

Well-Known Member
Sep 21, 2010
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I am so very scared of what will happen in next few days....I go to hospital today to take first tablet of my medical management...then go back on Thursday to be induced.

Has anyone had medical management at 14 weeks or close to it....I am so very scared after doctor told me all that can go wrong...I left feeling I could die.

They are hoping I won't bleed out as they say I am not healthy enough to be put to sleep with my weight and my asthma being bad...

I know it will hurt I expect pain...but the thought of giving birth to my dead baby is such a traumatic thought I am not sure if I can cope mentally with it. I been bi-polar most of my life and when something bad happens I tend to dwell on it and suffer terrible guilt....

Boyfriend does not think I should look at baby (if they allow it) but I am not sure what to do...part of me thinks my baby deserves to be held by it's mummy at least once...will they even let me see baby?

will the imagine be a comfort of a confused don't know what to do...what to expect, so many questions running through my head

I'm really sorry you have to go through this hun.

I had the medical management about 10 weeks into my last pregnancy, I can't remember but I think the baby had made it to 6-7 weeks so it won't be exactly the same for you but I will share my experience so you can be a little bit prepared if nothing else.

I was rather worried about it because the doctors had me signing consent forms and mentioned the complications of uterine rupture and bleeding etc but I realise they have to do this but please be assured that this is very very rare.

I had the first tablets on the Monday evening and they sent me home with some cardboard potty things to catch anything that passed. Nothing happened so I went back on the Wednesday to have 4 more tablets (orally) at 8am. I was told to expect cramping and I should start bleeding and catch anything that passed so they can examine it to see if it had all passed including sac etc.

I got some painful, but not unbearable cramps at about 10.30 and passed it all during the next hour. There was quite a lot of blood. Painkillers will be offered to you do take them if you need them.

Your baby will be bigger obviously, about 8cm so not huge but the process will probably take longer and could be more painful as there is more to pass.

I had a hot water bottle with me to help with the cramps so I didn't need any painkillers. Have plenty of thick pads for the bleeding and maybe a towel and spare pants just in case. Hopefully you won't have to stay in long after it is finished and they will keep a close eye on your bleeding etc.

I hope it all goes as smoothly as possible so you can start healing physically and mentally from this. Be kind to yourself and have as much support as possible from your friends and family.

Big hugs xxxx
hey sweety :hugs: i mc naturally at 14 weeks and all i will say is dont look hun, its not how you would picture your bubs in your mind and its traumatic eniugh anyway, i passed my baby with gas and air and yes i was in a massive amount of pain so make sure you are well looked after hun. I got waves of the worst cramps ever it all lasted about an hour or so then i felt as i passed the most of it then the pain dyed down.

i dont wanna scare you sweety just want you to hear my story and again i am so so sorry for you to find out at such a late stage :hugs: make sure you have someone with you to suport you hun
Honey love, no experience of this, the two little beans I lost were very early, but I just wanted to say I will be thinking of you soo much over the next couple of days.xx
I had a medical management at 8 weeks, so wasn't as far on as you so I can't comment if it will be the same. I took my tablets orally in the hospital and then they sent me home to rest. About 2-3 hours after, I started spotting and then I bled heavily the rest of the day and through the night. I went through quite a lot of pads and thought i may have to go to a&e so if you aren't staying in hospital I'd recommend you stock up on the strong absorbant 1s. Make sure you have your oh and close family on hand hun cos you are already going through such a horrible devastating time and this will be even more traumatic for you I'm sure. I'm sorry for going into details which I'm sure you don't need to hear but before my medical management I wasn't told what exactly would happen in terms of tissue and blood loss and to say it was a shock to the system was an understatement. I'm sending you and your family love and my best wishes. We are all here for you if you need a chat or have anymore questions x x x x
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I've no personal experience of this because my mc was at 5wks and the other was chemical.

I just wanted to send u hugs and I really hope this goes as smoothly as possible for u. Don't be afraid to vent, whether here or to ur OH. U need to get those feelings out xx

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Oh sweets i'm not surprised you're scared. I had an erpc when I had a mmc so i've not had to go through this. I just wanted to offer you my support and let you know you're in my thoughts. xxxx

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