Not enjoying tri2

:hugs: aw nurse! i didn't really start to relax until about 18 - 20 weeks. after my 20 week scan i started buying things, my skin cleared up, i felt happy and content. also you start getting more appointments and distracted by the practical things you have to do. i'm certain all will be ok with your lo this time round. tri 2 flew by for me and im sure it will for you too.

chin up lovely, u've got lots to look forward to xxxxx
Hope you feel happier soon. I know what you mean though. I have been a lot more relaxed since the 12 week scan, but I'm going through that wierd period at the moment of losing my nasty symptoms like sickness, but still have no bump. I was doing a PE lesson with the kids today and had a quick run around the hockey pitch and felt the best I had in ages - like I wasn't pregnant!! Which instantly made me worry!!! lol. I haven't got another appointment til nearly 17 weeks and that's with the midwife, so I hope she listens to the heart beat otherwise I'll go nuts if I have to wait for the 20 week scan!! Was tempted to get a doppler but know I am a bit of an obsessive so worry that I'll get in a complete state if I can't hear it one night, and be using it all the time. Roll on April I say!!!
Thanks for the messages ladies!

I talked to hubby when he came home from work and hes made me feel better too. i'm sure it wont last but looking forward to getting through the next few weeks and hopefully will start to feel more secure.

I started to relax and enjoy tri 2 once i got to 18/20 weeks. But even now i still worry. I thinks it's our maternal instinct and will never go away. :hugs: ur not alone in how you feel.xx
Glad you feel better, nothing worse than feeling down in the dumps! This cack weather doesnt help either! As the song goes.. Blame it on the weatherman :) x
Hi Hun glad you feeling better :) I know exactly how you feel, it's amazing how you miss symptoms once they've gone !! If I had a choice I'd have the Doppler attached to me lol x x
My excitement about the baby goes up and down a lot. I also worried about not having a designated midwife but it seems now that Ive got to the stage that I am at that they are paying a lot more attention to me and the bump and I feel a lot more looked after!

I have to admit I havent really enjoyed Tri 2 either as most of it I was plagued with extreme sickness along with heartburn and overall no glow lol. Im looking forward to seeing in the last stretch and getting through Tri 3!
Awwww I really feel for you Nurse. I was so glad to see you here in tri 2 when I got back on the forum. But I understand how you feel about the worrying. My 20 week scan has helped and feeling the little one pretty regularly also eases the stress but I do still worry all the time and keep trying not to get ahead of myself. OH and I are so worried about getting anything for the pregnancy I sometimes think we'll end up with the baby at home and no furniture, clothes, nappies etc! I think its pretty natural for all women to worry throughout pregnancy but it is made more real when you have suffered losses. I'm really thinking of you
:hug: Hope you're feeling better hun. I felt a lot better after mw appt at 16 weeks and then a huge amount better after 20 week scan. It's just constant milestones isn't it? Then I wanted to get to 24 weeks, atm it's tri 3. Lol. Never ending! All will be fine lovely :)

I wish my skin cleared up at 20 weeks though like Pos! Lol.

Hey Hun, sorry just caught up hope ur ok Hun! I think we all the same!! We are all here for u! :) :hugs: xx
I was told once that being a new mummy is the loneliest thing in the world....actually I think pregnancy is. So much runs around your head and when you try to put it into words it all sounds a bit daft or crazy. We all seem to forget the little smiles we get when we see a cute baby or toys or clothes and we seem to concentrate on what could go wrong.
If it wasn't for this place I think I would have gone mad by now xxxxxxxxxx

completely agree with this post!
it is very isolating and all i get is people telling me to just enjoy it, but it is hard when you are worrying about the baby being ok, whilst having hormones that are wrecking lots of your relationships, plus you are not liking who you are on hormones and you are slightly freaking out about whats gonna happen once baby is here (finances, being a good parent etc)).

Or maybe that is just me, i am an excessive worrier! but im trying to remember that i need to chill and enjoy it, or i will regret worrying the entire process.

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