My labour thread update!??? I keep checkin fb aswel x
I've only just seen this!!! Good luck lexi or hopefully it's congrats by now!! x x
Has anyone got JJs number or should we just assume there's no news yet?? I'm going mad with anticipation!
Aaargh!! Still no updates..... hope it;s all going well xx
Wonder what's happening? Hope it's all tickety boo for her :-) xxx
Well I've text her and there's been no reply yet so I'm assuming she's still busy!
I wish there was news to share, sorry girls. If she texts back ill update x
Can't believe I hadn't seen this! Good luck or could even be congrats Lexi :)!x
Well I've text her and there's been no reply yet so I'm assuming she's still busy!
I wish there was news to share, sorry girls. If she texts back ill update x

Thanks for letting us know :) that's a very good sign then
aaaagh i've been at work all day and only just seen this... howexciting - best of luck - so glad it's all happnin for you - can't wait to hear some news!!!!!
Ooooo hope babys here! Only just got in. I want her to be holding baby now :)
OMG shes had her hasnt she? people congrats on fbook.
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yay congrats...can't wait to see pics and her birth story x
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So it's happened?? If so then congratulations :D
Has she had her?? Did someone say Congrats on Facebook??
Yeah people we saying congrats bet shes lovely so i am assuming shes here :)
If she's here congratulations Hun xx
eeeeeeeeeeeeeeehhH! at last...congratulations!! can't wait to hear all about it!!! just added you on fb - looking forward to seeing your gorgeous girl x x x well done hun x x x

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