic ? It&#8217;s the only reason I can think of that an opk would give a false result. Or, you ovulated a couple of days after your positive (I think ov is supposed to occur 24-48 hours after positive) and maybe af will arrive over the next couple of days? X
Oh wow Radley that is a lot of drama going on whilst you are away. Thinking of you and I hope everything works out ok for you.

Yes Charl it can irritate the cervix. So long as it’s not bright red blood and lots of it you should be ok.

Thanks hun. Been to the toilet about a thousand times since and no more blood since the 1st time. Thank god xx
Oh wow, I didn't check the forum in the morning and wham! 2 brand new :bfp:!! Congrats Char and phoenix!!

Kitana thank you. Still not sure whether to believe it.
Another test in the morning I’m sure will tell xx

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