November 2018 Testing Thread

Am I going mad??
You can totally see something in person, it looks like the same thickness as the control line?!


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Char I think this is a positive! Exactly how my bfp’s started. Got a positive on an Internet cheapie that looked JUST like that, and then my FRER looks just like your frer later that day! Omg xxxxxx
I’m on my phone but I think I see it! Eeek

Char do you have more FRERs? Maybe have a good wee hold without drinking much for couple of hours and try again?!

I’ve seen quite a few times people having BFN with fmu then later in day get BFP! X
Char I think this is a positive! Exactly how my bfp’s started. Got a positive on an Internet cheapie that looked JUST like that, and then my FRER looks just like your frer later that day! Omg xxxxxx

OMG now I’m shaking like a leaf :rotfl:
It’s totally more visible in person xx
I’m on my phone but I think I see it! Eeek

Char do you have more FRERs? Maybe have a good wee hold without drinking much for couple of hours and try again?!

I’ve seen quite a few times people having BFN with fmu then later in day get BFP! X

I have 1 more FRER that I was going to save if I missed my AF. I have loads of IC’s though Em. Xx
Awwww Char I’m so so happy for you, really looks like this is your BFP! Defo do another FRER later! X
This forum makes pics look dodgey because I am looking at it in person and the photo I took before I uploaded and there is defo something there on the IC xx
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You're totally pregnant. That's as good a early positive as you'll get from an IC. :)
Am I going mad??
You can totally see something in person, it looks like the same thickness as the control line?!

Omg char that's what I was like with mine yesterday too...I see it! I was like I kinda see it but do i you guys could see it too tho!
I can’t see a lone on the first pic of the IC but I deffo see something on the second one.... ahh! I think this is a very early BFP for you hun. Fx xxxx
My BFP with daughter at 10DPO on IC was a feint line x
I second winterwolf! There’s no mistaking two lines on your IC’s char!! I’ve just been looking at a pic of my FRER from back in August and mine looks exactly like yours, it won’t let me upload though annoyingly!! My line started off quite grey and eventually got darker and pinker closer to AF (that never came). If it was an indent or evap I don’t think it’d be so visible, especially with the pic not being the best quality and I can defo see it! Maybe get some other brands and do some comparisons? I think you’re defo pregnant though OMG! Xxxxx
Nah mine looked exactly like that at 9, 10, 11 and 12 dpo. My FRERs got darker everyday but the ICs took their sweet time. I'd be shocked if you're not pregnant.

Also - you're not likely to pic up an indent line on a FRER on camera. It's a faint positive. :)
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So I tested again this morning like you suggestedand well my oh isn't majorly convinced (he needs a def yes no to see is as it's still vague)
But thought you guys would see what I see compared to yesterday...


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I second winterwolf! There’s no mistaking two lines on your IC’s char!! I’ve just been looking at a pic of my FRER from back in August and mine looks exactly like yours, it won’t let me upload though annoyingly!! My line started off quite grey and eventually got darker and pinker closer to AF (that never came). If it was an indent or evap I don’t think it’d be so visible, especially with the pic not being the best quality and I can defo see it! Maybe get some other brands and do some comparisons? I think you’re defo pregnant though OMG! Xxxxx

Theosmama thank you, now I just hope that grey line gets pinker. I have sent the photo to my friend and about 100 messages but she’s not looking at her phone to tell me her opinion lol. I really don’t want to convince my self just yet that I am pregnant because I don’t want to get excited over nothing but I honestly do see that line. And here’s me slagging them ic. I feel like I now need to apologise haha xx
Nah mine looked exactly like that at 9, 10, 11 and 12 dpo. My FRERs got darker everyday but the ICs took their sweet time. I'd be shocked if you're not pregnant.

Also - you're not likely to pic up an indent line on a FRER on camera. It's a faint positive. :)

Winterwolf thank you.
Like I said I really am not allowing myself to get too excited just yet. Shall I do an IC now everyday until af? Xx
So I tested again this morning like you suggestedand well my oh isn't majorly convinced (he needs a def yes no to see is as it's still vague)
But thought you guys would see what I see compared to yesterday...

Amazing line Phoenix :)
So happy for you hun xxx
I can see lines on both of those Char cans Phoenix!!! Squeeeeeeeee!!!!!! :love:
Char my lovely you are PREGGERS!! Woohoo!!! Yay!!

I see the line on the FRER but the lighting isn't great so was on the fence. Then saw the IC and 100% see that line. If you think back to my IC tests, do you recall how faint they where? They started off a lot like yours.

Carry on with the ICs and use your FRER Monday morning. Let your hcg crease before you use the FRER.

Congratulations lovely xxx

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