My labour thread

Sorry ladies I just picked up the message from Lexi just now (she sent it at 9:15pm), as fed Devon on the bed at 9pm and we both fell asleep till now!!! (typical timing!)

Just to add extra info (thanks Setsde) - Lex couldn't update earlier as she had no signal,

She also said - It had all happened so quickly, she didn't have a water birth in the end, she did it all on gas and air , then had a weird tear so she had just got back from theatre at 9:15pm - she is sooo happy

Sounds like she did a fantastic job - huge congrats to her and her oh- I can't wait to see her X
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Hurray :yay: im so pleased for you lexi, makes all that waiting worth while doesn't it!
Beautiful name, can't wait to see pics :) x
ah...have sneaked onto FB too and it's brilliant news! What a star-just gas and air! x x x
Congrats Lexi beautiful name can't wait for pics xxx
Fab news Lexi! My niece is called Sophia Elise - its a great name! Congratulations, can't wait to see pics! Xxx
Aww, well done - cant wait to see some pics - congratulations!
huge congratulations :) beautiful name and well done on just gas and air :)
Congratulations Lexi - what a beautiful name! Can't wait to see some pictures!

Hope you're not too sore after your tear. :hugs:

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