November 2018 Testing Thread

Could I be added for 30th November testing please? I think I might be 9dpo then x
Radleycat and Vintageling - I tend to deflect back to them with an equally intrusive question, they usually get the point! The only one who doesn’t is my SIL, who has been telling me since I was 27 that I was “getting on a bit” and needed to hurry up. She’s a few years younger than me, the way she talks you’d think I’d be preparing to retire... I’m now 31! Deflecting doesn’t work with her lol She’ll soon learn when it’s her turn!

So sorry Emma, hoping December is your month x
Radleycat and Vintageling - I tend to deflect back to them with an equally intrusive question, they usually get the point! The only one who doesn’t is my SIL, who has been telling me since I was 27 that I was “getting on a bit” and needed to hurry up. She’s a few years younger than me, the way she talks you’d think I’d be preparing to retire... I’m now 31! Deflecting doesn’t work with her lol She’ll soon learn when it’s her turn!

So sorry Emma, hoping December is your month x

Yea I've had people ask me if I'm pregnant because ibe a tilted pelvis anyway and my fat likes to collect into a belly at the front and I'm not even fat but the moment I get bloated i look like I have a bump people do ask me if I'm pregnant so I literally just stand there and go no not pregnant just fat thank you the look on their faces is priceless
Radleycat and Vintageling - I tend to deflect back to them with an equally intrusive question, they usually get the point! The only one who doesn’t is my SIL, who has been telling me since I was 27 that I was “getting on a bit” and needed to hurry up. She’s a few years younger than me, the way she talks you’d think I’d be preparing to retire... I’m now 31! Deflecting doesn’t work with her lol She’ll soon learn when it’s her turn!

So sorry Emma, hoping December is your month x

Yea I've had people ask me if I'm pregnant because ibe a tilted pelvis anyway and my fat likes to collect into a belly at the front and I'm not even fat but the moment I get bloated i look like I have a bump people do ask me if I'm pregnant so I literally just stand there and go no not pregnant just fat thank you the look on their faces is priceless

:rotfl: x
Radleycat and Vintageling - I tend to deflect back to them with an equally intrusive question, they usually get the point! The only one who doesn’t is my SIL, who has been telling me since I was 27 that I was “getting on a bit” and needed to hurry up. She’s a few years younger than me, the way she talks you’d think I’d be preparing to retire... I’m now 31! Deflecting doesn’t work with her lol She’ll soon learn when it’s her turn!

So sorry Emma, hoping December is your month x

Yea I've had people ask me if I'm pregnant because ibe a tilted pelvis anyway and my fat likes to collect into a belly at the front and I'm not even fat but the moment I get bloated i look like I have a bump people do ask me if I'm pregnant so I literally just stand there and go no not pregnant just fat thank you the look on their faces is priceless

:rotfl: x
It will change though the next person that asks me will get oh I wish I was been trying for so long but this all this is just me being fat that will soon have them trying to get away from me haha
Radleycat and Vintageling - I tend to deflect back to them with an equally intrusive question, they usually get the point! The only one who doesn’t is my SIL, who has been telling me since I was 27 that I was “getting on a bit” and needed to hurry up. She’s a few years younger than me, the way she talks you’d think I’d be preparing to retire... I’m now 31! Deflecting doesn’t work with her lol She’ll soon learn when it’s her turn!

So sorry Emma, hoping December is your month x

Yea I've had people ask me if I'm pregnant because ibe a tilted pelvis anyway and my fat likes to collect into a belly at the front and I'm not even fat but the moment I get bloated i look like I have a bump people do ask me if I'm pregnant so I literally just stand there and go no not pregnant just fat thank you the look on their faces is priceless

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Its totally the best way to respond :lol:

I am so surprised people even ask you, they should know if its not overly obvious, that you shouldn't ask. I know so many woman who suffer with bloated tummys, so i know never to ask - i would be mortified if they weren't pregnant yet i still asked :x
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Radleycat and Vintageling - I tend to deflect back to them with an equally intrusive question, they usually get the point! The only one who doesn’t is my SIL, who has been telling me since I was 27 that I was “getting on a bit” and needed to hurry up. She’s a few years younger than me, the way she talks you’d think I’d be preparing to retire... I’m now 31! Deflecting doesn’t work with her lol She’ll soon learn when it’s her turn!

So sorry Emma, hoping December is your month x

Yea I've had people ask me if I'm pregnant because ibe a tilted pelvis anyway and my fat likes to collect into a belly at the front and I'm not even fat but the moment I get bloated i look like I have a bump people do ask me if I'm pregnant so I literally just stand there and go no not pregnant just fat thank you the look on their faces is priceless

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Its totally the best way to respond :lol:

I am so surprised people even ask you, they should know if its not overly obvious, that you shouldn't ask. I know so many woman who suffer with bloated tummys, so i know never to ask - i would be mortified if they weren't pregnant yet i still asked :x
Yea they are mortified when I say it I try and do it sarcastic to poke fun so they don't feel as bad but still it does hurt I've wanted a baby for so long but never managed to get as far as ttc so even when I wasn't ttc it hurt abit it hurts even more now because I would love nothing more then to be pregnant. Yea people should know better but people don't the worse person for it is actually my mum and she knows both me and my sister struggle with bloating. She embarrassed me hugely once she was in hospital and did it and would not shit up in the middle of the ward but she wasn't well as when she isn't well she has no filter on her mouth at all because of the reason she isn't well but I just sat there saying no mother I'm just fat she knows she gets mother and not mum when I'm abit annoyed at her lol
Radleycat and Vintageling - I tend to deflect back to them with an equally intrusive question, they usually get the point! The only one who doesn’t is my SIL, who has been telling me since I was 27 that I was “getting on a bit” and needed to hurry up. She’s a few years younger than me, the way she talks you’d think I’d be preparing to retire... I’m now 31! Deflecting doesn’t work with her lol She’ll soon learn when it’s her turn!

So sorry Emma, hoping December is your month x

Yea I've had people ask me if I'm pregnant because ibe a tilted pelvis anyway and my fat likes to collect into a belly at the front and I'm not even fat but the moment I get bloated i look like I have a bump people do ask me if I'm pregnant so I literally just stand there and go no not pregnant just fat thank you the look on their faces is priceless

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Its totally the best way to respond :lol:

I am so surprised people even ask you, they should know if its not overly obvious, that you shouldn't ask. I know so many woman who suffer with bloated tummys, so i know never to ask - i would be mortified if they weren't pregnant yet i still asked :x
Yea they are mortified when I say it I try and do it sarcastic to poke fun so they don't feel as bad but still it does hurt I've wanted a baby for so long but never managed to get as far as ttc so even when I wasn't ttc it hurt abit it hurts even more now because I would love nothing more then to be pregnant. Yea people should know better but people don't the worse person for it is actually my mum and she knows both me and my sister struggle with bloating. She embarrassed me hugely once she was in hospital and did it and would not shit up in the middle of the ward but she wasn't well as when she isn't well she has no filter on her mouth at all because of the reason she isn't well but I just sat there saying no mother I'm just fat she knows she gets mother and not mum when I'm abit annoyed at her lol

Urgh people can be so rude! I know they don’t mean it, but unless they’ve been in that position they have no idea how it feels. At least we can all share these feelings with each other.
Radleycat and Vintageling - I tend to deflect back to them with an equally intrusive question, they usually get the point! The only one who doesn’t is my SIL, who has been telling me since I was 27 that I was “getting on a bit” and needed to hurry up. She’s a few years younger than me, the way she talks you’d think I’d be preparing to retire... I’m now 31! Deflecting doesn’t work with her lol She’ll soon learn when it’s her turn!

So sorry Emma, hoping December is your month x

Yea I've had people ask me if I'm pregnant because ibe a tilted pelvis anyway and my fat likes to collect into a belly at the front and I'm not even fat but the moment I get bloated i look like I have a bump people do ask me if I'm pregnant so I literally just stand there and go no not pregnant just fat thank you the look on their faces is priceless

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Its totally the best way to respond :lol:

I am so surprised people even ask you, they should know if its not overly obvious, that you shouldn't ask. I know so many woman who suffer with bloated tummys, so i know never to ask - i would be mortified if they weren't pregnant yet i still asked :x
Yea they are mortified when I say it I try and do it sarcastic to poke fun so they don't feel as bad but still it does hurt I've wanted a baby for so long but never managed to get as far as ttc so even when I wasn't ttc it hurt abit it hurts even more now because I would love nothing more then to be pregnant. Yea people should know better but people don't the worse person for it is actually my mum and she knows both me and my sister struggle with bloating. She embarrassed me hugely once she was in hospital and did it and would not shit up in the middle of the ward but she wasn't well as when she isn't well she has no filter on her mouth at all because of the reason she isn't well but I just sat there saying no mother I'm just fat she knows she gets mother and not mum when I'm abit annoyed at her lol

oh yea defiantly it will always hit a nerve :(
hahaha I do the same with my mum as well :lol:
Radleycat and Vintageling - I tend to deflect back to them with an equally intrusive question, they usually get the point! The only one who doesn’t is my SIL, who has been telling me since I was 27 that I was “getting on a bit” and needed to hurry up. She’s a few years younger than me, the way she talks you’d think I’d be preparing to retire... I’m now 31! Deflecting doesn’t work with her lol She’ll soon learn when it’s her turn!

So sorry Emma, hoping December is your month x

Yea I've had people ask me if I'm pregnant because ibe a tilted pelvis anyway and my fat likes to collect into a belly at the front and I'm not even fat but the moment I get bloated i look like I have a bump people do ask me if I'm pregnant so I literally just stand there and go no not pregnant just fat thank you the look on their faces is priceless

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Its totally the best way to respond :lol:

I am so surprised people even ask you, they should know if its not overly obvious, that you shouldn't ask. I know so many woman who suffer with bloated tummys, so i know never to ask - i would be mortified if they weren't pregnant yet i still asked :x
Yea they are mortified when I say it I try and do it sarcastic to poke fun so they don't feel as bad but still it does hurt I've wanted a baby for so long but never managed to get as far as ttc so even when I wasn't ttc it hurt abit it hurts even more now because I would love nothing more then to be pregnant. Yea people should know better but people don't the worse person for it is actually my mum and she knows both me and my sister struggle with bloating. She embarrassed me hugely once she was in hospital and did it and would not shit up in the middle of the ward but she wasn't well as when she isn't well she has no filter on her mouth at all because of the reason she isn't well but I just sat there saying no mother I'm just fat she knows she gets mother and not mum when I'm abit annoyed at her lol

oh yea defiantly it will always hit a nerve :(
hahaha I do the same with my mum as well :lol:

I love her to death but there is just times I want the ground to open u0 and swallow me haha
7dpo today. 7 days before expected period (I think but who knows with my cycles at the moment. ) and I'm getting seriously impatient. I even did a pregnancy test this morning!!!:doh:

I've had increased vaginal discharges the last two days, it was clear yesterday and clear/white lotion like today. Don't know if this is a good/bad sign or not a sign of anything at all!!
I feel like af is coming..due on sat or sun. Thinking I'm out.
I was gonna yes on sat but not sure how if I need to now.
7dpo today. 7 days before expected period (I think but who knows with my cycles at the moment. ) and I'm getting seriously impatient. I even did a pregnancy test this morning!!!:doh:

I've had increased vaginal discharges the last two days, it was clear yesterday and clear/white lotion like today. Don't know if this is a good/bad sign or not a sign of anything at all!!

Princess why did you test so early you crazy woman lol!
7dpo is way to early to be getting a bfp! X
I feel like af is coming..due on sat or sun. Thinking I'm out.
I was gonna yes on sat but not sure how if I need to now.

Phoenix what makes you think Af is coming?
Sat/sun is still quite a few days away to be getting signs surely? X
7dpo today. 7 days before expected period (I think but who knows with my cycles at the moment. ) and I'm getting seriously impatient. I even did a pregnancy test this morning!!!:doh:

I've had increased vaginal discharges the last two days, it was clear yesterday and clear/white lotion like today. Don't know if this is a good/bad sign or not a sign of anything at all!!

Princess why did you test so early you crazy woman lol!
7dpo is way to early to be getting a bfp! X

Haha I know. I'm a serial tester. I test when I'm not even trying to conceive. Just in case. Will probably test every morning know until Period

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