Jennifers Weight Loss Diary :)


Well-Known Member
Nov 10, 2009
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I'm going to use this to keep notes of what I have lost, what I plan to do next.. And everything else :lol:

At the moment..

Weight: 10 and a half stone
Height: 5"9
BMI: 21.74 (In healthy range but wanting to lower it slightly)

I am aiming to lose a stone and a half, I am starting by cutting out junk food and calorie counting.. 3 proper meals everyday and trying to avoid snacking, I am going to try to do my exercises at least once a day.. And after my 6 week check up, thinking of joining my local boxercise classes

Areas I am wanting to focus on are my tummy, sides and thighs, so any exercises to help these areas would be appreciated.. This is my first time doing anything like this so there will probably be a moan or 2 in here, so I apologise in advance :)
Best of luck hun although I'm sure you look gorgeous already :love: I'd love to be that tall, short ass I am :mad:
Thanks Tezzy :hug:

And Mamafy I hate being so tall, I would love to be a little smaller, I'm like the green giant when I wear heels :lol:
Some running will whip you into shape in no time :) good on you for getting stuck in - just start off steady :)
Good luck hun xx I am in the process of toning my tummy and waist :)
Well my big plans have went out the window.. I've been a bit off, I only ate a bowl of weetos yesterday and a pancake and a piece of toast today, feel rubbish and head feels like a bowling ball.. So on hold to next week.. Fresh start on Monday
Dont push yourself hun, you are already an ideal weight for your height, I am 5'7 and I am aiming to get to 10 stone. I bet you look fab as it is. I have been trying to eat healthy as well as I have been told this will help me gain the weight that I want and I have to admit the eating healthy part is way more difficult than the exercise part. xx
wow your so similar to me.
im 5ft8 and weigh about 10 stone when i eat what i want and am not pregnant lol. the lowest ive got to after a diet is 9 stone and thats bloody hard work.
good luck! xx
Okay so to say the least I completely abandoned this ship :lol: But I am well and truly back on it :) When I got my implant in on the 7th of May I was 11 stone, went on crazy eating binge for a week and then got focused! Unfortunately can't do any exercising yet because of the nerve damage in my back but it is easing slowly but surely each day :yay: I have been counting calories, and not eating when bored.. Have been very strict with myself and has started to pay off.. I was just over 11 stone 2 weeks ago, weighed myself today and I am 10 stone 7.. Fingers crossed the pounds keep coming off! Going to weigh myself weekly, and am really getting stuck in now :yay: Any ideas/exercises/gym sessions etc ideas welcome :) xxxx
So today for breakfast I had weetos and semi skimmed milk, and a cup of tea (big improvement.. Usually was something quick and microwavable!) Wee man is dozing so going to get ready, get him ready when he wake's.. Take a walk to Asda, get some bits in (Reading ALL labels :lol:) And then going to buy some clothes that I can go to the gym, run in etc.. Back is feeling lots better, hoping it stays that way and the sciatica doesn't creep back in.. If it stays like this maybe gonna give my ministry of sound exercise dvd a go at the wee mans next doze :yay: Roll on next weeks weigh in :lol:
You've got so much more will power than me! Hope your back stays good, remember not too push yourself too hard tho cos you could make it temporarily worse :hug:
Alice I usually have zero.. But OH is so toned and muscly I feel like a big blob of mashed potato next to him :lol: Aiming to have a half decent beach body for 9th July :) Our holiday! And running after 2 LO's counts as exercise too Alice :) You are doing a lot more than u realise :hug:

Thanks Vix x
Yesterday for breakfast, again weetos with semi skimmed milk.. Pasta for lunch, weetos for snack.. Pasta again for dinner with potato wedges! An hour walk with Odhrán, and used the leftover calories for a glass of smirnoff ice and a few crisps and dips while watching desperate housewives:blush: but not a tiny bit of guilt because I was still within my daily limit of calories :) And today has started again, bowl of weetos and now just getting ready to take Odhrán a walk to the shopping centre to start getting some bits in for Fathers Day :) Also going to the leisure centre today to get my boost card sorted :yay:
:yay: you're doing so well! How many calories a day are you having? I'm trying to stick to 1200 but it's so hard!!
I'm doing 2000 Alice, I have too much of an appetite to do anything less :lol: I am just easing myself in and not following anything strictly.. Started by simply counting calories and weighing myself weekly.. Gonna get a health grill too.. I think that's a good step forward too (grilling instead of frying).. All the little things add up rather than killing ourselves with exercises and grass diets :lol: When I started counting calories I was gobsmacked at what some foods had
I was really shocked at a can of relentless! It was something like 400 calories :shock: god knows how many I'm eating right now!

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