Just back from hospital and the midwife was an arse hole.
She did an internal and said "i dont think it was your waters just a burst of the hindwaters"
was then left on a monitor contracting away, and then sent home!! hmmm so much for pre eclampsia bollocks!
when we left she said "well we will see you for your induction on thursday then"
I cant be bothered to even think about it to be honest. Im so disheartened and fed up its unbelievable. I was sure that my waters went, as i soaked a whole pad and tissue! stupid people, they just treat you like your an idiot.
I dont know what to do with myself to be quite honest, im tired, im contracting, nothings happening, and my sweep obviously hasnt done much!
Just starting to feel like its never going to happen... the monitor showed i was contracting regularly which means im not just imagining it (and believe me its crossed my mind that im probably going mad)
I may just go into hiding. People are stupid as well, texting me every 5 minutes asking if anythings happened yet, do they not flaming think they would know about it if something did happen!? jesus someone shoot me.