My BLW journal

Which one is it??

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Baby-led weaning by Gill Rapely and Tracey Murkoff it's brilliant! Explains everything so clearly!!!!
I went on gill rapley's website earlier! It's made me feel alot more confident!!
It's fantastic! I'm turning hard core advocate! Lmao x
Thursday 7th April
Breakfast was fruit this morning-apple softened and some pear. I'm still iffy about bread. He's dumped the contents of his cup on him twice already :D gotta admit it's funny though! Lol! Poor thing!
I had to go into town to get my BLW books and whilst there he was knawing on his bib so I popped into boots and bought a packet of melon slices. It really is so easy whilst out and about! He absolutely loved the melon! Some bits clearly got eaten :)
Lunch was skipped again due to a bottle feed and napping but they don't need all the meals as they still get everything from milk :) I started the books whilst Seb napped and I have to say I am fascinated! I'm armed and ready for questions. The more I read the more I see the common sense in BLW!
Snack was rice cake with dairylea and pear slices. The rice cakes are being demolished! As was the pear. I know he won't eat everything and I also know he doesn't need to! The first few months are just exploration and play :)
Dinner today was a disaster! The fish cakes I'd so lovingly made and frozen didn't defrost in time :( so I had a strop and sulked :( oooops x I made Seb and DD some grilled orange pepper with some tortilla wraps. They loved it. Then it was bedtime for Seb and DD and OH went and got us hot dogs :) so we had hot dogs whilst Seb slept!

I have written up a menu for us from the BLW cookbook and am off shopping on Friday (which happens to be today as I didn't update yesterday :)) to stock up! I'm absolutely loving this :) and if you're ff-don't think your baby is less likely to try new things-it's nature for babies to copy and if you're eating, they give it a go too!
Quick question, do you steam the pear slices? I've brought some pears and apples to try but don't know whether to soften them. I've also pinched an idea of your's and got some dairylea triangles to try later!
He gobbled his toast earlier and is starting to refuse puree's! Don't blame him though, pureed veg is gross!!
I feel abit of a cheat! I've read info on blw but I'm getting more from you!! x x
I've got that same book its such a fab read! Tegan is really enjoying exploring food.
one question helen do you give Seb a plate? xx
Nope no plate, the food goes straight onto the table :) he gets a bowl if he has cereal though :) x

LM that's brill! I like that :)
Friday 8th April
Breakfast was rice cake with some softened apple. I'm off to the shops today to buy lots of yummy stuff :)
Snack was missed due to a bottle feed and a tantrum. It continued all the way around tesco.
Lunch was also missed because he fell asleep! Lol!
Snack was banana muffin. It wasn't even given a try just chucked on the floor! Lmao! I hate ripe banana though so frankly can't blame him :D
Dinner today was smoked mackerel pasta with broccoli, runner beans, basil and garlic. He LOVED it! Everything got a try and the fun he had playing with the pasta! He seemed to enjoy the runner beans most and then the broccoli. He had pieces of pear for dessert and has figured out that if he holds it in both hands with the skin away from him he can scrape the flesh out with his gums :)
Helen, can I ask I gave Isla a rice cake today and I freaked out a bit as it went soft and I was worried she would choke. How does Seb cope with it??

Seb copes really well with them. She might gag but that's actually a good thing as it means that she's unlikely to choke. Babies gag to prevent them choking and the gag reflex is actually a lot further forward on a baby than on an adult. So where our gag reflex is near the back of the Tongue on a baby it's triggered much further forward. This means the food is actually not very close to the airway when a baby gags, thus making choking very unlikely. It actually seems to be a learning tool in food safety for babies. They appear to learn, once theyve triggered the gag reflex a few times, not to do it! It is scary for us when our baby gags as we automatically associate gagging with choking but they're actually teaching themselves how to handle food! In fact Seb doesn't gag at all any more!

Ps be prepared for a bit of sick to appear if she gags hard. This happened once with Seb and we just cleaned up and he was quite happy to carry on with the food! :)

Hope this helps x
Tegan also manages rice cakes really well, gagged the first time But hasn't done since,
tonight i gave Tegan some carrots and broccoli, she couldn't keep hold of the carrots But loved the broccoli!
thanks for writing this Hun as its you that's given me the confidence to do it! Tegan had no puree for tea x
Yay! That's fantastic Hun x aw thank you :) that means a lot to me x it's all about trusting your baby! Though it's so hard to resist the peer pressure to give purees it's absolutely worth it :) glad she's enjoying it!!!! Hope you are too x
Thanks Helen and Zoe. :) I should be a bit less panicky with her but I'm so scared that she will choke and I'll lose her :( I need to do some reading up on blw. She does tend to spit out lumps if I've not mashed her food up so maybe she'll be ok?
I'd recommend the book! It's brilliant! And really gives you confidence! You could also look at doing a peadiatric first aid course? X
I'd recommend the book! It's brilliant! And really gives you confidence! You could also look at doing a peadiatric first aid course? X

I did one years ago but in the heat of the moment I don't think I'd be cool enough to do anything. I'll do some reading up and maybe combine blw and tw. Your journal is fab reading xxx
Thanks hon x I honestly will never do spoon-feeding again after Reading the book :)
Saturday 9th April
Seb had banana and pear for breakfast and both had pieces eaten. I showed OH how Seb eats a pear with the skin on and he was amazed!
Snack saw us sat sharing watermelon and plum. I gave Seb a slice and he soon figured out which bit was edible and which wasn't! He absolutely loved the melon and the interaction of us all sharing :)
We went swimming and then out for lunch today and Seb was so tired after swimming he had a bottle and crashed out. When he woke up we offered him some broccoli, carrot and cod and he had a good play with them.
Snack was rice cake with hummus and he absolutely loved it! He licked the hummus off the rice cake and then ate the rice cake! Lol!
Dinner was going to be goulash but honestly none of us are hungry and Seb had a late nap so it's postponed until tomorrow.

I overheard a parent whingeing about having to make purees today and wanted to tell them about this way of doing things but I'm pretty sure I'd have been yelled at so I didn't :(
Sunday 10th April
Breakfast was fruit salad-banana, orange, pear and plum! The orange was loved, pear and plum devoured and the banana was squished :) all brilliant fun :)
Snack was missed for a bottle and a nap
Lunch was pitta bread with humous (we had ham on ours too) and cheese and lentil wedges (from my BLW cookbook) and he loved it all! It was squished, squashed, squidged, licked, sucked and gummed :D some even got eaten!
Snack was watermelon slices in the garden and he ate a whole slice! I left the skin on and he figured out which bit to eat really quick! It has got to be his favourite so far! Lol! He enjoyed sitting outside together and sharing too!
Dinner today is beef goulash but we've not eaten yet so I'll update that later :)

Edit: The beef goulash was a major hit! It was absolutely amazing watching Seb actually chewing the beef and he ate 4 strips of it! The parsnip and green pepper were also major hits! Brilliant :D

One thing i'm actually surprised at is that the food hasn't bothered his eczema! I'd been warned numerous times this might happen but so far so good!

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