Miscarrying - scared


Well-Known Member
Apr 30, 2012
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After cramping and a bleed I went to epu today who confirmed baby died at 8 weeks (3 weeks ago). Passing tissue etc at mo but after reading the literature they gave me I am terrified I might actually see the sac and baby. Please tell me this isn't always the case, don't think I could cope if I saw my baby :.(
Sending a big hug, very sorry for your loss, I can't give you any advice as when I lost mine I had d & c (missed miscarrage) so I was asleep, my friend had the same as what you are going through and hers came away as a very heavy period, I hope at least for you it does appear as a period and you don't have to see your wee one, sending lots of virtual hugs for you hunnie xxx
When I lost mine honey it was around the same time. I saw the sack but it just looked like lots of cells no baby. Rest of the time it was just clots and bleeding. So sorry for ur loss honey and I hope this little bit of info helps xxxx
Hi! Sorry for your loss. And I'm really sorry for the TMI I'm about to give you.

With both my miscarriages it was the same as giving birth. Both babies had died at 8 weeks. the first I past naturally that week the second I carried until almost 1 weeks before I started to bleed and knew I was Miscarrying again. They started with some light bleeding then strong cramps and then I passed the baby. The first one I just flushed. I felt so guilty about that for so long. The second I fished out of the toilet. There was a baby in the sack I kept I could she his eyes, arms and legs. He looked exactly like the pictures on my ticker on my phone. It actually felt good to hold him (I just had a feeling it was boy). About 10mins after I had passed the baby the contractions started again and I passed the placenta and most of the lining. Then I bled for about 3 more days.

We've now go two apple trees in our garden and one of them has our little bean under it. I feel better having not flushed the second. I actually held him for about 2 hours after I passed the placenta and said my goodbyes.

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Oh sweetie,

You poor, poor thing! So sorry for you loss.

My honest opinion is not to look. My latest loss was at just over 8 weeks and I never saw anything I could identify as a "baby" but it still scared me to see what I did pass.

Make sure you rest and even though you don't feel like it you must eat to keep your strength up.

If you lose a lot of blood it may be worth getting some over the counter iron suppliments? Make sure you take them with a glass of OJ though as vitamin C helps your body absorb iron.

Aw Hun :hugs:

If its going to haunt you perhaps it's best not to look.

I had a medically managed mc and passes a big blob of tissue which I'm sure would have been the baby.

I didn't look and I don't regret it tbh, I know it would have haunted me.

So sorry you're going through this xx I agree, if you can't cope then try not to look. I lost mine at just over 6 weeks and it was quite painful cramps and like a heavy period xx
so sorry for your loss hunni i lost a baby at 13 weeks and it was not nice to see i agree with these ladies try not to look hunni sending big hugs so sorry again hun xxx
So sorry for ou hon. I just lost one. I was 10 weeks but think it stopped growing about 5 weeks.

I passed the sac yesterday. Wasn't very nice but I'm glad I can move on.

Thinking of you sweetie xx
Thanks for the replies ladies. Cramping getting bad, passing clots. Going to ring epu in morn n try to arrange a d&c, can't go through this naturally, every time I go to the toilet my heart breaks a little more. I wanted this baby more than anything in the world I am devastated. Sorry for your losses too, such a horrible thing we have all had to go through, wouldn't wish it upon anyone x
Realy sorry u are going through this :-( hope it is over quikly for you or that epu will arrange a erpc for you take care xxx
so sorry sweety! :hugs:

i hope you get through this ok x
Sorry for your loss :( our stories are very similar. I also got told that baby died at roughly 8 weeks 2 or 3 days but I only found out at my 12 week scan, 4 weeks later! I chose the medical route as it was so quick, easy and painless so I have no idea about a natural miscarriage but didn't want to read and run :( Thinking of you x x
So sorry you are going through this, I am also going through the same thing just now so can appreciate how you feel.

For me I did not have bad bleeding, just some spotting and light period like cramping, I felt that I was bleeding a little heavier so went to the toilet and when I sat down everything kinda just fell out into the toilet. There was a lot of blood, but when I looked I could see a large sac like thing in the toilet - nothing I could identify as a baby or embryo thankfully but I still knew what it was. It was pretty scary and unexpected especially being a first pregnancy and first miscarriage. I did not dare fish it out the toilet bowl, I was too shakey. I cleaned myself up and had to go have a sugary tea and a sit down.
It is personal choice but if you pass it and can get away without looking too much at it then I would try not to. But everyone is different.

I hope this is over quickly for you, just rest as much as you can and look after yourself hun xx

So sorry honey, it's truly awful to lose something you want so much :hugs:
Had a d&c today so never had to see the baby fortunately. The silly surgeon left scan pic of baby on my bed though! Never got to see it when it was taken as baby had died they never showed me so to see it today without warning killed me. Let a lot of my grief out today.
glad u didnt have to see anything and dnc isnt to bad for me it was far better than trying to force a mc thats wat i tried to do with my first mc ended up with a erpc anyways and like u but not as bad they had the scan showing in my notes, i already had the scan from 7 weeks with a hb but to see it there n then just b4 my erpc killed me i sobbed my heart out wen i come round afterwards, it does get easier just take it a day at a time and cry wen u need to take care xx
hi hun. just want to say how sorry i am to hear your news. I am going through similar today. Am 8 weeks p/g today. experienced cramps and bleeding this morning. Went to EPAU and although they saw a fetus, it was measuring as 6 weeks and no heartbeat so I am assuming i am now in early stages of m/c .....sending hugs xxx

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