November 2018 Testing Thread

Yea I don't test early normally made that mistake many cycles ago and it hurts to see the negitive but hurt again when AF arrives I'm only testing early this cycle be chase Saturday i have a wedding and Monday it's my anniversary.
So sorry loumaro
I also like to know, but if I didn’t set a strict limit on it I’d be testing every day lol. Feels easier for me to just wait until AF is due then I know there’s less chance of a false negative. Urgh why is TTC so hard?!

Totally get you.
I am actually so done with TTC now. I am on my 6th cycle and i am just so fed up of AF arriving every month :(
I know i shouldn't be moaning as it takes some ladies so much longer but it is getting me down massively xx

I know the feeling hun I'm cycle 8 and I'm done I just want a baby already
Well Im out this month came on last night, aw sorry em you too!? I'm not temping this cycle, deleted my apps too, going to try to relax and hope the new year brings us all 2 lines ❤️xx

Waiting for AF, expect it to be tonight or in morning based on massive temp drop below coverline this morning! Sorry you’re out too :hug: X
I also like to know, but if I didn’t set a strict limit on it I’d be testing every day lol. Feels easier for me to just wait until AF is due then I know there’s less chance of a false negative. Urgh why is TTC so hard?!

Totally get you.
I am actually so done with TTC now. I am on my 6th cycle and i am just so fed up of AF arriving every month :(
I know i shouldn't be moaning as it takes some ladies so much longer but it is getting me down massively xx

I know the feeling hun I'm cycle 8 and I'm done I just want a baby already

Hugs to both of you xx

I know, it’s really frustrating. It’s not helped when people around me are questioning why we haven’t had a baby yet (it’s been going on for years, but now we are actually trying it feels worse). In some ways it feels like it would be easier if I knew I couldn’t conceive, this waiting and not knowing if or when it’ll happen is frustrating.
I also like to know, but if I didn’t set a strict limit on it I’d be testing every day lol. Feels easier for me to just wait until AF is due then I know there’s less chance of a false negative. Urgh why is TTC so hard?!

Totally get you.
I am actually so done with TTC now. I am on my 6th cycle and i am just so fed up of AF arriving every month :(
I know i shouldn't be moaning as it takes some ladies so much longer but it is getting me down massively xx

I know the feeling hun I'm cycle 8 and I'm done I just want a baby already

Yep, there’s a lot of us in here feeling the same way, as much as it is nice seeing people get their BFPs straight away, you do feel a bit annoyed that it’s not happening for you so easily x
Ahhh girls, sending you lots and lots of baby dust :dust: its such an emotional journey it really is!

I was chatting to a guy at work a few months ago who said him and his wife were ttc, but getting no where and even he said he thought it would be fun, but its now become hard work :roll: So he said they both went and got tested and both were fine, so that was that. When he was telling me they were trying i was sat there thinking 'i feel your frustration' as we were ttc at that time as well, but i didnt say anything and just said 'it will happen, it just takes people varying times'.....

So that was quite a few months ago now....

He was in the office last week, came rushing over 'shes pregnant' i was over the moon <3 he said we were weeks away from going to register for IVF. As ever, she stopped tracking and they relaxed and bam it happened <3 so it took them a year and a half and i think shes something like 6-7 weeks, so early stages, but it happened :love:

I know i dont need to tell you girls 'it sometimes takes a year' blah blah blah because you all know that, but it will definitely happen when the time is right and that little mini wants to come into your world <3

Char - I dont want to get your hopes up, but this could be your month <3
Aw that's a lovely story, about your work friend. My partner says if everyone got pregnant so easily there would be to many people and everyone would be pregnant all the time ha ha. I'm keeping busy, learning to drive already have a teenager and a 7 year old, not enjoying the teenage stage ha ha. Doesn't need me or want me any more. Just think we will all have that baby eventually and the wait will be so worth it and make it even more magical. Hugs to everyone xx
Yea it's so frustrating and such an emotional journey like the amount of times I've cried is unreal for me anyway I don't cry the only times I cry is when I'm super angry or when we have a loss in the family that's about it but I've secretly cried in the shower or on nights where my oh has been in work. It will happen though at some point just hope that some point is sooner rather then later is all.
I'm actually looking forward to testing this cycle because it's the first cycle in a at least 4 cycles that I actually have hope again I actually feel like this could be our month
For me, after a week or so I felt I wanted to try again but it was hard, defintely. And then as my ov was later than I thought we didn't bd on ov day so then I was paranoid that we'd missed it but part of me felt I'd feel better next cycle when I knew where I stood again date wise. Then 11dpo my temp went up considerably. I tested just to rule it out with a cheapo and I got a line. Couldn't bloody belive it. I think today is the only day I've not tested since then - total poas addict here now! Last time my temp shot up 12dpo so I tested frer and the line was there but quite feint. I tested again a couple of days later and it was more like a squinter.
It feels different this time and hopefully some decent knitting is going on (if the soreness of my boobs are anything to go by!)

I guess see how you feel, you may want to, you may not. Whenever you feel ready be it this month, the next or in 3 time - whatever you decide is right for you x

Wow radleycat this is like reading my story!! We mc last cycle.. i ovulated later than i thought so thought we would be out, and i just did a cheapy test for the sake of it and got a line. Iv used frer and clear blues since and all BFP.
We must be due around the same time x

I think we must be. Gp said 19/7/19. Spoke to reception today and they gave me my blue folder. Husband was with me, we both nearly shit ourselves. Lol
Sorry for those who Af has come. Emma, I'm super impressed how well you know your cycle, I am never as confident about it and when things will come.

Looking forward to hearing about testing over the weekend. We fly tomorrow morning. I sound so ungrateful, I just don't really want to go anywhere at the moment, just want a bit more time to pass for this bean to knit in good and proper. It's starting to feel real but more surreal really.
I also like to know, but if I didn’t set a strict limit on it I’d be testing every day lol. Feels easier for me to just wait until AF is due then I know there’s less chance of a false negative. Urgh why is TTC so hard?!

Totally get you.
I am actually so done with TTC now. I am on my 6th cycle and i am just so fed up of AF arriving every month :(
I know i shouldn't be moaning as it takes some ladies so much longer but it is getting me down massively xx

I know the feeling hun I'm cycle 8 and I'm done I just want a baby already

Hugs to both of you xx

I know, it’s really frustrating. It’s not helped when people around me are questioning why we haven’t had a baby yet (it’s been going on for years, but now we are actually trying it feels worse). In some ways it feels like it would be easier if I knew I couldn’t conceive, this waiting and not knowing if or when it’ll happen is frustrating.

I'm not sure I'd be polite. I'd probably tell them to f off, lol.
People should never ask the 'do you want' 'or do you plan to have a baby'. It's not their business and so many go through struggles, it makes my blood boil when people are naive ot considering people's feelings like that.
I also like to know, but if I didn’t set a strict limit on it I’d be testing every day lol. Feels easier for me to just wait until AF is due then I know there’s less chance of a false negative. Urgh why is TTC so hard?!

Totally get you.
I am actually so done with TTC now. I am on my 6th cycle and i am just so fed up of AF arriving every month :(
I know i shouldn't be moaning as it takes some ladies so much longer but it is getting me down massively xx

I know the feeling hun I'm cycle 8 and I'm done I just want a baby already

Hugs to both of you xx

I know, it’s really frustrating. It’s not helped when people around me are questioning why we haven’t had a baby yet (it’s been going on for years, but now we are actually trying it feels worse). In some ways it feels like it would be easier if I knew I couldn’t conceive, this waiting and not knowing if or when it’ll happen is frustrating.

I think this is the one plus of not us not being married people aren't expecting us to be ttc so we don't get people asking us but I wouldn't be so polite if people did lol
Sorry for those who Af has come. Emma, I'm super impressed how well you know your cycle, I am never as confident about it and when things will come.

Looking forward to hearing about testing over the weekend. We fly tomorrow morning. I sound so ungrateful, I just don't really want to go anywhere at the moment, just want a bit more time to pass for this bean to knit in good and proper. It's starting to feel real but more surreal really.

I have just worked out from when i ttc my daughter 7 years ago and the 4 full cycles I’ve had so far this time ttc, that I have never had AF past 13DPO. I’ve been on the pill since I was 15. 12DPO today, just waiting for AF now, then on to cycle 6!

I hope you have a lovely time, it’s always the times you don’t want to do something that you end up having a great time! X
So my BFP turned into a chemical last night. I’m pretty upset as seeing those two pink lines a week ago made me so happy. I kept testing and the frers were always fairly strong and positive however I did a clearblue and it said not pregnant. But then a couple hours later a frer was a strong positive. So I assumed that the clear blue was faulty and I still had pregnancy symptoms. Then last night I got my period. So it’s back to square one. I’m glad we did manage to get pregnant but it’s hard, I’m a realist though and it’s very common but doesn’t make it any easier. I’m not sure if I’ll try next month or have a break. I’m sure I’ll want to but will see. Good luck to everyone else testing for this month and next.

Aw so sorry hun *hugs* unfortunately I know what you’re going through. I’m here for you and if you ever need a chat please pm me xx

Thanks so much, thats really kind of you.
ChattyChar, your chart really shows a dip, I hope this is the one for you hun!xx

Xoxo, so sorry about the chemical. I had one too 1 cycle ago. I can't say it doesn't hurt but one person told me it's just a wrong set of cells multiplying and better to have to say goodbye earlier than later. It's little comforting but it's true. It has helped me in keeping away from testing too early. I will only test from missed af date now since I'd rather not know if there might have been a little bean growing in there or not. Sending you loads of hugs hun.:hug:xx

I'm going to do the same thing, only test if AF is two or more days late. Yes, in a weird way i'm glad it happened earlier, as i was obviously still getting over the initial shock of getting a positive pregnancy test and then a week later it happened. It definitely seems very common from things i've read and from lots of people on here saying that it's happened to them too.
Congratulations to everyone with a BFP, and sending lots of hugs to the ladies who are out this cycle.

xoxo, I am so sorry about the chemical. I had a very early miscarriage in April (somewhere between 5 and 6 weeks) and it was absolutely devastating. Much worse emotionally than I imagined a loss could be. I was immediately stuck between being terrified to try again and even more terrified to not be pregnant again. Like Radley, I took a cheapie on a whim (had no idea where I was in my cycle, but if I counted the first day of heavy m/c bleeding as CD1 I was CD 27 I think?) and got a faint BFP.

It was SO different being pregnant after a loss... We didn't tell anyone, and I really couldn't imagine it being a successful pregnancy... it felt like deja vu, like I was just reliving the last pregnancy all over again, and all I could see in my mind was bleeding and loss. But now I'm 29 weeks and everything looks great so far, and even though those early months were excruciating (I only really started to relax after the 20-week anatomy scan), I am so glad now that we didn't wait.

Good luck everyone <3

Thanks LollyPop and Kholl.

I feel the same way as you Kholl, I really want to start trying again asap but then i'm also terrified that if i do get pregnant that it'll end in another miscarriage. The TTC journey is so hard because i like to be in control of things and one thing that you can't have that much control over, is this journey!

I just want to be pregnant again, it's so hard when everyone around you either has young kids or is currently pregnant. I have three in my extended famiily who are pregnant and close friends who have young children. So it makes you notice that you aren't pregnant/don't have kids even more.

That's why this forum is great as everyone has similar stories and is going through similar experiences so it's nice to be able to open up.

Congrats on your pregnancy, won't be long now until you meet that baby! Thanks for sharing your story, it's nice to hear happy endings after a loss.
I&#8217;m officially out, AF has arrived now. Good luck to remaining November testers x

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