My challange


Well-Known Member
Jan 15, 2007
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Can playing Wii sport help lose weight :D :lol:

I am going to set myself a challange to lose some weight!! I've always struggled with my weight and have tried so many slimming classes etc, where I do well for the first 2 months or so then lose interest :roll:

My life is so different now I have Jake and Im off work. Luckily I'd only put on about 2 stone during my pregnancy (this is how much after he was born) but 1 of them stones dropped off in the first week! I now have 6lb to get to my pre preg weight and it seems to be coming off a lot easier that it did before I became pregnant. Maybe my metabolism has changed?? :think:

Anyway, I was overweight to begin with- about 4 stone overweight :evil: Now I am going to try and shift this too

I am aiming to lose 4 stone in 8 months (when I return to work)- thats 2 lb per week so it isnt unrealistic.

I am not going to do any contructive excercise, but I will be aiming to play Wii sports for at least half an hour each day. I will also walk as much as I can with Jake- I dont like being couped up inside everyday anyway so we will be out and about most days. As well as these Im sure trying to get a million things done at once can only help things lol. I will also be going swimming again once I've had the all clear from the doc at my 6 weeks check up.

I am also going to be calorie counting using this website its brilliant, it helps keep a food and excercise diary and had little charts to help track your progress. It works out all sorts of stuff too.

So I am going to continue to post here as a sort of weightloss diary. I dont want to tell my actual weight as I am so ashamed of it.
So today I have managed my 30 mins of wii sport- tennis. I also did my wii age which is 67 :rotfl: (its better than 74 which is what it was last week :oops: )

Ive not been snacking as much as I would normally as I dont want to have to log it on food focus. I have had a light lunch as I am going to the cinema later and am going to have half a bag of m&ms peanuts as I have avoided peanuts all the way through my pregnancy and havnt actually had any yet. If I fancy my dinner after that (spaghetti, 2 meatballs in sauce and steamfresh veg) I still have about 300 calories left over. I will prob let these go as they are only in my allowance due to the Wii time.
tangerinedream said:
I now have 6lb to get to my pre preg weight and it seems to be coming off a lot easier that it did before I became pregnant. Maybe my metabolism has changed?? :think:

If you were breastfeeding when you had that big weightloss, it makes it easier to lose weight. Plus you probably use more calories/get exercise by running around after him and being kept awake :)
katyk said:
tangerinedream said:
I now have 6lb to get to my pre preg weight and it seems to be coming off a lot easier that it did before I became pregnant. Maybe my metabolism has changed?? :think:

If you're breastfeeding it makes it easier to lose weight. Plus you probably use more calories/get exercise by running around after him and being kept awake :)

no im not breast feeding- i tried but it didnt work :(
A guy did this not long ago, the results were good :D ... t-results/

I try and play 30 mins on mine everyday, especially training in the boxing and baseball. That really works up a sweat. I've been going to slimming world since April, losing around 1-2lbs a week. When we got our wii I lost 7lbs in a fortnight!
Good luck :D
Way to go Tangerinedream...
I just read the link from Misslarue and it seems like this should work.
Ever thought about adding those strap on weights to your wrists and ankles for more of a workout?
Maybe that's something you can add later.
Good luck!
(Don't have a wii or I'd try it with you...we just bought a PS3)
i think this is the way to go, i am going to get a WII aswell =)
and do this, i want to loose my baby weight,

hope it all goes well for you.


and good luck.

its funa aswell so you dont have to think you are working out lol. you can think of having fun :)
BabyDreams said:
Ever thought about adding those strap on weights to your wrists and ankles for more of a workout?

Genius!! But yeah, I think I'll look into it later :D
I went to a party with minxy on Saturday, I played wii sports for a bit, mainly arms are still killing me! :oops:
Today I have mastitus again :( I feel like crap. It came on this afternoon. I did manage to get my 30 mins of Wii sport in. I played the boxing and tennis training. Im soooo crap at tennis and was determinded to get 10 balls in the box but Jake decided he wanted to wake up for a feed. I managed to get 1 ball in the box- im so crap :lol:

Also I didnt have a proper lunch as the bread was mouldy :( so I had half a pack of chicken super noodles and a muller fruit corner. For tea Im having chicken and bacon with beans and home made potato weges.

TTFN- im gonna wrap up warm and feel sorry for myself now :(

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