Not enjoying tri2

Nurse 26

Well-Known Member
Sep 11, 2010
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Hey girls, anyone else not enjoying tri2?

i feel like i should be over all the worry after tri1 but its still there, and if anything its worse, just cant shake it.

Going to go speak to my GP tomorrow as i STILL do not have a midwife here, 3 weeks after they made the referal.

I'm prob just being silly as i have no reason to think anything is wrong:wall2:

I think it's natural to worry, and probably will until I have my baby in my arms... Then it will just be a different worry haha. It has really helped since I can now feel our little one moving so much more. I hope it helps you when you start feeling your little one more regularly. Definitely talk to your gp if you are worried though. Hugs!
I feel the same nurse! I constantly worry that things are wrong! Thank god for my Doppler otherwise I think I would have gone insane with worry by now! I'm still feeling sick most evenings and my bump is still none existent so still feels like tri 1 for me! Lol xx
Oh and also, early tri 2 is difficult if all your tri 1 symptoms are gone and you may not be showing yet. I really didn't feel pregnant at all between 14 and 17 weeks.
Not feeling like you have the proper support in place is probably half the problem. Feeling like you are just being left to it with no mw must be really hard. Put your foot down about it, they shouldn't leave you like this.
I spend every day panicking about 1 thing or another and have to keep it to myself if I don't come on here. As said I don't think we will ever stop worrying xxxxxxxxxxx
I agree about the not stop worrying. I did calm down after the 20 week scan and heard HB with MW last week. It sort of keeps you going without going bananas. Also helps that LO had been booting my fairly hard as well. Then you worry when they don't kick :wall: I just keep thinking that as each week goes by the better chance my baby has of getting here safe and sound.
Sorry to hear you are worrying nurse, this stage is quite tough because there is little in the way of reassurance that everything is going smoothly. Do you have a Doppler? I thought you did but can't remember.

I worry about things but I'm taking reassurance from the button popping off my skirt today lol
Thanks ladies,

I will try get the midwife thing sorted out tomorrow, that may make me feel a little better

KM - have have started to feel a few flutters and pops over last couple of days which i am pretty sure is baby.

Wannabmummy - i'm very thankful for my doppler too, it does make me feel a bit better.

I guess its just that people assume nothing can go wrong in second tri but it really can, especially before 24 weeks, feel like i'm in a big long waiting game again to get to that milestone.
i guess i shouldnt have read the bit about tri2 losses in my book:wall2:

I'm not usually a worrier or anxious person but its really starting to get on top of me. Dont want to speak to hubby about it as dont want to worry him (hes more of a worrier than me)

Just feel like crying today, must be the hormones.

Sorry for the moaning ladies :roll:

I was told once that being a new mummy is the loneliest thing in the world....actually I think pregnancy is. So much runs around your head and when you try to put it into words it all sounds a bit daft or crazy. We all seem to forget the little smiles we get when we see a cute baby or toys or clothes and we seem to concentrate on what could go wrong.
If it wasn't for this place I think I would have gone mad by now xxxxxxxxxx
I agree Babybrain, thank goodness for this forum! Nurse that's great that you've been feeling your little one! The stronger the kicks get, the more comfortable you will feel :). And you're right, hormones do not help! I hope you get a midwife tomorrow!
Ah bless you Nurse! I do know what you mean... An I am constantly having scans which should make things better for me. but I can assure you I feel exactly the same!

Motherhood is blinkin hard isn't it!!! Xxx ;-( xxx
I was a bag of nerves with ds. Constantly worried about m/c & then premature labour. As it happened in the end he took a five day induction to come out so he was well & truly stuck there all along. It's part of becoming a mum. You'll worry whether your baby is that poppy seed or a 30 yr old strapping lad. It's because you care and because it's such an alien weird thing to go through. The majority of ladies will never get used to pregnancy because they only do it once or twice. Coupled with the mental hormones it makes for an anxious time. Xx
Thanks ladies! i know you are right, mrsctobe - thanks nice to know from someone who has been through that everyone has this worry, feel like im the only one, and your right if it wasnt for this place i would prob be crazy by now - not that i'm far off:roll:

Thanks ladies! i know you are right, mrsctobe - thanks nice to know from someone who has been through that everyone has this worry, feel like im the only one, and your right if it wasnt for this place i would prob be crazy by now - not that i'm far off:roll:

Don't feel like your the only one because I can guarantee the thought of something bad happening has crossed every single pregnant woman's mind at some point. It's also fear of the unknown. With losses previously too you haven't started with a blank canvas. Your previous experiance of pregnancy has been negative & upsetting. Build on that with the normal worry and it's explainable as to why your worrying a lot.

Every day, week, month your baby is inside means he's getting stronger. ATM your in limbo too, half way between the two scans. Once you get to 20 weeks you may chill a bit. Hugs Hun xxxx
thank god for my doppler is all i can say......simple...

i wont buy anything and still cant quite believe its all going to be okay. have my scan on friday so hopefully after that i will feel better xx
i fail to see much difference between tri 1 and 2 so far
tired check
pains check
sleepless nights check
worrying check
pukeing check

pretty much the same way i spent tri 1 except my belly is a bit rounder.....
:hugs: gonna sound mean but you never stop worrying! Like the others have said each milestone is something to celebrate tho and means we are one step closer to meeting our babys.

Ive worried all the way through so far with this pregnancy and really have no reason to ive been very lucky in the past and had 2 pregnancies and 2 healthy babies but we just cant stop our minds working overtime can we!

Like some others have said the worrying dont stop when they're born either! It just gets worse lol

Thinking of you hunni xxxx
Babe I worry now still lol! :hug: it's only natural with what u have been through x

I'm beginning to think that I would worry if I didn't worry! Then I worry for thinking that! Part & parcel I'm afraid x
Ohh Nurse :( :hug:

Im sorry you feel so bad.. I think hormones are deffo playing a huge part in your feelings as your usually so happy and cheerful :) :) :)

I can't believe you still don't have a midwife though, I would deffo get on to them about it x

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