I Miscarried at 5 1/2 weeks


Well-Known Member
Jun 7, 2005
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I started spotting on Thursday last week and saw my GP as I'd had a throbbing pain on the left of my stomach and she put it down to my bowels....anyway started spotting more that evening and rang NHS direct for advice and they told me to cal back if i got worse and to see my GP in the morning.
I had an appointment for 12.30 on the Friday but started to bleed red blood by that morning and got sent home from work as I was so upset about it all. Went to the GP with DH and she rang the EPU who booked me in for Monday 11am for a scan to check what was going on. Friday afternoon I passed the sac and alot of tissue and just knew I had miscarried.
Went to the EPU yesterday and they were fantastic with us! I had a complete miscarriage and an internal scan found my uterus was empty of any tissue and apparently my body had been good to me as everything, even the lining, was back to normal and my ovaries seem normal too so no obvious reason for it to have happened....just one of those things!!!!
We are being very positive over the fact that yes we have lost our first baby but at least we know we can conceive even after only 1 try and we can and certainly will try again after my next period........Fingers Crossed!!!!!!!!!
Abit up and down emotionally but my husband has been fantastic and we have talked and I have included him in everything!!!!! Certainly helps.
I'm sorry to hear about your loss hun. I'm glad you are staying positive though, keep ttc and goodluck xx
Sending loads of love and hugs your way.

Keeping everything crossed for you for your next attempt.

If you need to get anything off your chest, however little, don't hesitate to bend our ears.

Best of luck when trying again.
Sending you lots of love too.
So sorry to hear your news.
It's good to talk...(or type). Really sorry about your loss - very frustrating isn't it!!!! We are BD all the time now to try and catch again. You sound very positive about the whole thing, which I know is difficult, but it is the best way to be - there is nothing you can do to turn back the clock, just keep looking forward ot your next BFP XXXXXXXX

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