Kynons BLW journey!

We had a chillie last night for the first time, very mild though and Kynon seemed to enjoy the flavour he didn't seen too fussed on the rice yet.
Tonight Kynon was very frustrated at dinner again, he's fine at lunch time so i think he's tired might have to eat earlier. For dinner we had parsnip and leek for the first time i think he liked the parsnip until he got grumpy. He also had a fish finger, potato and carrot. He seems happy once he's out of his chair and was drinking water from my glass!
He's still Bf just as much as normal and no better at sleeping, i think he might be worse if that's possible! Im sure he's had a few sore tummys.

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I think Colby gets sore tummys too as he only goes once every 2 or 3 days now and he's been waking in the night having a feed and arching his back, then when he has a poo the next day he sleeps a bit better that night (no back arching)

I gave him so apple juice with water which helped him to get things going. I suppose its difficult for their wee bodies getting used to new solid foods.
I was thinking of giving Kynon a little apple or orange juice with water too, he still goes most days but not all whereas before i got loads of dirty nappys!

We've decide Friday night is curry night is Kynon loves it! He was really happy eating a veg curry tonight and seemed to eat quite a bit.

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Had a couple of days off real food due to a nasty bug so was a bit worried how Kynon would be but he went back to it even better like he missed food!
Yesterday we had pizza which wasn't suitable so I made a pizza from a slice of bread tomato puree, cheese, and tomato and he loved it!
Boring dinner tonight, just various veg and a yogurt. I've noticed he seems to be eating more now.

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We had a melt down tonight! K has developed a temper recently and omg tea time tonight was hell took me ages to calm him and I had to remove him from the table! I stupidly thought he might be able to pick up rissoto as he's getting quite good but no he couldn't get it into his mouth and wouldn't take a spoon either so just cried and screamed! Then nothing else was right after that even pineapple which is one of his favourites!
It must be so frustrating for them when they can't pick it up properly. C picks things up with his finger and thumb but sometimes doesn't have enough free to get in his mouth so his who hand ends up in his mouth iykwim.

I suppose it's all learning for them and soon Kynon will be able to pick it up and put it in his mouth without getting cross.

It's funny how they all have their favourites, C's is banana, he loves it. I've stopped cutting it into long strips, it's so much easier for him to pick it up now as it's not slippy.
It it funny to watch them, their hand skills are getting so good as well, guess Ill try the rice again next week sometime.

I made banana drop scones today which he liked. Had a roast for tea was a bit worried about the beef after the gagging last time but he was fine today and just sucked it.

The dog makes me laugh she knows now that Kynon eating means food so hovers a lot and tonight she was sneakily trying to get a bit of dropped food on the high chair foot rest but couldn't get it as Kynon kept kicking her!
Lasagna tonight made with chunky vegetables he seemed to like it anyway!


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A few pics from our camping trip this weekend. So easy outside and he liked his new camping chair too! Was easy with food, just gave him what we had really, fruit, bbq, eggs and toast, and some veggies


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As always Tassie is never far away waiting for Kynon to drop bits, funny as she had just buried her own food outside the camper!
Jacket potato with cheese and coleslaw went down well tonight, he ate all the potato and chewed the skin with lots of mmm noises! He also had a piece of malt loaf while out shopping to stop him moaning and loved it, must find a recipe for it!
Porridge sticks for Kynons first proper breakfast today, i thought they were bland but he ate them!
Went out for something to eat with friends yesterday and Kynon thought the best time to do a very loud poo with lots of straining was during the meal! He does this quite often thought it would happen a some point!
I love his little camping chair!!!

What do porridge sticks look like when cooked?

Thanks, its cute isn't it! The porridge sticks just look like thick porridge really! Ill post a pic tom if I remember!
Outdoor eating on this lovely sunny day, so much easier with the mess! He had salad and a cracker followed by a yogurt.


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You got something on your face Kynon!


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Aww we have that bib!! Some great pics of kynon. Looks like he's really enjoying his food.
Tesco bibs! Shame they don't wash clean though, better than on his clothes though!

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