Thursday 7th April
Breakfast was fruit this morning-apple softened and some pear. I'm still iffy about bread. He's dumped the contents of his cup on him twice already
gotta admit it's funny though! Lol! Poor thing!
I had to go into town to get my BLW books and whilst there he was knawing on his bib so I popped into boots and bought a packet of melon slices. It really is so easy whilst out and about! He absolutely loved the melon! Some bits clearly got eaten
Lunch was skipped again due to a bottle feed and napping but they don't need all the meals as they still get everything from milk
I started the books whilst Seb napped and I have to say I am fascinated! I'm armed and ready for questions. The more I read the more I see the common sense in BLW!
Snack was rice cake with dairylea and pear slices. The rice cakes are being demolished! As was the pear. I know he won't eat everything and I also know he doesn't need to! The first few months are just exploration and play
Dinner today was a disaster! The fish cakes I'd so lovingly made and frozen didn't defrost in time
so I had a strop and sulked
oooops x I made Seb and DD some grilled orange pepper with some tortilla wraps. They loved it. Then it was bedtime for Seb and DD and OH went and got us hot dogs
so we had hot dogs whilst Seb slept!
I have written up a menu for us from the BLW cookbook and am off shopping on Friday (which happens to be today as I didn't update yesterday
) to stock up! I'm absolutely loving this
and if you're ff-don't think your baby is less likely to try new things-it's nature for babies to copy and if you're eating, they give it a go too!