Meets up north?????

That should be good for me too :D
Ooh I've just found out I've got my first scan on 14th September so hopefully I'll have photos. :cheer:
16th september rings a bell for some reason. Sure something is happeneing then but it cant be important otherwise Id have remembered! so as far as I know the 16th september is good for me too! Hopefully much easier than birmingham and my friend said I can use her tom tom :D
So is Sat 16th for definate then? I need to know for Friday so i can get train tickets and staying arrangements sorted out.
Ooooooooooo i hope its that Saturday then we can get it all sorted Kaz!!!!
Since we've had nobody with a problem with that date (so it somebody will now come forward and say they can't make it lol), I'd say we're definitely sorted for that day.
As for time....erm.....midday? How's that? I suggest midday only because that's the time the Birmingham one was lol.

ETA: nobody died and left me in charge lol, so if anybody wants to suggest please feel free ;)
Would any body mind if it was a little later or earlier than that as Jack tends to want his food dead on 12!!! If not its fine i'll give him it earlier if needs be, i just don't wanna be turning up with a red faced screaming child then trying to find somewhere to feed him

Oh i'm rambling, whatever is fine with me
1 o clock would be wonderful if thats ok with everyone else
1 is good with me! Just got to work out which bus I need now...

Xena - thanks for taking charge, somebody needed to and you seem to be quite good at it!
lol it wasn't intentional, I guess I'm just bossy haha!

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