I'm in early labour

Last Activity: Mar 3rd, 2011 05:10 AM

hopefully she was just up doing a feed and didnt get time to post xx hope all is ok xx
its the 5th today and it all started for her on 1st AM must have had her little one!
I'm guessing still nothing? Hope we hear something soon!

Stumpy if you read this thread please let us know all is well if you can :)
Really hope all is ok and she's just really busy! I'm getting a bit concerned now.
When I had A oibheann I was in hospital for almost a week with no internet access , try not to worry ladies maybe she's got her baby in her arms and is just recovering :hugs:
Thats true, hospitals should have free wifi - its the least they can do! xx
I know that would be amazing wouldn't it ? xx
free wifi yes please. My hospital has like a signal blocker! so most places u can hardly even get phone signal!!!

hope your ok stumpy x
See new thread - baby is here! Congratulations!

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