misdiagnosis, long waits, an ectopic but here we are!


Well-Known Member
Nov 24, 2009
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Trying for 9 months, misdiagnosed miscarriage which turned out to be a ruptered ectopic that almost killed me sept 2010 from internal bleeding and caused me to loose my left fallopian tube...


We're now 5 weeks pregnant! A bit of pain and bleeding and lots of sickness but waiting for the scan to hopefully show the babys in the right place if not that'll be my right tube gone and no kids for us :-(
Awww congratulations to you both hun!Fingers crossed little bean is nestled safely in the right place and is growing nicely xxx
Good luck...hope this is it for you both xx
Wo what a journey!! Glad it's all going in the right direction now!! Congrats and best of luck xx
Congratulations Hun!

Wishing you a super healthy and happy 9 months.

good luck i hope everything good for u this time. i too had a misdiagnosed miscarraige which was a ruptured ectopic in march, i then went on to get another bfp in june but unfortunately i miscarried at 5 weeks. havent tried again since but may do in the future, i hope all ok with u, wishing u all the luck in the world x
Congralations hun. Hope you have a happy and healthy pregnancy.xxxxx
Congratulations! I remember you saying there were problems in September...what a turbulent time for you! I wish you all the :dust: in the world for a lovely sticky bean! I'm also 5 weeks so hope to chat more in Tri1

Congrats hon - here's tp a happy and healthy nine months x x x
Hi - congratulations honey - what a journey you're having.... When will you get your scan? FX all is OK this time. No point in me telling you to relax and enjoy, just enjoy your pregnancy and hope this is the sticky bean and sticks in the right place (sorry if that sounds bad - you know what I mean):hugs:
No I'm so sorry to hear this - I hope you're as OK as you can be. Awful news - thinking of you xxxxx
I'm soo sorry Hun ,thinking of you X
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